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  1. P

    Rooster vs geese

    I think this is where this goes? Sorry if it’s not. I think my geese are pulling out my roosters butt and wing feathers. Not his tail but under it is bald. It looks ridiculous. Any ideas on how to help him out? I can’t separate them unfortunately. They leave him alone unless he gets too close...
  2. P

    Mystery injury?

    I don’t even know what to take a picture of to show yall so I’ll try to explain it. We went out into the yard to feed everyone and noticed Merlin, one of our Easter eggers, was just sitting off to the side of the feeding area. I didn’t think too much over it until I came back into the area and...
  3. P

    Heater for a coop ideas

    Our coop is a shed that was converted into a dog run. We converted it into a coop with a chicken run. Pretty convenient tbh. We insulated it before it got too cold and it’s been pretty good all winter.. until now. Sadly.. we had a casualty today. My husband went outside to check on everyone and...
  4. P

    Back at it again with more questions

    Just brought one of our geese inside. She got in a fight with the pug and there was blood on her feathers.. had to check for mortal wounds. She just had a little scrape. But as we’re checking her over.. we pull apart her wings and see this awful bald spot! It’s on her saddle part. Just above her...
  5. P

    Thank you

    I’m not sure where to post this.. but after today’s chicken emergency I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for all you chicken people here. You guys always answer everything so fast and you’re all so helpful and nonjudgmental. Thank you. I could cry about it tbh.. it’s nice to be able to be...
  6. P

    Chicken choking?

    My lady who lost her neck feathers appears to be choking. Well.. I don’t think chickens can choke, but she has a big lump in her throat and I can hear her rasping for breath. I think she ate too fast maybe? I grabbed a chicken of the same variety to feel their anatomy.. she definitely has a...
  7. P

    We have a serial killer

    I can’t imagine there’s anything to be done about it, but I thought I’d share some silly (terrifying) chicken behavior (modus operandi).. We have a serial killer amongst us here at the hobby farm. It started with finding a little bird dead on the back porch.. not eaten. Just dead. I thought it...
  8. P

    Geese behavior?

    I have two female (supposedly.. they were straight run and the bird lady did her best to pick ones she thought were females) Emden geese. We got them as babies from the local feed store.. they aren’t quite a year yet. Raised them indoors which was absolutely awful but I really wanted them to be...
  9. P

    Hey guys.. me again. Have a limping lady

    Hello! Firstly, I’ll tell you guys that my lady who lost the back of her neck is doing wonderfully. We put her outside on days it’s not freezing and she’s all but totally healed. The whole ordeal also made her our nicest chicken so she hangs out with us and invites herself inside 🤣 are ISA...
  10. P

    Chicken lost the back of her neck?

    Hello! So, a little background.. we went outside today to try and catch the rooster. We were going to put Vaseline on his huge wattles. And we notice one of our ISA Browns is holding her head kinda funny and her neck looks wet. I pick her up to investigate (and she let me which was the first red...
  11. P

    Wing drooping, head sagging chick

    Edit: Thank you everyone who tried to help. Sadly, we got home from the long drive to civilization and she’d already passed away. We disinfected everything and decided to go ahead and preventatively treat the whole flock for cocci. We’re also supplying probiotics for everyone. And we got...
  12. P

    Bald spot on my smallest girl?

    These are my first chicks, we got 6 chicks from the local feed store about a week ago. 3 Rhode Island reds and 3 jersey giants. (My husband wanted the biggest ones. He’s 6’8.. he says the jersey giants and him “understand each other” 🤣) Anyway, the smallest JG has two strange bald spots on her...
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