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  • Users: NicholeT
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  1. NicholeT

    Sweet PZD granules

    I purchased a nice 40lb bag of Sweet PDZ horse stall refresher granules a couple months ago that I had been mixing with sand for my poo boards and for the life of me I cannot find it anywhere online to get it delivered to me. (If anyone has a lead on it, please let me know). I have 13 hens and...
  2. NicholeT

    Wild turkeys infesting my flock

    Our area is really overridden by wild turkeys who are riddled with parasites and ticks. Our flock is free rage and so their paths cross often. I recently found mites in our coop which I highly suspect is from the turkeys. I can address the mite issue but how can I prevent the turkeys from...
  3. NicholeT

    Waterer suggestions- Leaking water nipples

    Bought the Rent a Coop water nipples that worked GREAT for a while. Then they started to leak. Discovered the holes we drilled in the 5 gallon bucket actually cracked - even though we used the recommended bit size. Get a new bucket, drill new holes, silicone the holes, add a rubber washer on the...
  4. NicholeT

    Little bugs in a section of the Poo board

    I was cleaning out the poo boards this morning and I found one section where there were little bugs on one side where there seemed to be more moisture built up likely from urine. The poo boards have a mixture of Sand and PDZ. I don't think they were mites- they were black, larger and crawled...
  5. NicholeT

    Hardware cloth issues

    So we are in the process of building the run and the 1/2 inch hardware cloth does not flatten out at all even with staples. When we roll it out its all wavy and it causing massive issues trying to fasten it tightly to the wood. Is our product defective? This stuff is bad enough to work with but...
  6. NicholeT

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    For those of you who feed and water with 5 gallon buckets, Do you use anything on top to prevent them from pooping on the lids? I hate having to try to open the lids to access clean food and water with poo all over them. I've tried a few things (cardboard taped on- they ate the tape) another...
  7. NicholeT

    Run roof for leafy, snowy, predetor filled skies

    We are getting close to building the 10x14 run and although I did my research on here we are still really torn on what to use to cover the run. A few things to note, sometimes we get a lot of snow, we have decent drainage although the run area is currently a mud pit, we chipped a bunch of dead...
  8. NicholeT

    Chicks pecking the back of another- Help :-(

    I have 18 chicks in a brooder- I just added 8 to my 10 that I hatched from the local feed store. Two of them have bald spots on their back and they seem to be getting ganged up on and pecked by the others. Is there anything I can put on the two that have bald spots to prevent the other chicks...
  9. NicholeT

    Black Star/Sex Link as Meat Chickens

    I incubated and ended up with 5 cockerels. If I can't rehome at least 3 (we plan to try to keep 2 with 13 pullets) we plan to cull them. Should I separate 3 cockerels and feed them differently in anticipation or should I just leave them with the flock on the same feed. I have seen different...
  10. NicholeT

    Assisted a hatch

    She pipped last night, by this morning she had zipped but was really struggling and could barely get completely through the outer film. I didn't see a beak and humidity was at 75% so I used a q-tip and some coconut oil on the zip and let her be. She was still struggling as I noticed she was...
  11. NicholeT

    Nuances of my hatching experience- male vs female

    Almost day 22 and I have had 10 successfully hatch out of 22 black sex link eggs in the Nurture right 360. Of the 12 left there are no pips but I had real issues candling because the eggs were brown so its very likely several were just not viable but I'll leave them be for another day or so to...
  12. NicholeT

    Supplementing pullets from feed store

    So I am incubating and hatching fertilized Black Sex Link eggs from the local feed mill. I am noticing a large percentage of those hatching are cockerels. The feed store also sell day old baby chicks- Black sex links well as Gold and Maran sex links. Any concerns with adding pullets the same...
  13. NicholeT

    Very active first hatch- should I move him out?

    Day 21 and woke up to a cockerel almost completely hatched with several other pips. He is out now and very active moving other eggs and pecking to seemingly get out. Is he disrupting the other eggs too much or is it fine to just let it ride.
  14. NicholeT

    Preliminary coop and run design- Thoughts?

    The coop area will be 8x12 with an 8x4 storage area with access panels to collect eggs as well as PVC Tubing to feed and water from the storage area. We plan to have around 20 chickens so I am not sure how much roosting area is needed. This plan is for 16 linear feet of roosting space and a...
  15. NicholeT

    Chicken Run human door

    Securing the run underground to prevent digging predators (a fox got into my BIL's run and killed a few of his girls) is already in the plans but how are your people doors not a weak point for critters and predators alike?
  16. NicholeT

    Candling brown eggs after 7 days

    I tried candling my eggs after the first 7 days tonight and I feel a little lost (and frustrated). I incubated 22 eggs because, well they all fit, and I was concerned about viability and hatch rate with the Nurture right 360. I started candling the eggs and it totally feels like a juggling...
  17. NicholeT

    Anyone have a drain in their coop?

    DH and I are debating on the coop design if we should add a drain in the floor of the coop that would have a drain plug that we could open for deep cleaning. We plan to use vinyl sheeting on the floor and a shower type sheet good on the walls. We plan to wrap the roost bars and anything else...
  18. NicholeT

    Coop Windows to purchase

    Hey all! Totally digging this forum and site. We are infants when it comes to chicks, chickens, coops and flocks. I wish I had more time in the day to just read this site LOL- I'm already super distracted soaking up everything I can. DH is building our coop and in 'touring' a friends coop he...
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