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  1. M

    2 month old silkie chick - gender guesses?

    This gray silkie's comb is much smaller than my 2 definite roos combs, but larger than my 2 suspected hens combs. Wattles making an appearance. Thoughts?
  2. M

    What color silkies are these chicks?

    Hey there! I got a few silkie chicks from a breeder that had all colors mixed in together. I was told #4 is a partridge, is #3 as well? And what about the others? Thanks!
  3. M

    Mosaic x Easter Egger gender guesses please!

    2 months old, so still early, I just am curious to see what you think. A. Suspected roo #1. Comb was tiny until this week B. Suspected pullet #1, I'm hoping that long tail is a mosaic trait C. Unsure but leaning towards roo #2. I think this one is a welsummer x mosaic based on the egg...
  4. M

    Huge comb at 4 weeks - what are the chances it's a hen?

    Hi all, I know 4 weeks old is pretty young to be sexing but I have one chick who has grown a ridiculously large comb. This particular chick came from a huge egg, was a huge chick from the get-go, and has grown much faster than the others. One other chick I suspected of being a rooster because it...
  5. M

    Is this seperation anxiety behavior normal imprinting or something else?

    I have five 3 week old Mosaic Easter Egger mixes that lose their minds with excitement when they see me, to the point of leaping and crashing repeatedly into the wire to get at me and trampling each other. When I open the door they all throw themselves at me at once peeping happily and sprinting...
  6. M

    Big Chongus: the biggest green egg I've ever seen has hatched

    A few weeks ago, the kind woman I bought my incubator from offered me 12 free eggs to start my hatching journey. Peering into the basket, I saw many shades of green and dark brown eggs. One by one I sorted through which eggs I wanted until my hand paused on the largest green egg that I have ever...
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