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  1. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    What can i grow my chooks?

    I’m thinking about growing some crops for my girls, and i need some help on what i can grow. I was thinking about Oregano Alfalfa, and some kind of lettuce (not iceberg). Any ideas? Mainly looking for leafy-type Or grassy crops.
  2. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    My chook is moulting

    Hey There! It’s been a while 😅 yeah so, Snowy (Purebred Light Sussex) started her first moult. How should i approach this situation? Her behaviour has changed a bit. She has been broody for a few weeks, and stopped laying eggs. our yard is covered in feathers, and she has many pin feathers on...
  3. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Muffin’s gender has been confirmed! Still not sure on the breed!

    Okay so, remember muffin? Our disabled chook? Well, it turns out he WAS a rooster. Buttt we still don’t know the breed. I’ll show all Of the pics i have of him.
  4. Savannah_Likes_Chickens


    Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! If you need any help sexing your cockatiel or budgie, I can help! :D
  5. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Hey all! just an update :D

    okay! so, I haven't been online for a while, but I am back now! Easter ended up going to the farm and is now in a flock of 9 hens (gold-laced wyandottes and ISA browns), and all the girls recently started laying. all 3 have also grown a lot. We still don't know Clover's breed, but we think she...
  6. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    We know who layed the egg!

    I did the finger test where you check how far the bones are from the cloaca and we concluded it was clover! Her egg was a cream colour. and a question: is egglaying regular straight away or does it take a while to become regular? Because she hasn’t laid since that first egg.
  7. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    It Happened!!

    This Afternoon when I got home, I did my small errands around home. The 3 pullets were out and I came out to check on them. I go back inside for a few minutes and when I go back out again, there was an egg on my back doormat. me & mum were so excited! But our question is who laid it? a) Loona...
  8. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Easter Is Going To A New Home

    So the title says it all. We have decided to re-home easter (our rooster) because he is getting too much for us And because we cannot keep roosters from where we live. He’s started crowing and getting VERY agressive towards our hens (yes I’m aware this is standard rooster/cockerel behaviour) he...
  9. Savannah_Likes_Chickens


    Okay so this morning I was shocked at a sound I haven’t heard for months since my other cockerel died. Crowing. yup, Easter has started to crow. And just asking, but can you train a roster to not crow? Not because it’s annoying, but because we are in town and if people here u, well…..yeah...
  10. Savannah_Likes_Chickens


    So, in some of my recent posts, I’ve been saying I used to have 5 chooks. I did, until muffin (we don’t know what gender but oh well) passed away. We know it was mareks. It has been at least 2 months since and none of the others have caught it. Any thoughts? Also, I’m fairly sure muffin had a...
  11. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Okay so I have a few questions

    So my questions are this: 1: why Is my cockerel (6 months old) pecking the back of (only) one of my pullet’s head & back? 2: when will he calm down? 3: can I get him cartrated? If so, will it kill him? 4: what can I give to my pullet & cockerel flock as a treat every now & then 5: my ??? X...
  12. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Ya’ll know what breeds?

    So here is my rather small flock. I took these pics a few moments ago. They currently sleep in out shed because we are figuring out the coop. They are outside all the time for at least 6 hours a day (maybe more) still need help identifying the breeds because I could be wrong about our...
  13. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    My Hybrid Pullets Aren’t Growing Combs

    Okay so I’m a little bit worried why aren’t my hybrid’s comb’s growing? They are 6 months old and I’m worried about it. Is there a problem? Maybe a disease? It’s probably because of them being crossbred but I’m not sure. (same chickens as my last post, Loona and clover) clover is growing some...
  14. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    Hello from a new member

    Hello there, my name is Savannah and I love chickens! I currently have 3 hens and a rooster :) we used to have five chooks but our other rooster passed away from mareks disease. i hope I can help people out by helping sex their chickens while recieving help and advice. And please, look at my...
  15. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    I need a bit of help with my 4 chooks.

    At the moment, we belive that we have 2 pure-bred light Sussex chooks (a rooster & a hen) but the other 2 concern us. We are fairly sure that They are a Sussex (not sure what specific type) cross with an Easter egger. Any thoughts? they are both hens (top is Clover and bottom is Loona) we...
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