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  1. The Lazy Farm Girl

    Rooster has dark stripes on comb and wattles

    My roo came out of the coop this morning with wide dark stripes through the middle of his comb and around the curves of his wattles. It doesn't appear to be frostbite. He has been unusually quiet today, and has spent the day on a roost in the run. He doesn't run at me, which is odd. I put...
  2. The Lazy Farm Girl

    Broody Hen & Flock's Egg Production

    Hello, fellow chicken lovers! I would like to know if one broody hen can impact flock egg production? I have six hens who would lay 5-6 eggs daily. One went broody, and my collections dropped to 2-3 a day. I removed the broody hen last weekend, broke ger brood, and put her back in the flock 4...
  3. The Lazy Farm Girl

    Carrie Mae Pooping Water

    Carrie Mae went broody a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't able to set up a Broody Jail until this past weekend, so she had been trying to sit on everyone's eggs. We pulled her out a few times a day so she would eat and drink. I was finally able to jail her Saturday evening. She has since stopped...
  4. The Lazy Farm Girl

    Carrie Mae has drippy poop

    Should I be concerned? We have noticed some splat-poops in the chicken yard. This evening when I was putting the girls to bed, Carrie Mae pooped from the roost, and after pooping, white watery poo dribbled down her fluff. The poop kinda broke up when it hit the pine shavings, but I attached the...
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