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  1. Goose_the_cat

    Please help funny bump on cheek (no gross pics without warning)

    I recently noticed that my 1yr old silkie hen named Ester had a blueberry sized bump on her cheek, it is not very noticeable from the top or side because of her SiLkIE fRo so I am not sure how long its been there. We recently changed their bedding to a finer kind thinking it would be more...
  2. Goose_the_cat


    Come join us in this fun journey as we begin posting Chicken Challenges every month, and not all of the have to be chickens any type of poultry or fowl are accepted! In this months Chicken Challenge we want to see what you do to keep your chickens warm in the winter, wether that be heating...
  3. Goose_the_cat

    Vitamins for head injured chicken?

    One of my chickens (Polly) a 9 month old white silkie has had (what we think is) a brain or head injury. She has had it for a while now but I didn’t think it was a big deal since she could still eat and drink (it just took her a little bit longer) but I was wondering since we used some vitamins...
  4. Goose_the_cat

    Are silkies fine in 15 degree weather?

    Hi 👋 I just wanted to know if my 5 month old silkies are ok in 15 degree weather My silkies are 5 months old in a coop with some top ventilation along with some cracks here and there. They currently have a heater mat made for dogs and they usually pile up on that at night. I have 2 bantam and...
  5. Goose_the_cat

    Dizzy silkie chicken

    I have this one Silkie chicken for a batch of eggs that I hatched in July and one of the (Polly) has looked quite dizzy or something like that her whole life but I have been worrying since she eats and drinks fine. This thing usually occurs went her head is touched or she lifts one of her legs...
  6. Goose_the_cat

    Looking for a home (or grill) for a Silkie roo

    Since I already wrote this in my state thread here is a photo of what I wrote here are just some photos of him and here is a photo of him next to a gallon jug Tags: @AmeraucanaHank @BantammChick @Chicks In VA @Chickengirl2671 @cluckmecoop7 @Dr Evy @Fuchsia @Goose_the_cat 😆 @Lovely...
  7. Goose_the_cat

    Goose’s chickens

    I don’t really know how to do this but I will try This is a tread about my 7 silkie chickens. These are the only chickens I have right now but we are thinking about getting more. I should probably give you a little back story so here it goes We stated our chicken journey in July 2022, on a day...
  8. Goose_the_cat

    2 month old silkie gender

    So this is a follow up thread on a Silkie gender. Right now I have 5 two month old white silkies and I would like to figure out which ones are rooster and which are hens These are all photos of their head if you would like more photos of any parts of their body just tell me #1 #2 #3 #4 #5...
  9. Goose_the_cat

    8 week old chick has wry neck?

    Yesterday I noticed one of my 8 week old chicks not looking up it was like only looking at the ground and today it try’s to keep its head in between its legs I have had this happen before and it didn’t end well all of my chicks are on chick elixir (I will post a photo of the bottle) I am really...
  10. Goose_the_cat

    Help weak chick

    Today I found one of my chicks looking very sleepy I would just stand somewhere and fall asleep like I was doing there weekly photo shoot and they just fell asleep, I was giving it treats and it fell asleep will pecking at it, it won’t do anything if I pick it up I can flip it over so it’s feet...
  11. Goose_the_cat

    Chick show 🐣

    Hi everyone I’m new here and I wanted to do a chick show because I couldn’t find one :) The rules are simple Post photos of your chicks and tell me there name, breed, age and maybe something they like to do (for fun) Hope you have fun 🙃 Newest chicks no names yet SILKIES!!!!!! 1 week...
  12. Goose_the_cat

    HELP chick bleeding

    Help this morning I found one of my 5 day old chicks was bleeding on his/her foot, please help. My 5 day old chicks have been hanging out with my two week and 6 day old chicks, and they may have gotten hurt by playing with them, or his/her chick siblings could have pecked at them. So I just...
  13. Goose_the_cat

    Looking for goats

    We are think about raising goats in our backyard but we can find a place that sells them. We live in GA and are looking into raising goats, preferably pygmy goats but any small breed, that will do well in a neighborhood will be nice. We are specifically looking for females, at a relatively...
  14. Goose_the_cat

    Mixing silkie chicks

    Hi everyone 😊 Right now I have two 2 week old chicks and six 4 day old chicks and I was wondering when can I mix the two?🙃 l connected the brooder bins early morning yesterday, and put hardware cloth in between the two bins so they can see each other. I let the two groups hang out today, and...
  15. Goose_the_cat

    New member introduction Goose_the_cat

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am in fact very new to chickens I got my first chickens 2 weeks ago in the mail and just hatched some 3 days ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Right now I have 3 two week old females and 6 three day old unknown...
  16. Goose_the_cat

    Gender of silkie chicks

    Hi, I recently hatched 6 silkie chicks and I was wondering when and how to tell their gender. Hope you have a wonderful day 😁
  17. Goose_the_cat

    What genders are my silkie chicks

    I just hatched 6 silkie chicks and I was wondering when I will be able to tell their genders and how. This is my first time having chicken and I am really enjoying it. I got 6 chicks shipped in the mail 2 where weak and didn’t make it and one had wry neck, so now I have 3 that where shipped...
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