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  • Users: Ronnie_
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  1. Ronnie_

    Summer enclosure updates

    I am attempting to grow some duck friendly plants inside my enclosure this year to offer more enrichment to my ladies. I put in a garden bed today including oregano, lavender, and French marigolds. If it goes well I’ll add sage. I also have boxes of various mint outside their reach. Hopefully...
  2. Ronnie_

    Possible Wet Feather

    Hi all, How do I determine if my Cayuga has wet feather? It’s a bit difficult as she’s all black, but compared to my 2 khaki campbells she seems to be more “wet” at a given time. It was dark tonight so I’ll check tomorrow to make sure she has no mites or anything under her feathers. But she...
  3. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Hi all! Zone 6B and while we’ve have a few nights at 21-29F so far we haven’t had actual winter weather. Sunday we’re slated for some snow - it will be the ducks First! Quick question on prep: Right now the ducks have a 5’x 5’ x 5’ quack shack, that has a foot of bedding (deep litter) mix and...
  4. Ronnie_

    Winterizing Coop and Enclosure Tips

    Hi all, After of first hard frost in zone 6B I’m adding some items to help winterize. Has anyone used foam board insulation inside coops before? My duck house is constructed of OSB walls and 2x4 framing. I was thinking of attaching (mostly screwing into fames) foam boards to help keep in the...
  5. Ronnie_

    Deep Litter Method with Ducks?

    Hi all, Getting ready for winter and was wondering if anyone does the deep litter method for their duck house? I’m looking on doing a modified one for 3-4 months (through winter) to get a bit more warmth in the duck’s house. But they produce more moisture than chickens so the ammonia smell can...
  6. Ronnie_

    De-Worming Product Recommendations

    Hi there! First in foremost my ladies are not showing signs of worms. I am coming up on 6 months they’ve been outside and want to start my first de-worming preventatively(2x year plan). I don’t have a vet for my ladies to get a script for Flubenvet, and they already get ACV in their water, food...
  7. Ronnie_

    New Duck Enclosure Updates - Winter Prep

    Hi all, This week my husband and I made some enclosure updates as we prepare for our flocks first upcoming winter. We just finished treating all 3 gals for bumble foot all week (minor cases caught early) so they were in our garage hospital ward for a bit. Since our enclosure became a mud pit...
  8. Ronnie_

    Bumble foot treatments

    Hi all! Today was duck foot wellness check, and it seems all my ladies (3) have on at least 1 foot that has a swollen spot on the toe or foot with a small dark spot in the center (spot is very small about a pin head or smaller). Feet don’t feel hot and not red at all. I’m assuming this is...
  9. Ronnie_

    How often do Campbells Lay?

    Hi all! Seems everyday I have a new question about my ladies. My Campbell, Tina is recovered from her “sprained ankle” and is no longer limping Yay! but I’m curious to how many eggs Campbells lay a day? My Cayuga lays an egg every 3 days or so, and both my Campbells having been laying every...
  10. Ronnie_

    Duck Limping with no signs of injury

    Hi all, Closing up my ladies tonight notice one of my girls (Campbell) was limping quite noticeably/ holding her foot aloft to not bear weight on it while standing. She was totally fine this morning with no signs of leg issues or gait changes. She also has not laid today. I inspected her...
  11. Ronnie_

    New Laying Hens & Egg Question

    Hi everyone! We got our first egg last week, and then I believe my other Khaki Campbell started laying a day later. (Both white eggs) but the blooms are slightly different shades. I was getting 1 in the morning then the other Bloom shade in the evening. (Eggs on Friday, Saturday, Monday...
  12. Ronnie_

    Deterring Hawks from Flock

    Hi all, I unfortunately across from my lot have a couple of Redtail Hawks that roost during spring/summer. My ducks enclosure is enclosed with hardware cloth & chicken wire. Chicken wire is across the top. 1/3 of the food also has sunscreen paneling for shade. So the hawks can’t actually get in...
  13. Ronnie_

    Egg Question

    Wooooohooo! We got our very first egg today!!!! I found this evening in the duck house (not there this morning)! I think it’s one of my khaki campbells as I think my cayugas bloom would be way darker. Any wayyy The top of the egg seems to have scratches in the bloom (laid right in entryway to...
  14. Ronnie_

    Best Waterers for Ducks

    Hi all! I could use some input on waterers or watering systems that work well and are easy to clean and sanitize. Right now my girls use a K&H unheated waterer (also have access to a pool and horse food bowl of water). The K&H works great but I’m having issues with growth in the water...
  15. Ronnie_

    Herbs for Ducks?

    Hi all! My flock is almost 20 weeks old! We’re expecting our first eggs around beginning of August. Right now my flocks is on a commercial feed (a mix of Manna Pro Duck/Goose Layer Pellet & Kalmbach Duck/Goose food in a ratio to allow 3% Ca and 18% Protein). They have free range access during...
  16. Ronnie_

    When to start providing Oyster Shell for Ducks

    Hi everyone! I wanted to get some opinions on when to start putting out Oyster shell for my girls. My ladies (2 khaki kampbells, 1 Cayuga) will be 13 weeks this Wednesday. When is a good time to put some oyster shell out in their enclosure? They already have free access to grit, and we are...
  17. Ronnie_

    Keeping Other Birds Away from Enclosures Tips

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for how to keep other birds away from your duck enclosures? We do not have bird feeders in the yard / and birds cannot get into our duck enclosures and access duck food, but we are still having many small birdy visitors to my duck's dismay...
  18. Ronnie_

    Duck Pool Entry Improvement Help

    Recently we switched from our little Kiddie pool to a larger pool. (Foldable pet based one with drain). The ducks have yet to actually use this pool which is a bummer as it is large and holds ~80 Gallons. I'm thinking they are not able to access it as easily or are just scared of it as it's...
  19. Ronnie_

    Insect Control with Ducks

    Hi all! As things are warming up and my girls are finally outside in their enclosure, I wanted to get some opinions on different forms of insect control (specifically mosquitos and flies). For Mosquitos~ My ducks (3) just upgraded from a kiddie pool to a large 4' x 12" (~80 Gallons) pool...
  20. Ronnie_

    Niacin Deficiency

    Any advice wanted! I have 3 ducklings (currently 3.5 weeks old). They are eating a 20% protein Duck starter right now, and in the last week I noticed 1 out of the 3 seems to have more swollen hock joints than the other 2, and is often sitting down/ staggers when walking. I am concerned she is...
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