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  1. ShellBell73

    Sad Day

    So we knocked the clutches down from 55 to 30. The 30 are definitely developing chicks; at many stages!!! This morning I went out to check again and picked in the fresh eggs. No baby chicks in the broody mama boxes so came back in and was going to have a little breakfast. I cracked open one of...
  2. ShellBell73

    What Happened???

    So our hens (4 to be exact and very broody) have been laying on a ton of eggs for much longer than the 21 day incubation period and STILL no babies hatching. They’ve done a good job as far as we can tell; even taking turns when one needs a break. We’ve noticed some were pushed out of the nest...
  3. ShellBell73


    We’ve been told by many that my “humorous” reels on Facebook amuse and put folks in a good mood!!! Check us out on Facebook and Instagram!! SS Rustic on Instagram and Stevennshell on Facebook!!! Hope they bring smiles!!
  4. ShellBell73


    So, on some of our brutally cold winter Wisconsin days, we keep everyone inside the coop; all 27! I’m sure it gets boring in there. What are some things we can put in there for them to keep them occupied?
  5. ShellBell73

    Wisconsin Winter

    So we’ve actually been quite fortunate so far this winter with decent weather. We’ve had some dips and now for the last 24 hours it’s been raining a cold rain. We are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow. We’ve had a mix of advice in that some people leave their chickens...
  6. ShellBell73

    Mornin From Wisconsin!!

    We’re very excited to be here! Last June, we brought our new feathered family home (17 salmon faverolles, 2 silkies, 2 Rhode Island reds, and 9 bantams; not sure of breeds, some have feathered feet a couple do not). We have 3 roosters and I believe everyone has begun laying- we get roughly...
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