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  1. NorthFLChickenChick

    Hampbar Chickens...who else has them?🐥

    I got a pair of these little darlings with my chocolate Orpington chicks last month from a local breeder. I had never heard of them before, but they were so pretty and the breeder said they would blend well with my flock (Americanas, Orpingtons, RIR, Australorp, Brahma). They really are...
  2. NorthFLChickenChick

    Chocolate Orpingtons 12 you see a Roo?🐓😬

    Hi all! We adopted these babies a few weeks ago and they are just as sweet as can be! We aren't opposed to having a roo, and there is one that is starting to stand out a bit, am wondering if anyone else can see it? Red band=Missy Green band=Lucky Purple band=Raven Yellow band=Queenie
  3. NorthFLChickenChick

    My Flock Is Falling Apart😢 Is it Marek’s? Gleet? I’m Devastated😞

    Hi all…I am going to throw a lot at you, so please bear with me and thanks in advance for your patience…I’m a people nurse and this is my second time raising chickens…but the first time was in a different state/climate with a few breeds and they were a breeze…now I’m in the south with all kinds...
  4. NorthFLChickenChick

    First Egg Layed in the Garage During a Hurricane 🌀🐔🥚 #ThanksIdalia

    Our hens are 22 weeks old, and although they’ve been squatting and checking out the nesting boxes, not one egg had been laid. I figured it was this God awful heat wave over the SouthEast US…until….We temporarily sheltered them in our garage as we were put under a hurricane warning w potential...
  5. NorthFLChickenChick

    Is there such a thing as a “pre-broody” chicken???

    My Black Australorp is 16 weeks old, has not laid an egg yet, and when I let the girls out to free range and the others are foraging or taking dirt baths, lately this is what she has been doing. Also, very vocal and nervous around the coop, reminding me a bit of when my Golden Comets first...
  6. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    Hi all: This just happened this afternoon with my 15 week old Easter Egger hen Hazel. When I let the flock out for their daily afternoon free ranging I noticed her breathing and wheezing(?) like this. We live in Northern Florida and we have a severe heat index (around 111) but this has been...
  7. NorthFLChickenChick

    Will my Gold Laced Wyandotte always be like this?🫠

    This is my first experience owning a Gold Laced Wyandotte and she is by far the most aloof and lacking in personality of any chicken that I’ve ever owned (Despite being stunningly beautiful 😍). I’ve raised her by hand from a day old chick along with her 12 other flock mates, consisting of...
  8. NorthFLChickenChick

    Silkie or Orpington Roo ?? 8 weeks

    So these are the last three chicks that have Roo potential out of our new flock…the eleven weekers we have determined are all pullets…these three are 8 weekers and the only two who we think MAY have Roo potential due to the comb are the Lavender Orp and the Buff Silky. We actually WANT a...
  9. NorthFLChickenChick

    Easter Eggers, do I have a Roo or just some dominant chick-a-dees???🐥🐓

    Hi all…I started a brand new flock a little over 4 weeks ago. With my previous flock up north, we didn’t know what we were doing and we just grabbed eight of the cutest chicks in the bin at TSC. We ended up with all pulleys, a silkie, a bantam, four golden comets and two cuckoo marans. Once...
  10. NorthFLChickenChick

    Starting A New Flock in Florida🐥🌴

    Hello All. My family started with this chicken business like many people did at the onset of Covid with the “panic pullets”🐣. Fortunately we had the location and opportunity with remote work/school situations to dedicate our time to raising a flock of eight chicks as well as building a safe coop...
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