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  1. MamaBirds_Quail

    What colors would you call these?

    My 3 indoor budgie aviary babies are now 5 weeks! Their coloring is WILD and I just welcomed 5 more chicks (2 scarlet tuxedo, 1 EB pansy looking bird with black legs, 1 Tibetan tuxedo but with light legs/pink beak, and one EB pansy looking bird with chocolate brown legs) so I’d love some...
  2. MamaBirds_Quail

    “Wild type” markings on an EB +/- roux?

    What would you call that color? I agree that the chick looks like a Pharaoh, but she (I’m manifesting hens to help my ratio! 😂) is DEFINITELY EB, and likely roux given the color of her beak and legs. My rosetta/Tibetans and my scarlet’s had much less pattern as chicks, only my falb, egyptian...
  3. MamaBirds_Quail

    Babies incoming!

    First pip on my first home bred eggs! 🤗 I have 4 on day 17… and I may have also thrown in the solid blue egg I found 4 days later 🤭 and a companion so I’ll have potentially 6 bubbas by next week! I believe all 4 of these first clutch are from the same hen, though I don’t know which hen 😅...
  4. MamaBirds_Quail

    FINALLY some good news!

    It seems now ALL THREE of my hens are laying! Am I correct to assume that each similar shape/patterned egg belongs to the same hen? If so… are the two barely speckled ones celadons?!? Y’all, the odds of that are beyond wild! Of 29 live birds, only SIX have survived our various traumas of the...
  5. MamaBirds_Quail

    Eggs after stress

    Does anyone have any insight into how long after a stress hens will resume laying? My poor birds have had a really rough month, I did collect 3 eggs last week… but also had to remove 6 murdered birds the same day 😫 My 3 remaining hens have not laid since. They have been getting lots of food an...
  6. MamaBirds_Quail

    Unconventional chick grow-out idea— opinions?

    Okay okay so, hear me out: I emotionally threw 3 eggs in my incubator when my scarlett roo went on a murderous rampage and offed HALF my hens. I don’t know if they are fertile yet (I’ll check today, they’ve been in the bator for 4 days) We live in New England, these eggs will hatch in...
  7. MamaBirds_Quail

    We’ve had a devastating few weeks 😔

    As soon as the weather changed here we began having rat issues in the quail pen— like, tunnelli g under 12” buried concrete pavers and chewing holes in buried hardware cloth issues— they killed 16 birds before I entirely gave up on our ground pen and scooped the remaining birds into a pop up dog...
  8. MamaBirds_Quail

    My bird hyperfixation is expanding (meet my budgies!)

    I semi-impulse bought some house birds since our quail *deeply* do not care if we ever pay them attention beyond feeding 😅 This was tonight, they’ve been here 3 days so I’d say it’s going pretty alright! They did not come to me hand tamed so I’m paying them in “molting blend” seed mix for their...
  9. MamaBirds_Quail

    Training quail to poultry waterer?

    I got this Manna Pro waterer a week ago thinking it would be a genius way to water my growing flock without the huge footprint of the traditional poultry waterer s but like, my borbs be DUMB! They can’t figure out how to refill these cups so I’m going out every few hours to make sure they’re...
  10. MamaBirds_Quail

    Chick color

    Babies are 7 days old/just starting to feather. Almost all of them have wild-type striping to some degree, though many have more silvery marks, and few have red/brown. Possible parents are: Pearl Fee, Italian, Pansy, Pharaoh. These babies have VERY similar patterning (very faint silvery...
  11. MamaBirds_Quail

    I’ve created a monster… meet Possum

    Possum had a LOT of trouble hatching and I was really sure he wouldnt survive the night. He was limp, weak, quiet, it was bad! He ended up getting a lot of extra snuggle time with me checking on him; the first time he fell asleep belly up I was like “aww look! So tired he couldn’t even right...
  12. MamaBirds_Quail

    Hatchling struggling, are there interventions?

    Little fella pipped in the wrong spot and hit a vein, I got it stopped and he eventually came the rest of the way out be he ain’t right, staying curled up, not walking. I got him to drink some electrolyte fluid, is there anything else I should do but wait it out?
  13. MamaBirds_Quail

    First official pip! Here we go! 😍

    I’ve actually counted 11 (of 26! 84% of the eggs incubated were still ticking along at the start of lockdown! 🙌🏻) hairline cracks… of COURSE the first obvious pip is at the wrong end though 🙄 Quail chicks: always working hard to die under even the most ideal circumstances! 😅 I’ll keep y’all...
  14. MamaBirds_Quail

    Are some of these eggs Celadon?

    Aka: how blue does a blue egg need to be before its Celadon?! 😅 I bought these off EBay, from a woman who keeps I believe it was around 100 birds, mostly Pearls (though it says she has some pharaoh, Italian, and pansy fee)… I didn’t pay Celadon prices, nor were blue eggs mentioned anywhere but...
  15. MamaBirds_Quail

    Feather (pics!!) comparison/pattern/genetics/etc

    Full disclosure: I’m a genetics nerd. I began playing with breeding different colors/coat types in mice as a teen over 20 years ago and it’s just escalated since 😆 I’m trying to teach myself the quail color/pattern types and since my teen birds are molting I’ve been comparing individual...
  16. MamaBirds_Quail

    Judgy Quail are judgy! (Photos!)

    Just for funzies, here are my teens, questioning all of our life choices with their mean-girl looks 😝 (The molting baby fluff beards on these birds SLAY me!) “Yes, we’re talking about you. Yes, offense!” 😅
  17. MamaBirds_Quail

    Greenhouse aviary?

    Does anyone use a portable greenhouse structure to keep their quail? How did you fortify it? I was originally considering something like this: With chicken wire zip tied to the bottom/ potentially around the sides to prevent predators? It’s 10’x 3’ and 20” tall But now I’m considering a...
  18. MamaBirds_Quail

    Lavender? silver? Snowie? help me ID this weirdo!

    My kid called this one Dal, here she is as a hatchling (she’s the loud mouth in the back) When she started growing feathers: 3 weeks, next to an Egyptian and Tibetan (disregard their tomato!) a different breeder suggested she was a Pearl at this point. And now at almost 6 weeks 🤯🤩 her...
  19. MamaBirds_Quail

    My first 10 quail: colors and patterns guesses, thoughts?

    Here they are at about 24 hours old, everyone who popped, hatched and survived so I’ve been stoked even thoughI only got 10/24 on shipped eggs 😕 The Falb fee (front right), and Egyptian (back left), and the two Scarlett’s were the only obvious colors at this stage— all of the tuxedos are...
  20. MamaBirds_Quail

    Quail coop DIY/playscape build

    Ha! Okay, so, our 10 quail have been in this DIY monstrosity for almost a month now and now ta actually going really well so, I thought I would share :) The footprint is the 3’x5.5’ sandbox area of my kids existing playscape for several reasons: 1. We weren’t using it anyway 2. It provided a...
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