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  1. E

    Help my cickens feet!!

    My rir hen I thought had bumblefoot and I had her feet left for four days and when I came back her bad foot got bad swollen!! And it's been like this for a week! So I cut alittle on the bulge between her one toe but nothing came and I stopped bc she was breathing heavy and either she was tired...
  2. E

    Bumble foot? Swollen bad!

    No scab but swollen foot BAD, is it bumble foot or was the bandage too tight? What do I do? Should I cut it alittle and see what's inside!! Theres not Really anywhere to cut. HELP!
  3. E

    Bumble foot, or bandage too tight?

    Hello everyone , I have a RIR hen who had gotten bumblefoot on both feet but on one foot there's wasn't a scab that was really showing but I put ointment on and bandaged both and went away for four days, and I just came back and went out, finding another one of my chickens has Bumble foot...
  4. E


    So I have a buff orpington rooster that's beautiful but I have too many roosters and I need to rehome him, and he's a 19 week old,, respond for details. Pickup in Hudson MI
  5. E

    Rooster rehoming

    Hello everyone! My buff orpington rooster(Elivs) needs a new home since we have to many rooster. Respond for a time to pick him up, pickup in Hudson MI
  6. E

    Too many roosters?

    Hey everyone, so I have three roosters since we knew we had two then another turned out to be a rooster also. So now we have three roosters and 24 hens. Do we have too many roosters? I think since 13 are younger like 18 weeks like the roosters but the roos seem to be overmating the 11 older...
  7. E


    Hello everyone, so I have a Buff orpington rooster and a Americana rooster and I don't know which one to get rid of cause I've always lived Mt buff orpington rooster but my americana rooster is so cool and pretty, which one do I rehome?
  8. E

    Chicks 5 weeks old

    Hello everyone, I forgot to respond since I've been so busy with the chicks but our chicks around almost five weeks ago and are getting so big! I can definitely tell which too are roosters. And we got two olive eggers, there actually black!! No muffs tho. I also have three really cool...
  9. E


    Hello everyone, I'm new so excuse me😅 I'm excited to be getting 15 more chicks the 14th of March, and I'm getting two roosters, one will be a Midnught Madjesty maran rooster and I'm not so sure what it's gonna look like!
  10. E

    Chicken fun!

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