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  1. ohnoicantfly

    Aggressive chick?

    I have three 1.5 week old chicks that I've been raising. They are all co-exist well with each other, but whenever anyone puts their hand in the brooder, one of the chicks will jump and flap at their hand and sometimes peck if you try to pick him up. Is this chick a rooster? Or is this chick just...
  2. ohnoicantfly

    Why is my rooster bullying this new hen?

    I added a new hen to my flock yesterday. I know you're not supposed to add only one, but it was add one, or lose the chicken. Most of the hens are okay with her being around, from what I've seen. Some chase her, but I believe that will subside in a week or two. My rooster is the problem. He...
  3. ohnoicantfly

    Is this the chick's umbilical cord? Please help!

    Hi, everyone. This chick hatched without absorbing it's yolk sac yesterday. His intestines got pulled out too, but I gently pushed them back in with a q-tip. He was fine, but then this yellow string popped out with blood on the end. What is it? Are his intestines coming out again? The hole had...
  4. ohnoicantfly

    Chicks Not Eating

    A few of my chicks hatched this morning and they haven't really eaten anything yet. So far, I've offered them their food and some boiled egg yolk (mashed, with a bit of water added) but they've only sort of nibbled here and there. Is this normal? Are they full from consuming the yolk sac? If so...
  5. ohnoicantfly

    Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

    Hello all. One of my chicks that has hatched has a red sac hanging from the bottom of it's tummy. Is this normal? The chick is acting fine. It's running around with the other two, stopping now and then to take rests. someone please help. I'm panicking a little.
  6. ohnoicantfly

    What do I do? Hatching chicks.

    One of my chicks is hatching right now (or it has already, I haven't opened the incubator yet) and I'm not sure what to do next. A friend who gave me the incubator told me not to open the incubator at all during hatching, but every site says remove the chicks once they've absorbed the yolk and...
  7. ohnoicantfly

    How big a hole can chicks get through?

    Hi! I'm getting my brooder ready for some chicks I'm hatching. I'm using an old dog kennel, but the spaces between the bars are abut 1 1/4 inches. Newborn chicks could probably get through that, right? Should I line the bottom with cardboard or something? Also, will cardboard be a fire hazard...
  8. ohnoicantfly

    Are these eggs dead?

    Hello all! It's day 14 of incubation and I just finished candling. I removed one that I was sure was dead, but there are two others I'm not sure about. Are these eggs dead? I just want to confirm before I remove them. Thanks.
  9. ohnoicantfly

    Rooster walking with tail down in the rain?

    Hello! It was raining on and off all day where I live a couple days ago and it started when my chickens were free ranging so they got caught in it and ran for the coop. While they were running around however, my rooster had his tail down. As soon as it stopped raining, he stopped walking with...
  10. ohnoicantfly

    How do I cool down my coop?

    It's been kind of hot these past few days and I was wondering how to lower the temperatures in my coop? My poor birds really look like they are suffering, and I want to help but I don't know how. The coop has a 2 1/2 x 3' (estimating here) window that I currently have open. There are two coop...
  11. ohnoicantfly

    First candling: are these eggs developing?

    I just candled for the first time, but I can't tell if all the eggs are developing. Some of the eggs are brown, and I'm having trouble seeing the embryo through the shell. I was seeing eyeballs and even movement in some of the lighter colored eggs. How can I know if the brown eggs are doing...
  12. ohnoicantfly

    Why do we need to keep humidity at a certain level?

    Hello all! I've been genuinely curious about this for a long time. How come we have to monitor humidity in an incubator, when a broody hen hatches her clutch without even having an idea of what humidity is? Does she somehow regulate humidity for the eggs? Really just curious here! :D
  13. ohnoicantfly

    Humidity levels in a dry hatch?

    Hello all. What is the lowest accepted level of humidity for a dry hatch? My incubator couldn't hold humidity if the world depended on it and I was considering a dry hatch. I've done a bit of research and some sites say 15-30% is the lowest, while others seem to say no lower than 25%. What is...
  14. ohnoicantfly

    How to keep humidity up overnight?

    How do you keep humidity in an incubator from falling too low overnight if I can't fill the water reservoir? Does anyone else have this problem? Or does my incubator's humidity just drop really fast? Any tips or advice for humidity in incubation are welcome.
  15. ohnoicantfly

    How to lower humidity?

    I set up my incubator yesterday (only added hygrometer today, however) and the humidity just refuses to come down. I removed basically all the water in the water reservoir (I know that humidity levels are determined by the water surface area, not necessarily the amount of water :)) but the...
  16. ohnoicantfly

    What kind of combs are these?

    Hello! These are my EEs combs. Just out of curiosity and to further my knowledge of chickens, can anyone tell me what their combs are? :)
  17. ohnoicantfly

    Why can't you incubate eggs laying on their sides?

    Just out of curiosity, why is it that we have to incubate eggs pointy end down? I mean, a broody hens hatches her clutch with the eggs laying on their sides, so why can't we? Does it have to do with the difference between the amount of times a broody turns her eggs and we turn eggs in a day?
  18. ohnoicantfly

    Why do my chickens prefer their water when I dump it out?

    Just curious here. When I dump out my chickens' water on the ground, they go for it like it somehow changed from ordinary water, to magic, delicious water when I dumped it. They prefer the old water that I've dumped on the ground to the fresh water in their waterer. Why do they do this? :rolleyes:
  19. ohnoicantfly

    What exactly is a "barnyard mix chick"?

    Hi! I keep seeing ads selling "barnyard mix chicks". Just wondering what this means? Can any mixed breed be a barnyard mix? Or is it a mix of certain breeds?
  20. ohnoicantfly

    Do you refill the incubator's water container after the chicks have begun to hatch?

    Hello! What should you do if/when the incubator's water container gets too low while chicks are hatching? Should you just leave it be and hope the hatching eggs will keep humidity up? Or should you risk humidity dropping while the chicks are hatching and refill? Thanks!
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