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  1. PrettyCoolChicks

    help! pip'd egg opened by predator or?

    So eggs have been disappearing from under mama broodie... I started with 7, 3 appeared (laid by others) but also I had 4 of the good eggs remaining yesterday, and I am down to 3 today. No trace of anything so I was assuming snake was taking one per week. I heard peeping this morning and checked...
  2. PrettyCoolChicks

    duck foot issues, what are these?

    I thought my duck might have bumblefoot after doing a routine check and started soaking/disinfecting treatment but now i am not sure that is what it is. see photo! Marked as 1 and 4 just looks like a mole, no crust and it feels smooth/same as the rest of the foot skin. Is that bumblefoot...
  3. PrettyCoolChicks

    How to choose which rooster to keep?

    Hi folks, I read a lot of articles about roosters and similar questions on the forums but there was a lot of observe them and you’ll know. So I’ve been observing a lot, but I still don’t know… :) is it better to cull from top or bottom of the pecking order? Does it even matter? I have 4...
  4. PrettyCoolChicks

    Duckling died - help explaining why? (context + home necropsy/photos)

    The youngest of my 3 muscovy ducklings (Loulou) died this morning out of the blue. It was exactly 8 weeks old, a day younger than the others - but it looked like it was about 4 weeks behind the other two in terms of size and feathering. I found Loulou at 11am inside the coop, flat on the belly...
  5. PrettyCoolChicks

    Where to buy niacin supplements online in Canada?

    Wondering if there are any Canadians around with recommendations for where to purchase liquid niacin / vitamin b complex online? Are there any local brands you'd recommend? Or online stores in Canada that carry the US brands? It doesn't look like amazon canada sells any of those brands, and...
  6. PrettyCoolChicks

    Duck droppings guide - what is normal?

    Hi folks, Is there a good ducks dropping guide equivalent to this one? Everytime there is a slightly different dropping dropped, I have to wonder if something is wrong with my ducklings, (first time duck...
  7. PrettyCoolChicks

    Help with assisting twin hatch (muscovi)

    I'm on day 31 out of 35 of hatching Muscovi duck eggs. I suspected I had twins early on (a couple folks also thought so after posting a video in the august hatch along thread). I've decided to keep them and do an assisted hatch if they made it that far based on reading other's recent...
  8. PrettyCoolChicks

    Advice on brooder size/options vs. chick age

    Hi folks, I have 7 white leghorn (+ unknown roo breed) chicks due next week. This will be the first time I raise chicks myself. I read I shouldn't give them too much space so they can find the heat source easily, but also not too little, so they don't get crowded. I have: 1) an open top...
  9. PrettyCoolChicks

    Is this unabsorbed yolk?

    Context: This chick pipped on the wrong end yesterday evening. I didn't expect it to zip until tomorrow-ish. It zipped all by itself about 15 min ago. There was a tiny bit of blood when it zipped, which reading the forums also sounded like it might be a bit early. When it got out it dragged...
  10. PrettyCoolChicks

    Soon-ish to be chicken mom

    Hi folks! After lurking for a few weeks/month I decided to create an account as I expect I'll have questions of my own that aren't answered by just reading other people's posts. Nice to meet you all and join this community! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've...
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