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  1. B

    Handling/training game-mix cockerels

    I'm not sure if this thread would be better in the chicken behavior section. I'm wondering how I should be interacting with some cockerels that I might end up selling to someone interested in gaming with them. If one or both of them ends up playing nicely with the girls I might keep him/them...
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    My first soft egg

    I have two secondhand hens, a wyandotte and a naked neck silkie, who I've had about two weeks. Not sure exactly how old they are, the person I got them from said "about a year." They came to me with poopy butts, but laying ok. The wyandotte started laying her second day here and has been doing...
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    Flies: can they eat too much?

    They like to eat them off the sticky traps I post up around the compost. I think I have about eight traps going at any one time, and they really fill up. This isn't even all the flies I catch in a day. I also have some bottle traps, but I figure fermented flies is not what people are talking...
  4. B

    How much grooming is normal; cat safe pest control?

    Two questions: How much grooming is normal? They seem to do a lot of scratching and nibbling around the bases of their feathers, but it's mostly after meals so maybe it's normal? (I've noticed cats like to clean themselves up after meals, is that a chicken thing, too?) I've still never treated...
  5. B

    Got chickens in my cat food and cats in my chicken food

    I let my four chickens free range in my yard, where there are also a bunch of cats (some mine, some from the hood). My cockerels are turning out to be kibble addicts! In some ways it's a good thing, because they clean up the cat food spills that would otherwise be feeding flies and slugs. So...
  6. B

    Two cockerels, zero pullets (about 9-12 weeks old)

    I bought two young birds (3-6 week old more or less) a month and a half ago, and the community here says they look like they're going to be roosters. (See for pictures.) What I really want is eggs.... but I like doing...
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    Mystery swap meet birds

    Got these birds at a Mexican swap meet on the 4th of July, would like to know age, sex, and breed if any of that is possible. Here's their general shape, taken today (Aug 17). The one on the right acts more "masculine", doing stuff like raising its hackles and herding the other into the coop if...
  8. B

    Newbie again after not having chickens for a decade

    I moved back to the west coast to be with family recently after wandering around for about a decade. Now that I'm stationary I decided I want to have chickens again! Previously I had chickens in shared coops with friends, this is my first time being a Solo Chicken Owner. I impulse bought a...
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