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  1. CharmingChickens

    How do I treat thiamine deficiency?

    I suspect my pullet has Thiamine deficiency and I have no idea on how to treat her, please help me!
  2. CharmingChickens

    My pullet has no balance

    My Ancona pullet, Probably about 4 months old has no balance. I noticed it about an hour ago, she was sitting down not walking at all, so I brought her out to check if she had any injuries, none. She can walk but she always falls over, she doesn’t act sick at all. She is singing, pecking and...
  3. CharmingChickens

    My duck is sick

    I was at a camp for 5 days and when I came home, I noticed my duck Popcorn was acting strange, and I’m worried she doesn’t have much time left. She is very off balance, her wings are droopy, she is constantly shutting her eyes and when she isn’t her eyes look droopy, She refuses to eat but she...
  4. CharmingChickens

    The craziest/scariest thing happened.

    I have two parakeets, Greenbean and Milky I put them in their travel cage outside, half in the sun and half in the shade so they can choose. My mother came out of nowhere and told me we were going to drop something I made off. So I wanted to come. I forgot to move my parakeets completely in the...
  5. CharmingChickens

    Is it fine to have one duckling with the mother?

    This morning we had two adorable ducklings hatch. They hatched in an old dog cage. This morning i found 1 hatched and 1 halfway zipped. At about 12:00 pm I checked again and the second one hatched. It was still wet so I wanted to wait for it to dry, then transfer them to a plastic tub or another...
  6. CharmingChickens

    I can’t believe this happened! 😥

    I have this broody runner duck that has probably been on her nest for 20-24 days maybe. And I made a huge mistake. This is what she’s nesting in Anyways I’ve been leaving the door cracked. She originally had 8 eggs but now only has 5. I think because the chickens are getting in and messing with...
  7. CharmingChickens

    What day are these duck eggs at?

    I have a broody runner duck who has been sitting on her nest for at least two weeks, I haven’t been keeping track of the days I found her on the nest. I was wondering if anybody knows what day these duck eggs are on, and how close hatch day could be these might not be the best pictures, I just...
  8. CharmingChickens

    Has anybody had a runner duck successfully hatch eggs?

    I have a 1 year old runner duck who’s gone broody. I am literally so surprised since she is a yearling and the breed. She has 8 eggs which look to be around day 8-10 after candling. Harper, the runner duck, seems to go off the nest every time I bring fresh water on the coop. (Around 2-4 times a...
  9. CharmingChickens

    New chicks constantly sneezing!

    Got 5 chicks from valley hatchery 1 week ago, brought them outside today for a little bit and I noticed they kept sneezing. They are very lively and are happily jumping around! But the sneezing is odd. They live in a bin with pine shavings. I've had chickens for 5 years and never once had an...
  10. CharmingChickens

    Could use some advice!

    Okay, so I have this broody named Teddy who has probably been sitting on her nest for over a month. And this morning I noticed one of her eggs was cracked, I couldn't tell if it was a pip or not but I didn't think it was because it was only around day 25-27. Let me add that this is a hen sitting...
  11. CharmingChickens

    Egg bound chicken!

    Last night I came outside to put my flock to bed. I noticed my 4 year old golden comet hen was standing in one of their makeshift “nests” she was also kinda falling asleep. I didn’t think too much of it. This morning I came out and she was in the same exact spot looking very Ill. I ran inside...
  12. CharmingChickens

    Fox issues

    Any advice on how to deter a fox? I lost 2 birds to a fox recently, 1 chicken and 1 duck. The fox has been coming daily. I originally free ranged the birds since their run hasn’t been built yet, but I know if I free range them I will lose more. I have a pretty large coop with lots of...
  13. CharmingChickens

    Snickers is so big!

    Wow. I can’t believe I’ve had her for 5 weeks and she’s already so big! When I first got snickers Her now!
  14. CharmingChickens

    I don’t know what to do

    I have a situation. I have a 5 week old gosling that I’ve had since it was 2 weeks old. Since goslings can’t be alone, we tried to get it a gosling friend but the person we were going to get it from gave it to somebody else. My dad was against us getting another gosling so it didn’t happen. I...
  15. CharmingChickens


    Please help! I’ve never had silkies before and can’t till if this 2 week of silkie chick is looking like a rooster or hen. I’m leaning towards rooster but have no idea! Can anybody tell by these pics?
  16. CharmingChickens

    2 birds mysteriously disappeared

    Two days ago my favorite chicken kippie went missing. I went to do my regular afternoon chicken chores when I counted the chickens and I realized one was missing. I wasn’t worried since kippie had often not come in for the night. But I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find her. Currently I free...
  17. CharmingChickens

    Wow don’t they grow fast

    My gosling is now 3 weeks olds old and she’s close to the size of my full grown ducks!
  18. CharmingChickens

    Guess how old she is!

    (I already know her age) See if you can guess how old my goose is (aka snickers)
  19. CharmingChickens

    My Gosling is panting. Should I be concerned?

    I was sitting with my two and a half week old buff gosling, and I noticed she was panting. She is the first gosling I've ever raised. I don't know if i should be concerned or not. Please share your advice!:fl
  20. CharmingChickens

    Which picture is better?

    Which do you prefer? 1: 2: 3:
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