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  1. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Possible Mycoplasma from Hilltop Farms chicks.

    I’m pretty sure I now have mycoplasma in my flock from bringing in infected chicks from an NPIP place! This place is called Hilltop farms and many people have had very negative experiences like I have, including a massive amount of chick deaths! One of my chicks from there had some sneezing and...
  2. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Let’s start some gender guesses! Ameraucanas, starting at 3 weeks!

    I wanted to start guessing the genders of my 6 Ameraucana chicks! I thought it’d be fun to have this thread to track the progress of the chicks as well! I have 5 white Ameraucanas and 1 blue, they’re 3 weeks old tomorrow. Let’s see which ones we think are cockerels vs pullets right now and I’ll...
  3. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    California Mountain Chicks flock, garden and more!

    I thought I’d finally start my own flock thread! I’ll start off with a little about me! I got my first chickens when I was 18, wanted only 2, read you should have 3, got 4. I wanted chickens because I am really into gardening and I loved that they eat garden pests, eat garden waste, turn all of...
  4. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Ameraucana - Want some second opinions, pullet or cockerel?

    I’m 90% sure she’s a pullet but I just want some second opinions! 10 weeks old! I’d say I’m pretty good at sexing chickens but Ameraucanas can always be a little tricky!
  5. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    What would you get from a white Ameraucana male with these females?

    I’m trying to decide if I’ll keep one of the cockerels from my recent Ameraucana hatch. I hatched purebred white Ameraucanas from Gypsy Hen Poultry… If I were to keep and breed one of the males to these hens I’m going to list below what type of feather coloring/looks would be made? White...
  6. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Totally converted to broody raised chicks!

    I’m totally converted to broody raised chicks. Now that I live on a larger piece of property, it was finally time to let a broody mama hatch out some babies! I used a hen that’s extremely dedicated to sitting, has a good temperament, and is docile even when broody since I wanted to be able to...
  7. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Something strange is happening with my hen… Updates with video’s attached. Any help and suggestions needed!

    As the title states, something strange that I’ve never seen before and can’t find anything about is happening with my hen. At nighttime, and nighttime only, she starts to fall asleep on the roost. After a while she all of a sudden falls off the roost, flaps around on the floor and moves her neck...
  8. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Broody got poop on eggs

    My broody does a good job of pooping outside the nest but she stepped on one of her broody poops and got poo all over the eggs she’s incubating right now! Will this allow bacteria to grow? I’m wondering if I should wash them in warm water, not sure if this will do more harm then good. It’s all...
  9. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Can chicks drink cold water?

    I can’t seem to find anything about this subject so I thought I’d ask here! I’m letting a broody hatch some chicks for the first time and she’ll be raising them outside in a separate area but still with the flock. I usually have her water in a waterer for her and it’s typically ice cold for half...
  10. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Letting shipped eggs rest?

    Should you let shipped hatching eggs rest before giving them to a broody hen? My hen is currently sitting on 6 fake eggs and I have 6 Ameraucana hatching eggs coming this week and I was just wondering if I need to let those eggs sit for a period of time before giving them to her? Thanks!
  11. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Could this still be coccidiosis?

    I have one chick out of 3 that’s way slower and much skinnier than the other two. The other two chicks are very active and rambunctious but this one is very sleepy and slow. They’re about 4 weeks old. Due to her behavior and thinness I treated them with 1/2 tsp of liquid corid in their quart...
  12. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    4 week old chick feels very light and skinny but eats a lot?

    I have a roughly 4 week old Ameraucana chick who feels very light and has a much more prominent keel bone than the other two chicks she’s with (mottled Java and salmon faverolles). She’s definitely less rowdy than the other two, but not really lethargic. They’re fed only scratch and peck chick...
  13. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    How many eggs can a broody bantam hatch?

    How many eggs can a broody bantam frizzle Cochin hatch? I want to purchase some true Ameraucana eggs of different colors and I’m wondering how many eggs and chicks a broody bantam could incubate and raise? I’m planning on her doing it over this summer because we get nights into the high 20’s/low...
  14. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Keeping a few female call ducks with a flock of chickens?

    Curious if it’s a good idea to introduce a few (2-3) female call ducks to a flock of chickens? I really like that the call ducks are small and more similar to the size of standard chickens… would they get along fine? I definitely know not to have a drake with my hens. My chickens live in a 1,450...
  15. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Good cover crops and forage options for chicken yard?

    I'm trying to come up with some good forage crops to plant in my chicken yard. It's an enclosed yard for them with two separate sections. One section is 25'x25', this is where the coop is, and another section is 33'x25'. I was thinking about starting to periodically close off the larger section...
  16. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Is it normal for my 12 hens to only go through 35lbs of feed a month..?

    I’m just wondering if it’s normal for my 12 hens to only go through 35lbs of feed a month. For reference I have 6 standards and 6 bantams. Even with the bantams the ‘average’ amount my flock should be eating is about 60lbs a month (from things I’ve read online and here in BYC) 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feed...
  17. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Has anyone purchased chicks from Hilltop Farms in California? *Do not buy from Hilltop Farms! Negative experiences are in the thread!!!*

    I placed an order for 8 chicks from Hilltop Farms here in Southern California. I’m wondering if those of you who have gotten chicks from them had a good experience with them? I chose Hilltop because they are local, Npip, and they had Russian Orloffs which I have wanted for a long time! I’m...
  18. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Baby chicks! What did you get this year/hatching?

    Ordering new chicks is such a fun time! Many new and experienced keepers get chick fever come spring time, and it definitely hit me again haha 🐥 What breeds did you all order this year or what are you planning on hatching? Send in some pictures when your chicks arrive as well, we all love seeing...
  19. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    So Cal Fire evacuation… how to evacuate with chickens?

    I’m not certain if my family and I will have to evacuate our home… at least this time. A fire started in a city below the mountains and is very quickly moving through the canyons towards us and the town a bit lower than us. Evacuation zones are being set and getting closer and closer to us. The...
  20. CaliforniaMountainChicks

    Post your fluffy chicken butt pictures here!

    I know many of us have pictures of our chickens fluffy butts, so I am making this thread dedicated to posting pictures of those adorable bootys! Post as many pictures as you’d like of your guys or gals fluffy butt! Give the name and/or breed of the chicken if you’d like as well! They also don’t...
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