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  • Users: drangle
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  1. D

    What ate my chick?

    Something at one of my 4-6 week old chicks this morning. The only thing left behind were the wings, feet, and a very cleanly removed gizzard. I’m thinking feral cat but I really don’t know.
  2. D

    What ate my chick?

    Something ate one of my chicks this morning. She was about 4 or 5 weeks old. The only thing left was the wings, feet, and gizzard which was very neatly and cleanly removed. I’m thinking a feral cat but really don’t know.
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    Tips on breeding for egg production?

    Hey everyone. I am looking for tips on how to breed for egg production. So far my attempts have been to simply hatch the largest best looking eggs I have. I have 14 hens and I suspect 2 or 3 of them are not the best layers. Also many of them lay medium size eggs and I am looking for large or...
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    2023 back yard cross breeds

    Anyone else hatching out some cross breed chickens this spring? Feel free to show them off and talk about them here.
  5. D

    What the heck came out of my chicken?

    Found this about 20 minutes ago in the nest box. Is it some type of messed up egg? Looks like a piece of intestine with clear jelly inside.
  6. D

    Need chicken saddle recomendations

    some of my hens have their back feathers worn off, id like to get some saddles to protect their exposed skin from the Roos but also the sun. Cheap is good but I do not want junk that will just fall apart. being available through amazon is a plus too. any recommendations or advice would be...
  7. D

    broody is about to hatch, chick friendly water in the run needed?

    Hey guys, I have a pair of broodies that should hatch any time now. do I need a water source the chicks can use in the coop or run or will momma give them water from her beak? I have a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on it in the run, but it is too high for chicks to reach. do I need to...
  8. D

    Favorite cross breeds?

    Any one have a favorite chicken cross or back yard mutt? Whether it be for aesthetic, personality, egg laying or any other factors? List your experience and your favorites here. I am new to chicken keeping and don’t have any crosses yet, but I want to make some CCL x buff Orpington’s this...
  9. D

    Tag team broodies?

    Hey all. I have a buff Orpington who decided to go broody. While checking her yesterday I noticed another buff in her box setting with her. I moved them out of the box to mark the eggs to make sure they weren’t stealing more than she could sit on. Anyway the original broody left and went to...
  10. D

    How long to wait before feeding grain exposed to wild birds

    I have the opportunity to get a whole bunch of milo and wheat for scratch grain. The problem is it’s out doors in a big pile and I always see doves and pigeons on it. If I went and got a bunch of it and stored it in my shop how long should I wait to make sure it doesn’t have viruses before I...
  11. D

    does teenage aggression go away? cockerel turned into a bad boy

    my cockerels recently got their hormones in and the biggest, fastest maturing australorp has started to become pretty rough with the other chickens. he bites them on the neck and tries to hold the females down to breed. today he bit my favorite pullet on the waddle and tore it. He was my...
  12. D

    Need ideas for venting a tin shed coop

    I’m going to turn a small plain Jane metal shed into a coop. It’s 6x8 has a normal v shaped roof with no overhang. My plan is to cut a long rectangle near the top on 3 sides. So i will have 2 1x6 vents and a single 1x8 vent. The problem is going to be keeping the rain and snow from blowing...
  13. D

    heat and cold hardy chicken breeds or hybrids?

    Hey all. I am looking for suggestions on breeds that are both heat and cold hardy. or ideas for hybrids/ crosses that will fit the bill. it gets very hot here. 100 degree days are very common. sometimes even 105, winters are pretty dry but are fairly cold, 30 degrees during the day, low...
  14. D

    Single chick hatched. How do I raise it?

    I had an order of 22 hatching eggs. Only 1 hatched I doubt there will be any others although I am crossing my fingers. How do I raise a lone chick? I doubt I will be able to find any other chicks this time a year outside of hatching my own, and if I do that the they will be 3 weeks apart. I...
  15. D

    Bold cockerel or problem child?

    I have a young buff Orpington cockerel (12 weeks) I am worried might cause me problems in the future. He is bold, curious, and and a food hog. He is always the first to greet me at the gate and is not afraid to peck at my shoes and is always the first to try and eat the treats from my hand. In...
  16. D

    sliding doors blew off chicken shed

    had 35 MPH winds here today from the S SW. blew one of the coop doors off their tract. I think I am going to have to replace the factory door tract and rollers with something more heavy duty. Not sure what would work, it needs to bolt to the shed doors though. suggestions or advice is...
  17. D

    Motion sensor light/alarm recommendations??

    I’d like to get some type of predator deterrent going for my coop/run. We have coyotes, foxes, owls, and raccoons. The run is covered and has a wire apron to discourage digging. But I would still like some type of motion activated solar charging flashing light/alarm combo to scare them off...
  18. D

    Best and worst winter laying breeds?

    Hey all. I’d like your input and experiences on what breeds and the best winter layers and what breeds are the worst. I’m wanting to add some more breeds to my flock but I don’t want to end up with too many girls who take a half year vacation.
  19. D

    cross breeding egyptian fayoumis for free ranging?

    Does this sound like a good idea? im guess the first generation crosses would be small and flighty, I am also guessing fayoumis dont have the best egg production. I was thinking the second generation if crossed back to a heritage breed might make for a decent sized bird with good egg...
  20. D

    Blue aus Roos?

    I thought these were hens for sure but around 5 weeks they started getting waddles in. They are about 6 weeks in the picture. I have two others cockerels from the same batch and they matured out much faster and their combs and waddles are much more red and large. Are these hens or slow...
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