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  1. my beautiful girls

    8 week old that is not gaining weight

    I have a black australorp that has only gained 32 grams this week and she is very thin. she is active and eats and drinks. prior to this she has been gaining 100 grams a week. Her sister weighs almost 200 grams more than her. She does seem to be more skittish than the others, some of her neck...
  2. my beautiful girls

    Is this dry fowl pox?

    Thought her comb was dirty a couple days ago, now this scabs. We do have mosquitoes this year. Does trying to get to a vet helpful?
  3. my beautiful girls

    Corid did not work, now on endocox?

    I have chicks almost six weeks old. My question is how long until their poops are back to normal while on endocox. Package says 3 days treatment. Will they still have orange strings in their poop after the treatment is done? Thank you for your knowledge on this subject in advance.
  4. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week black australorp with unusual poops

    Lily has been having initial poops like this in the mornings. They were all treated with corid 2 weeks ago. She acts normal and gaining weight. Is this intestinal shedding? Other poops during day are good. Any advice? Other chicks have some shedding but not with the white mucus poop.
  5. my beautiful girls

    4.5 week old chick

    My black australorp chick has been having her initial morning poop like this for a week. Is this something to be concerned with? Thank you in advance.
  6. my beautiful girls

    2 week old chick heavy breathing, sneezing, puffed up

    My buff orphington 3 days ago started heavy breathing, beak closed, no discharge from nose or eyes. Pops are good. Eating, drinking, gaining weight. Yesterday, she started sneezing. This morning, sounds a little wet now. She stands with her wings a little away from her body and look a...
  7. my beautiful girls

    Does she look like a rooster?

    So my babies are 9 days old. they are black australorps. Lily, the one in the first picture is 79 grams and her sisters are 55 grams. Lily also does not have any tail feathers starting and the other 3 girls do have tail feathers. Does Lily look like she may be a rooster? from the research I have...
  8. my beautiful girls

    would anyone know what color she will be as an adult?

    she is a 2 day old easter egger. just curious on the color as an adult
  9. my beautiful girls

    Starte/grower kalmback feed and verified non gmo flocker maker

    I accidentally bought starter/grower for my new chicks. I meant to buy flock maker. Almost same ingredients and quanities. My question is: do I need to transition them to the flock maker or can I just swap it out? Thank you for your knowledge.
  10. my beautiful girls

    very sick hen, sudden onset

    I have a question about my 2 year old easter egger Eleanor. 2 days ago she was just fine, laying eggs, eating, drinking. last night I was doing a crop check and hers felt very squishy while everyone one was firm. this moring it was the same and she was not herself. I massaged her crop right away...
  11. my beautiful girls

    Any one know what this is?

    Ophelia, who is in her first molt has flung this yellow, jello like substance out of her mouth the other day. She is acting normal, no runny nose, sneezing or coughing. She was trying to look like she was trying to swallow water for a few minutes after this came out. I haven't seen anything...
  12. my beautiful girls

    post crop surgery foods

    I am getting mixed advice on what to feed Eleanor post crop surgery. the vet said no yogurt or crumbles made into mash for 2 weeks. she suggested cat food, baby food, applesauce. Most of the information I have found said yogurt and crumbles made into a mash are feed during recovery. Eleanor...
  13. my beautiful girls

    molting hen with sour crop

    my Eleanor is in middle of her first molt. she has a squishy crop and smelly. I started her on monistat 2ml twice a day with 2 tsp coconut oil massage twice a day. she is eating and drinking. before this poop, it was loose green and watery. her crop is still distended. I did get it a lot smaller...
  14. my beautiful girls

    What is this in soft shelled egg?

    Is this membrane or worm or .....can anyone tell me? Second soft shell egg she has laid in 2 days. Thank you in advance.
  15. my beautiful girls

    Can anyone tell me what is in this egg?

    Ophelia is 1.5 years old. Has not molted yet and is laying 6 eggs a week. Yesterday and today she laid soft shelled egg in middle of the night off of the roost. She acts normal and is head hen. Her previous eggs had little bumps on them. I dont think it's a calcium problem. Is she ready to...
  16. my beautiful girls

    my hen is in middle of molt and laid an egg today? Is this normal? it is her first molt

    my hen is in middle of molt and laid an egg today? Is this normal? it is her first molt
  17. my beautiful girls

    doughy crop in 17 month old easter egger

    My girl, Eleanor is on an antibiotic and antiinflammatory for 10 days now. 4 more days to go. She was laying mishappened and then a large paper thin shelled egg that was white. Eleanor lays green eggs. She was in a lot of pain laying these last 2 eggs. I was ready to put her on a hormone...
  18. my beautiful girls

    Northern fowl mite. Please help!

    I have been battling NFM for 2 months now. I have deep cleaned coop 4 times. White washed the inside. My girls are still suffering from these pests. They have red and bare patches on their breast/vent area and some hens on their necks. Shaking their heads often. I have sprayed them with...
  19. my beautiful girls

    Can someone identify and suggest treatment for this pest?

    Does anyone know what type of pest this is? I have treated my hens with ivermectic, the just had their second dose. I have sprayed with permethrin. cleaned coop twice and sprayed with permethrin, then did whitewash inside the coop. the parasites are still here. especially on my buff orphington...
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