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  1. Bertie-Merle

    Question about raising an abandoned kitten around an established flock ... can it be done?

    I just found a baby kitten in my chicken coop ... I have no idea how it found it's way there, but I now know why my Blue Heeler (ACD) went wild and barking, not like Hank, when I let him into the chicken paddock tonight for "put up time". I couldn't figure out why the girls didn't want to go...
  2. Bertie-Merle

    I lost one of my best hens out of eight tonight.

    The temp was over 100 today, but no more than it's been for the past ten days, and they had multiple waterers, lots of shade, a baby pool (which they refuse to use, so really is useless, but I was trying). This hen, "Tawney", a 3 y/o "Easter Egger", and one of my most friendly and beautiful...
  3. Bertie-Merle

    Need recommendations for standalone watering containers that don't leak like a sieve!

    Hi. I know y'all know it's hot ... and I'm checking my auto-watering system in my main coop every morning and trying to put fresh cool water in containers everywhere around the yard where my eight chickens go for shade, but that means using stainless dog bowls and those cheap "newbie" chicken...
  4. Bertie-Merle

    Asking input on quick buy fix for a coop addition

    I need to add a new coop shelter and roosting area with ladder and maybe some extra run for my two new poults that aren't fitting into my existing setup of a "so-called" 8 chicken coop. (Yeah, "eight", RIGHT!) It is not that crowded for my existing six at night, and there is room left, but...
  5. Bertie-Merle

    Have a question on orange to red colored excrement

    Hey folks, I'm not a complete newbie, but still ignorant in many ways ... and this is a new one for me .... and it could be food related, but any advice would be appreciated. I just noticed this afternoon that some of the shavings I tossed on the compost pile had a red-to-orange color to them...
  6. Bertie-Merle

    Howdy from Brazoria Co., southeastern Texas. I've been here off and on for over a year but just created an account.

    I have three fat, happy and feisty Rhode Island Reds .... and three gorgeous "Easter Eggers", all raised together from 2-week chicks in late February of 2021. My three mixed breed mutt Easter Eggers are each unique colors, reflected in their names of Tawny (a beautiful mix of warm...
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