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  1. M

    Dirty under eyes

    I have a male runner duck that has wet feather but he gets everything clean in the water except under his eyes. it is cold where i am and he doesnt want to go outside to clean in the pool so i have a bucket where he can put his head in what can i do more for the eyes ?
  2. M

    Duck might have eaten chocolade

    My duck ate something of the ground and i think it might be chocolade. What should i do?
  3. M

    runner duck (not purebred) fruits and snacks

    What kinda fruit and snacks can i give them?
  4. M

    Can i use this for my ducks wound

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    Duck hurt himself

    He hurt himself on the fence. What do i do???? It looks like the nail is off
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    Duck ate tiny piece of chicken kebab

    My girlfriend dropped a tiny piece of kebab outside and the duck was faster then us with picking it up. Is it gonna be a problem?
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    Duck may have eaten a sour candy with wrap

    Im not sure but one of the kids says he has lost one. Its a hard sour candy. What can i do and is my duck gonna be fine if he ate it?
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    Pet duck with wild ducks

    A woman just called my duck over for some food by the pond only problem is theres a lot of other birds shit and feathers now im scared he might have eating things he isnt meant to eat. Is there something i should watch or is there no problem? There also live 4 other ducks by the pond.
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    Raw eggs for ducks

    There is a woman who feeds the ducks sometimes but she gives them grains mixed with water and raw eggs. Is that good for them?
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    Duck eats Big moth

    My duck Just ate a big moth and some big (flying) ants. Is that healthy for my duck?
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    Cold Bottled water for the ducks

    Is it bad for my duck if i give him some cold bottled water?
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    Worms for the duck

    Is it good for my duck to feed him wild worms?
  13. M

    Feeding ducks

    By my house there is a pond and there are 4 indian runner ducks (not pure breed) that i feed with dried mealworms and duck food pellets but they have eggs now and the female duck thats on the eggs goes crazy when i come with food. pushing the other 3 out the way. almost choking on the food...
  14. M

    Walking with the duck(s)

    Do you guys go on a walk with our duck(s)? And do you walk him/them with a leash or not? I walk him without a leash but i am thinking about maybe buying one.
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    Pet duck and the wild ducks

    My duck is from a nest of the ducks that live in the wild by my house. they are a mix breed of indian runners. but is it normal that they try to attack my duck when i bring him to interact ? When they are eating they dont mind him around but without food they try to attack him. the first time i...
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    Duck eats own fallen feathers

    Can it cause a problem when a duck eats his own lange feathers when they fall out?
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    Duck might ate a small earring

    Is this gonna be bad if he ate it or Is ut gonna pass without a problem?
  18. M

    Ducks loose feathers on head

    My duck is getting new feathers on his head but his head always gets dirty from his food and the old feathers stick to it. what can i do? Sometimes i carefully pick the old feathers off his head.
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    Duck ate spider

    Is it fine for my duck to eat spiders?
  20. M

    Object not pooped out

    I have seen my duck eat some weird things but i have never seen him poop out some of those and im worried that it can be dangerous Is it a problem? (he behaves normal eats normal and Poops normal)
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