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  1. garfieldGeorgia


    Chickens will never know about our online cultures dedicated to their existence
  2. garfieldGeorgia

    Sexing Rhode Island Reds

    Just to help yall, I found out recently by watching multiple batches, how easy it really is to sex Rhode Island reds. Not at 1 day old, but by about 2 weeks, and just fully confirmed by 4 weeks. See here. Both 2 and a half weeks old. In both pictures, one is almost fully feathered, and the...
  3. garfieldGeorgia

    Regarding hatching

    So i've had a few experiences with hatching eggs. Last year I used one of the square styrofoam incubators which holds 41 eggs... and the hatch rate was about half. Twice. That thing is terrible at keeping the humidity levels consistent. Then in late fall, I used one of the Nurture Right 360...
  4. garfieldGeorgia

    White Rock birds

    This is a question directed toward any of y'all who have or have had White Rocks, aka White Plymouth Rocks. Right now I have two hens of that breed, and they are way fatter than any of my other birds - even my ROOSTERS of the RIR, Barred Rock, Buff O breeds. I couldn't find any record online...
  5. garfieldGeorgia

    Regarding hatching eggs of younger birds

    Hey! If I have young birds just starting to lay, what's the bare minimum time to let them lay and mature before I can start safely incubating and hatching their eggs? How soon after have y'all started doing so, and how did things turn out?
  6. garfieldGeorgia

    About sexlinks

    We know the Black Sex Links are bred usually by crossing a RIR or NHR rooster with a barred rock hen. But is it possible to do them with Cuckoo Maran hens and have them just as easy to sex link?
  7. garfieldGeorgia

    Experiences with hatching cross breeds

    The last time I hatched birds, did so with a welsummer rooster and differing hen breeds. The chicks from barred rock hens grew up to look just like their moms, with very little difference. The chicks from rhode island reds grew up to be mostly red but have some welsummer-like feathers on their...
  8. garfieldGeorgia

    What's up with these "red leghorn" birds?

    Anyone who's been involved with raising birds has probably become familiar with the brown leghorns or white leghorns at some point, but Murray McMurray hatchery also offers the "red leghorn" as a very rare breed. As far as I know, there are really no other hatcheries that sell it. Why, is it a...
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