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  1. B

    Chicken sleeps with head sideways and has wierd eye

    I recently rescued four chickens and noticed one of them had something over their eye, it looked kind of like skin but it doesn’t effect her as she eats drinks lays and acts normally, but after I noticed that I noticed that when I put her bed her head was sideways but is normal any other time, I...
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    How should I give my flock oyster shells

    I have got oyster shells and grit for my flock of chickens and ducks, but how do they eat it best? Should sprinkle it in food, out it in a separate bowl, and put it in the ground with cob and scratching grain
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    Coughing and sneezing hen

    I have a hen who has been coughing and sneezing, and sometimes her eyes will get crusty. She is too old to lay, but she does eat and drink normally and is not lethargic. How can I treat her? Her vent seems to be bulging out a little
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    Should I give chicken with illness a bigger cage

    I have a chicken with what i think is a respitory desease. I don’t know much about vaccinations but she is vaccinated so I’m pretty sure she’s still contagious right now she’s on a closed of dog kennel, should I move her to a more open cage or will that be a danger to the other animals in the...
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    Pekín duck with bubbles in eyes

    My Pekín duck who had niacin deficiency has gotten bubbles in the corner but f her eyes, I can’t show a picture right now but will get one in the morning if she still has them. What could be causing this and what can I do. I separated her from her other two cage mates because I don’t know if...
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    Bloated chicken bloated are feels hard

    I have a decently old chicken who seems to be a bit bloated but the are seems hard instead a liquid filled like water belly usually is so I don’t think it’s that, is this normal in old chickens or not. What can I do. She eats and drinks normally. And I’ll do a better check on her comb in the...
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    EMERGENCY hen recovered from bumble foot is extremely bloated and wierd comb

    My hen has just recovered from bumble foot, but she is extremely bloated, and her comb is white specked and has a blue hue. She is so bloated that she’s almost rock hard, and when she is handled she starts gasping. She also lays down a lot when unbothered. I’ve seen her eating and drinking. Is...
  8. B

    Duck with bumble foot has no more scab, is he healed

    My duck with bumble foot has finally healed over the scab, but his food pad is still big, should I put him back in the yard or keep his foot wrapped a bit longer? I can give any details needed
  9. B

    Duck with bumble foot has no more scab, is he healed

    My duck with bumble foot has finally healed over the scab, but his food pad is still big, should I put him back in the yard or keep his foot wrapped a bit longer? I can give any details needed
  10. B

    My chicken layer shelless egg but it was wierd with a trail of empty sack

    I found a shell less egg in my chicken coop tonight, but instead of just being in shell less egg, it had like a trail of the sack thing that’s usually right under the shell. I have an idea of who laid it but I don’t know for sure, so I was wondering how serious it is if there’s anything I can do...
  11. B

    Is this favus

    I saw that one of my chickens has white on her comb, is it favus or is it just dry
  12. B

    Duck has limp what can I do

    This duck has had a limp for about a month I have a video of him walking is there anything I can do other than Epsom salt soaks and does anyone know what this is because it’s not bumble foot I’ve checked him every time I’ve done a soak
  13. B

    How do I attach video

    I need to post a thread with a video in it, so I can figure out why my duck is limping, so can anyone help me figure out how to attach it to the thread, I have an apple phone phone and the video was taken with my phones camera
  14. B

    Does chicken with bumble foot have a comb problem

    My chicken who I’m treating for bumble foot is healing well, but I’ve noticed that her comb is getting rough and seems bluish at the top before getting white. Is this normal, and if not how bad is it and how can I help her
  15. B

    Sneezing chicken

    my Rhode Island red chicken is sneezing and had bubbles in her eye and it was crusted up. It is the middle of winter so the first thing I did was putting her in a warmer place stay than in the chicken coop and giving her vet r x because that is what I have at the moment, some of her medical...
  16. B

    Stray chicken does it have favus?

    A day ago I rescued a stray chicken that was hanging out in a neighborhood near me, the people who called me said they’d been seeing her for at least two days, so I’m wondering if the white stuff on her comb is favus or just it being dry from being in the weather with little shelter for at least...
  17. B

    Is chicken who payed this egg injured

    I found this egg, is the chicken who payed this I’ll, does anyone know what it could be caused by or how ergently I need to find out who laid it
  18. B

    Please HELP sucks with bumble foot how do I treat it

    Two of my ducks have what I think is bumble foot, how can o treat it if it is bumble foot, they are pooping and drinking and they were eating earlier today but haven’t been since they were seperating. All pictures are separate feet. If anyone needs more details about the ducks I can get them. (...
  19. B

    Ducks with bumble foot. Help

    Two of my Pekín ducks have what I think is bumble foot on both feet, does anyone know how I can treat it. The pictures are of four different feet. I don’t know what details to add, but if anyone needs more I can get them
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