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  1. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    I Feel Like This is A Stupid Question, BUT... Firepits

    I am considering building a firepit. There are tons of cool DIY videos and they are all pretty much the same. It's not rocket science. But no one is addressing the question that I have. Once you pay for and lay down all that nice sand, or pea gravel, or lava rock, you are going to build...
  2. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Sexing by Wing Feathers Experience

    I had great success (or beginner's luck) in sexing the cockerels by their developing wing feathers. I may not have the names of the feathers right, but I landed on a blog somewhere that said if you stretch out the wings, the pullets have double sets next to their bodies and the cockerels have...
  3. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Smaller Surprise Chick from Murray McMurray

    Either she is a banty or a runt. I checked the site and do not see a banty breed that looks like she does. She is about 5 weeks old. All of these birds are super flighty, so forgive me. It was the best shot of a dozen that I took.
  4. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    I Am Alone in the House, But I Hear Noises

    That can only mean one thing. The other day, I opened my back door and, too late to stop it, a great big lizard ran into my house and into my bathroom. I tried to herd it out the door, but instead, it disappeared under my washer and dryer. There is no way I can move my large appliances around...
  5. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    I Could Use Some Help With Door Designs in the Run

    I'm framing in a human door with 2x4. I also need a chicken door. I have 3 strap hinges for the human door, a handle, a latch. I even have eye screws and cable to use if necessary. For the chicken door I have 2 regular hinges for the top and a latch for the bottom. I could use some ideas on the...
  6. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Thinking of Vines to Offer Food and Shade to the Chickens

    I remember sitting underneath an old grapevine that was growing just outside the chicken yard when I was a child. We'd go into the yard, sit under the shade and play with the chickens who loved to peck at the leaves and tiny, unripe grapes that snuck through the wire. We would eat the little...
  7. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Solved Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

    Well, actually... I was looking for a place that would tell me where all those cool badges come from that I see under member names. :D
  8. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    An Equilateral Triangle Chicken Run. How-To Help?

    I've decided to try a triangle-shaped run, but my brain is not calculating. I am trying to build an adequate run on a budget. This will be my surest way to ensure I do not fear during our wind storms. I have so many rocks that I don't think I can secure it to the ground. It's going to be...
  9. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Chicks Moving Up

    These chicks are about 3 weeks old. They've been outside since day one on my porch with a homemade brooder plate. Two nights ago, I noticed they had moved from sleeping under the plate to sleeping on the plate. So I built a perch for them and they love it.
  10. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Share your history of feeder/waterer setups pros and cons?

    I'm looking into trying some new ways to feed and water the chickens when I build the coop. Since I'm making plans now, it would be a good time for me to decide which way I want to go. I'm seeing some really cool and innovative ideas in blogs and vlogs but, very often, each one talks about the...
  11. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Is anyone raising rabbits and chickens?

    I haven't yet built my chicken house and I know I want to raise rabbits soon. I'm wondering if anyone has found clever ways to integrate the two beasties together that are helpful for them and efficient for us.
  12. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    My DIY Brooder Plate

    I thought I would share my solution for a brooder plate. I've always used red heat bulbs, but liked the idea of a brooder plate and its benefits However, I wasn't about to spend that kind of money. So for about 20 bucks and some wire. I built this to hang from the wire top of the brooder. 1...
  13. LifeSimpleAndSweet

    Hello from NE Tennessee

    Just introducing myself as required. I've had many chickens for most of my life. Farm raised girl. Starting again. Not that my life is more conducive to it, but because of coming food supply issues. So I'm at it again. Currently have 14 new chicks in the fancy-shmancy brooder I bought so I...
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