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  1. B

    Olive Egger genetics question

    This may be an impossible question to answer given my limited knowledge of the backgrounds of the two parents in question, however I’m going to ask it. Dad is a presumed F1 OE hatched from a Blue egg. (I hatched him from shipped “rainbow” eggs.) Dad clearly has some Marans and Ameraucana...
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    Govee and Incubator 2 degrees different

    About to start my 4th hatch with my NR360 - first 2 (one shipped, one fresh) were at factory settings (99.5) and went flawlessly. My 3rd was a hot mess. Had shipped eggs with some badly detached air cells and only had any development in 3 out of 24 - hatched 2 & both had not 100% absorbed yolk...
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    Grit size for mixed age flock

    I’ll be integrating the littles (11ish weeks) with the bigs soon. I’ve gotten all flock 20% protein and already have grit and oyster shells free choice for the bigs but the grit is too big for the littles. Can I mix the chick grit with the bigger grit or do I need to put it in a separate...
  4. B

    EE Sexing (mostly)

    Well the EE kiddos are 8ish weeks old plus 1 SLW and whatever the heck milkshake is just gonna put in a few shots and if y’all egg-sperts could be so kind just holler if you see anyone that might cockadoodle dooo. They are mostly group shots. One of the “traditional” EE has a smidge of a...
  5. B

    Is Milkshake a Bantam?

    Chicks are EE & 1 SLW - around 6 weeks old-ish from Rural King - they were a couple weeks old when I got them and milkshake and the SLW looked smaller and less feathered than the 4 EE. Staff didn’t know what milkshake was said “probably some random Easter egger”. SLW has caught up in size and...
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    27 Week old red sexlink not laying

    So I don’t know if I’m just being a helicopter chicken mom or what but I’m a little concerned. Beanie Weenie is 27 weeks, she’s a red sex link and most definitely the lowest on the pecking order. They don’t injure her visibly but literally all of them peck at her when she’s close to them...
  7. B

    What are these?

    Terrible pic I’m sorry but anyone know what these are? Wondering about the little mottled brown/beige ones and the blackish (dark brown?) with yellow speckled head.
  8. B

    Looking roo-ish?

    3ish week old EE (possibly the Mohawk bearing variety lol) I realize it’s young for a positive ID but does this look rooish at this point to yall?
  9. B

    New babies!

    Probably way too young to make sex guesses, they are all supposed to be pullets (we’ll see….) BUT hubby wanted an expensive new toy today so I agreed if I got chicks haha I figured that would end the discussion…clearly it didn’t lol. So here’s the new kids on the block - 2 I’m gonna guess...
  10. B

    1st Egg!

    Had 2 egg songs this morning but one was just keeping the ceramic egg warm and didn’t do anything…the 2nd laid her first egg!!!! 17.5 week old white leghorn. Her 3rd sister is still sick, so doubtful it will be her and the 4th leghorn is way behind in maturity so don’t think it will be her...
  11. B

    Chicken PMS?

    So the chicky babies are 17 weeks old now, this is my sweetest cuddliest one. No one has layed yet but 2 of her sisters are looking darn close. Today I noticed her acting…just off. She’s hanging out in the coop and didn’t eat any of the handful of scratch or watermelon. Saturday she MIGHT...
  12. B

    Getting closer!!!

    Betty White is 15 weeks old and is starting to squat…I think she’s going to be the first! She and her BFF Blanche have been checking out the nesting boxes. Bocephus is not amused. :lau My babies are growing up!!
  13. B

    What the heck is Hennifer Lopez?

    So my initial post got lost in the abyss so I’ll just ask what I really want to know the most…what the heck is Hennifer Lopez? She was a TSC “black sex link” but looks nothing like her almost solid black “sister” now at 9 weeks, though they were identical as baby chicks, both black with some...
  14. B

    9 Week Old Sex Links…curious and confused

    So what I’m wondering is what breeds went into the making of my red and black sex links. The reds were listed as “cinnamon queen”. The two blacks look nothing alike now and the two reds have different cone types. Also is it just me or are my reds cones awfully red? All are supposed to be...
  15. B

    Hi From Tennessee!

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to owning chickens…grandparents had chickens I enjoyed as a kid. Freshly hatched chicken “owner” as of April 29,2022 beginning with a RIR “rescue chicken” named Bocephus…who of course needed friends. :) (2) How many chickens do...
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