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  1. First time Chick mom

    SLW and BO egg laying

    I have 2 slw and 2 bo that are 29 weeks old and none of them are laying yet. Not a big deal, I have 2 EE that are 34 weeks that have been laying since 20 weeks pretty steady. What I am wondering is; since we are getting pretty cold here and daylight is only about 10 hours (give or take) could...
  2. First time Chick mom

    Feed advice

    My routine, in the morning, I use feed pellets (balk of the diet), 2 cups), broccoli leaves/kale leaves from my garden, (about 10%) black oil sunflower seeds, soldier fly larva, scratch (just enough to keep them interested, maybe a half of a cup if that). Also, oregano, rosemary, thyme...
  3. First time Chick mom

    Advice needed about introducing new flock

    I have two pullets, EE, 16 weeks. I have 2 SLW and 2 BO that are 11 weeks. They have been in a cage in the run and in the coop separated for about 4 weeks. I couldn't let them out, because I had three cockerels (one of them bit the 11 week old when she stuck her head out to get scratch and...
  4. First time Chick mom

    Breed question - Bielefelder Cockerel

    I bought Arrow as a Starlight EE. He is 15 weeks. I am wandering if he is mixed with the Bielefelder breed? My reasons are he looks like the Bielefelder breed. He grow very large quickly (guessing 8 lbs). He is pretty calm; he still likes being pet. He matured really quick, makes sure all...
  5. First time Chick mom

    Introducing new chicks to flock

    I bought 5 straight run Starlight EE in April that are 12 weeks old (first flock), 3 turned out to be cockerels and 2 pullets. I understood you need more than 2 pullets to make them happy socially, so I purchased 2 BO and 2 SLW pullets chicks, that are now 6 weeks old (second flock). I am...
  6. First time Chick mom

    Need advise on switching to grow feed

    We have 5- 12 week (Starlight EE) old and 4- 6 week old (BO SLW) chicks. Three of the 12 week old are cockerels (which we are rehoming in a couple of weeks, thankfully we found them a new home). I was told I need to switch them from chick food to grow feed. The protein is too high and cause...
  7. First time Chick mom

    I need help, 7 week old gender SGE

    I got these sweethearts a little over 6 weeks ago and they were about 5 days old from TSC, Starlight Green Eggers, straight run. First up Arrow, 99% sure is cockerel, but seems really broody, sits and likes being pet. He grew very quickly and feathers and comb, wattles at about 4 weeks...
  8. First time Chick mom

    Starlight EE crossbreed?

    I went to TSC and they had Starlights, I got 5 little chipmunks. Two dark and two cinnamon colored, one light. I was only going for 4, but the 5th kept trying to jump in the box, so.. I've been of course trying to figure them out, gender and possible breeds. So far I think I got my biggest...
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