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  1. OlyChickenGuy

    New to Peas- What's Mine Saying?

    Hello, pea-peeps! I recently had a peacock walk into my life, and have been having a difficult time researching all the little quirks I've noticed in this guy. And yes, I have read the peafowl 101 stickies, and more. I've spent the last decade rescuing roosters, but the last two years have...
  2. OlyChickenGuy

    Jelly-like Substance on Chicken Meat

    My house mate slaughtered and skinned a chicken, I butchered. While cleaning what was left, I noticed that the chicken- a buff Orpington roo, about a year old- had what looked like jellyfish jelly all over his meat, most concentrated between his thighs and body. His liver was also huge. I'm...
  3. OlyChickenGuy

    Hen Falling to the Left Side

    I had a friend call me last night distraught that her favourite hen could barely stand up. She was cuddling Caramel, the hen, just the day before, but yesterday she kept tipping over to her left, walking splay-footed to support herself, but when examined showed no signs of lumps, broken bones...
  4. OlyChickenGuy

    Tips For Identifying Breeds From Del's Farm and Feed Supply

    This is something I just learned recently when consulting with an employee at Del's Farm and Feed Supply. All Del's branches purchase their chicks from Privett Hatchery, so if you recieved an assortment ( usually in bantams ), check out the Privett Hatchery website to figure out what you might...
  5. OlyChickenGuy

    Rooster Wants to be a Mommy??

    I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I'll bet it's a big "no" since I'm about the ONLY person I know who owns a bachelor flock ( all males )! I took in some bantams recently, and two in particular, a black Dutch named Frank, and a blue Rosecomb named Izzy, are inseperable...
  6. OlyChickenGuy

    Catch a Peacock?

    I've been approached by someone who's neighbour passed away and left several peafowl on her property. Her family doesn't want to deal with the birds, and the neighbours want to find new homes for the peafowl, and don't wish to kill or harm the birds. The birds don't have a central "house" or...
  7. OlyChickenGuy

    NOT a Silkie, buuuut....

    I acquired this rooster from Craigslist. The lady said he was a "pure-bred Chinese Silkie rooster", and said that's what the person she got him from said. Someone was certainly lying, or didn't know what they were talking about! Take a look at this boy - GORGEOUS, but definitely NOT a silkie...
  8. OlyChickenGuy

    Pullet With Barking Cough; Rooster Eating Eggshells With Hens

    Firstly, this post has two inquiries, the first one being MUCH more important than the latter, but I really didn't want to make two different posts about all this. FIRST INQUIRY - potential emergency? Please help? I rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome chickens and offer chicken training...
  9. OlyChickenGuy

    Funny Coloured and Textured Egg

    Here's some pictures of the most recent egg I was given by my Ameraucana girl, Ziggy. What do you guys think the splots are?? Below is flock history... My flock consists of five: Bowser ( cock bantam mutt; 1 year old ), Bo ( cock 1/4 barred Plymouth Rock, 3/4 Rhode Island Red; 1.5 year...
  10. OlyChickenGuy

    Chicken Attacked by Raccoon

    I just moved and ended up at a new place that has been intending on getting chickens but has not yet made accommodations for them. I have five pet chickens and have been letting them free range in the front where they stay fairly close to the front door. Just today a raccoon tried to take off...
  11. OlyChickenGuy

    Rooster Gasping With Fruity Breath and Squishy Crop

    EDIT: I am updating whenever I can, and it doesn't seem like Bo's doing much better tonight than where he was yesterday. Any help or good words are appreciated! END EDIT My dearly beloved rooster, Bo, is currently not acting like himself. I woke up to check on him since when I last went to...
  12. OlyChickenGuy

    Egg Laying... IN MY LAP??

    I guess the first thing I should throw out is that I train chickens professionally, and I treat my chickens more as pets than backyard egg machines. I have two roosters and three hens - no problems aggression-wise or with my hens being over-mated. One of the roosters is a bantam mutt, and just...
  13. OlyChickenGuy

    Travelling With Chickens?

    Okay, so this is going to be a copy / paste from an Email I sent to someone else, and I don't even know if I'm posting this in the right section, but it seemed an appropriate thing to put under "flock management"... Well, I should probably firstly put forth that I DO NOT agree with a lot of...
  14. OlyChickenGuy

    What is Up With This Comb??

    I got this little guy and five others at an auction late last spring, I think. Two of his brothers had a similar comb problem, but none flopped over NEARLY as much - unfortunately, they passed away. One of his sisters also had a somewhat floppy comb. Also, breed?? My house mate guessed Old...
  15. OlyChickenGuy

    Hot to Treat Distended Crop and Leg Mites?

    Run-Down: Yesterday my house mates went out to look at houses to buy, as they are looking to move. The story my house mates gave me is that on one property was a dilapidated hen-house with bones and carnage, but as they were looking they found one lone hen. They said it looked as though...
  16. OlyChickenGuy

    Looks Like a Boy, Clucks Like a Girl?? [Lost of Photos]

    EDIT: Thank you for those showing concern and GIVING ADVICE ON HOW TO MAKE THINGS BETTER - Y'know, instead of just making assumptions. Sindri was given a bath immediately after these photos were taken, and I have taken him with me for Thanksgiving Day Weekend. He's perked up quite a bit just...
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