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  • Users: MamaFox78
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  1. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    Hi all! My daughter talked me into getting chicks from Big R, against my better judgement🙄 We just lost one buff orpington, another is sick, and so is one of the silver laced Wyandottes. Eyes closed, unable to walk and very uncoordinated... but they're still chirping. The Wyandotte seems a...
  2. MamaFox78

    Trying to integrate mamas & chicks

    This is my first time with broody hens hatching eggs! I've got two hens raising 3 baby chicks, they hatched about 2.5 weeks ago. The mamas (buff orpington and bantam ameraucana) are wanting to get out of the broody enclosure, and I think it's time for the chicks to get out too. But when we let...
  3. MamaFox78

    Hens not laying as much??

    I'm not sure what happened! I've got a mixed flock of 14 hens & 1 roo - my laying girls are Brahmas, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, a Leghorn, RIR, Barred Rock, Silkie and Salmon Faverolle. Gone broody at the moment are one of my Buffies and my bantam Ameraucana, so they're out of the laying...
  4. MamaFox78

    What do I do?! Hidden clutch of eggs!

    Oh boy... I came in the coop today and saw my EE, Taco, sitting up in the corner rafters. She was acting very territorial about her spot, I dare say broody, and wouldn't let me near her. So when I closed up the chickens tonight, Taco was out of the corner and roosting on her usual beam (she...
  5. MamaFox78

    Uh Oh - Fluid in belly?!

    I treated my flock for lice yesterday... and noticed about 6 of my 16 girls have swollen, hot abdomens that are filled with fluid. 😬 The first one I noticed with it was Mother Clucker (older RIR)... she was part of my original rescue flock almost 2 years ago, she and a few other hens had major...
  6. MamaFox78

    Permethrin dust

    I know, I know... the opinions on permethrin dust are as varied as the types of chickens we keep, and where we keep them. I've seen other threads. 😬🙈😂 I picked up a can of permethrin garden & poultry dust to treat lice... I'd been using DE to prevent & treat, but the nasty critters came back...
  7. MamaFox78

    How to tell if a hen is broody?

    Ok newbie questions! 😆 I would like to let some of my hens go broody later this spring, as I had a horrible time with the incubation experience last summer and only 6 chicks survived out of 18 eggs. 😔 But my girls don't seem to be acting broody at all. I'm wondering if they're stressed out by...
  8. MamaFox78

    Missing neck feathers on hens

    I came out to the coop and discovered two of my sweet Brahma hens are missing big patches of neck feathers!! (Technically I guess they're pullets, they turn 1 in July). This is Hennifer Lopez, and her twin Hennifer Aniston looks the same. About half a dozen of my 17 girls have huge patches of...
  9. MamaFox78

    Is this a Roo?

    So I got a bunch of chicks and hatching eggs from a local breeder over the summer... this was one of our mystery hatching eggs, hatched early August so s/he is 5 months old today. I originally thought this was a blue gold Brahma pullet, and named her Trixie. But today I saw "her" try to mount...
  10. MamaFox78

    Mystery chick - guesses on breed just for fun??😊

    Hi! This little cutie, Lady Cluck, was hatched from a light brown egg in a batch of mystery hatching eggs I got from a local farm. She's about 8 weeks old now. At first I thought she was a light Brahma due to her floofy feet, but as she's gotten older now I know she isn't... her feathers don't...
  11. MamaFox78

    Chicken names - just for fun!

    Ok I'm sure there are plenty of these, but let's share our chickens' names! Bonus points for funny ones... I recently added 18 little ones to my flock and 2 of the wee Brahmas still need names. 😜 Here's the ones I have so far: Dr Pecker Henrietta Chicken Little Oreo Spicy Nugget Mother Clucker...
  12. MamaFox78

    Weak, small chicks - what do I do??

    Ok so I'm having a helluva time with my first hatching experience. 😥 My incubator went dry on days 21-22 (I know - I feel horrible), I lost 10 eggs, it was awful! 😭 The first 5 chicks that hatched before the incubator went dry were perfectly fine, healthy and thriving. But I had to put one of...
  13. MamaFox78

    Can't figure out this breed!

    So I got hatching eggs from a local farm, assorted breeds - we wanted a surprise when they hatched so the kids could figure out what breed the chicks are. We were able to easily identify the light & buff Brahmas, Amerucauna, Copper Maran, and dark Silkie... but this little cutie evades...
  14. MamaFox78

    Hi everyone!

    Hi, I'm Adrianne! I live on a ranch in Colorado with my husband & 5 kids. We adopted a mixed breed rescue flock last September, and they were in terrible health after being neglected their whole lives. The Brahmas and Salmon Faverolle had lost all their leg feathers and parts of toes to scaly...
  15. MamaFox78

    Incubator went dry... will the eggs hatch?

    So this is my first time hatching chicken eggs... and I didn't know the importance of humidity, especially right before hatching. Due to a crazy weekend, neither me or the kids remembered to put water in the incubators and they went dry for day 21-22! 😱 Awful newbie mistake, I feel so terrible...
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