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  1. South Dakota Guy

    Our new baby chicks

    My just picked up a dozen female silver laced Wyandotte chicks from the post office last night. My wife and father-in-law think that they look like tarantulas. I think they look more like bumble bees. Now just image the incessant peeping from 12 chicks in our downstairs family room!
  2. South Dakota Guy

    Dahline Poultry

    My wife decided she wants to have an all silver laced Wyandotte flock so she placed an order for 10 female silver laced chicks from a small Minnesota Hatchery. located in Willmar Minnesota, named Dahline Poultry. We have never ordered from them before. The hatchery is about 3 hours away each...
  3. South Dakota Guy

    Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?

    Little bit of background here, my wife is the main chicken keeper, I am just support staff. It's ok as I like it this way. We are still very new at this as we have only been chicken raising for about 10 months. Anyhow, we had some mean girls. A group of three gold laced Wyandotte hens that...
  4. South Dakota Guy

    Question about Pullet maturity and egg laying.

    We have three SL Wayandotte pullets at 18 weeks with different signs of maturity based on their comb and wattle development. One pullet has a comb that is about three quarters full and wattles about the same. Another is showing about 1/4 comb development and about 1/3 development of the...
  5. South Dakota Guy

    King Ranch Chicken

    There are a lot of different recipes for King Ranch Chicken, this one is my wife's version. Though I have lived in South Dakota since 2007, I was born and raised in Texas and spent the majority of my 61 years there. King Ranch Chicken is a tongue-in-cheek name for this dish as the King Ranch...
  6. South Dakota Guy

    Instant Pot Chicken Bog

    First, I want to make clear that this is not my recipe. I found the link for this recipe online, but the link is now dead. Luckily, I made a notepad version for me to save. Chicken Bog originates from the South Carolina Low Country in the mid 1800's, where they still have a Chicken Bog...
  7. South Dakota Guy

    My Grandmother's Potato Salad.

    My dad's mom passed away in the late 70's but long before that, she taught my mom how to make her potato salad. There must be a thousand potato salad recipes out there but this remains my favorite. It uses 6 hard boiled eggs and I often add a seventh egg. The eggs give it a bit of deviled egg...
  8. South Dakota Guy

    What is your experience with Wyandotte chicken egg laying longevity?

    My wife and I have a small 6 bird flock of SL Wyandotte and GL Wyandotte pullets. I have read in various places that they only lay for 2 to 3 years and I have read that they are strong layers for 4 years then they begin to taper off and finally stop at 8 years. I would love to hear from the...
  9. South Dakota Guy

    First Egg

    My wife checked the coop this morning and found that one of our girls left us a fairy egg. It was found under the roost, so we think that it was laid during the night. Our two oldest Wyandotte pullets just reached 20 weeks this week, so it was right on schedule. For us, as first-time chicken...
  10. South Dakota Guy

    Demanding chickens

    My wife lets our chickens out of their run at least once a day to forage in the backyard. Two of the oldest get very vocal when we go outside but don’t let them out. They will really make a lot of noise and just seem to get louder and louder the longer that I am outside but not letting them out...
  11. South Dakota Guy

    Ceramic eggs

    First time chicken owners and our oldest Wyandotte chickens turned18 weeks old this week. Last week we put some ceramic eggs into the nesting boxes to encourage our chickens to use the nesting boxes once they start. We also have some other Wyandotte pallets that are six weeks younger. When...
  12. South Dakota Guy

    Gnats are driving our chickens inside. Help!

    The title pretty much say it. We have a gnat problem like I have never seen. They keep flying up my nose, eyes and ears. Watching our chickens today, they kept shaking their heads and then going back into the coop. This is even with an 88 degree temperature. I am considering getting a...
  13. South Dakota Guy

    Our "Oak Abode" chicken coop

    Oak Abode Coop My wife and I just finished building our chicken coop and we are rather proud of ourselves. We have almost no carpentry experience, so it was quite the challenge for us. We saw this coop on YouTube and I have posted the link above. We live in South Dakota in a city. so we are...
  14. South Dakota Guy

    New to chickens

    HI everyone. I just joined today as this seems a great site to learn about chickens. I am 61 y/o and I live with my wife in South Dakota. My wife has been wanting to raise chickens for a while so I am doing my best to support her in her new hobby. We live in a small city near Sioux Falls but...
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