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  1. S

    Silkie has one swollen eye

    13 month old silkie hen - my baby Maui (she’s small in stature but not malnourished by any means) just noticed today her right eye looks slightly swollen compared to her left, no noticeable pus or drainage. Have 8 other silkies did not notice anything similar with the other. No other symptoms...
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    Marek’s 😞

    Hi all, I recently posted about some concerning symptoms our 8-month old silkie hen was experiencing including difficulty standing/walking. We took her to the vet yesterday and there was an avian specialist in the office, luckily. He pretty quickly diagnosed her with presumed Marek’s based on...
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    Bumblefoot? Or something else?

    Hi all, This past Tuesday my husband & I noticed one of our silkie hens (about 8 mos old) walking a little funny, almost like a hop/limp. We put her in a separate cage from the others just so she wouldn’t be a target where she wasn’t moving around as well. On Wednesday she was still trying to...
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    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens growing up but I’ll admit my Dad did most of their care as we had some aggressive Roos (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 (3) What breeds do you have? Silkies! (4) What are your favorite aspects of...
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    Silkie was attacked :(

    Posted in a silkie FB group but mods have yet to approve so looking for advice here. Yesterday I got home @4:30. Always check on my chicks before I leave work & when im home. Also have camera in their run (did not see anything when I later checked). Saw my beloved Maui girl (just under 12 wks)...
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