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  1. lafinestra66

    What am I? (BR mixed with--?)

    Hello! What are some guesses of the mix of this gal? I know that's a difficult task, but wanted to see what the BYC community thought 😀 She was supposed to be a Barred Rock, but looks like a mix of some kind. I've posted some photos from various growth points; all pics are of the same gal.
  2. lafinestra66

    What am I? (BR mixed with--?)

    Hello! What are some guesses of the mix of this gal? I know that's a difficult task, but wanted to see what the BYC community thought 😀 She was supposed to be a Barred Rock, but looks like a mix of some kind. I've posted some photos from various growth points; all pics are of the same gal.
  3. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    Hey, everyone! I have five pullets. They are about 19-20 weeks old. My oldest pullet is pretty large and looks to be some sort of Barred Rock / Leghorn mix. She is the only pullet who has started laying. I noticed last week that one of my Brahma pullets was missing feathers on her back. I...
  4. lafinestra66

    4-5 week old chicks leaning to one side/laying down?

    I took my chicks outside for a brief field trip today. My LO chick kept leaning to the side and then laying down on her side with her wing kind of open. Then, she would jump back up, peck some more and lay back down again. My SS joined her at one point in the same pose. It scared me so I brought...
  5. lafinestra66

    Black Sex Link Cockerel photos?

    Hi y'all! I am trying to figure out the breed of one of my chicks. Do you have any photos of of a Black Sex Link Cockerel at four weeks and older? Please post them! Thank you :love
  6. lafinestra66

    Barred Rock ~5 weeks old - male or female?

    Hi, everyone! Chicken newbie, here. Is Henrietta/Henry (?) a male or female? I purchased her from a local feed store sexed as a female Barred Plymouth Rock, hatchery stock. I believe she is around 4/5 weeks old. She is the only Barred Rock in my chicken crew, so I don't have a sibling to compare...
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