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  • Users: Beekissed
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Beekissed

    TWEAK MY COOP~Tweaks on the Cheap

    Just thought I'd start a thread on coop tweaking...sort of a "Pimp My Ride" for chicken coops, but without all the glitzy frills. I don't think it's something that ever really ends as the flocks change, weather cycles change, materials wear out or you realize someone out there has a better idea...
  2. Beekissed

    Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

    Well....I've got it all set up and now it's step out on faith time, so I prayed over the nest and will see what God can do. I'm experimenting with incubation in a natural as can get setting to see if I can hatch chicks in this manner. This is my first foray into incubating chicks, so total...
  3. Beekissed

    West Virginia Flock Talk

    Curious if there are any folks out there in WV not raising chickens as pets and not doing pet breeds? Would love to have someone in the state who is keeping chickens for food, and for their heritage, to talk with. I keep dual purpose breeds for eggs and meat and would love to talk to others in...
  4. Beekissed

    The Front Porch Swing

    A thread for friends to laugh, share, cry, pray, love and just BE together. I'm officially dusting off the front porch swing, bringing out the ice tea and bug spray and inviting friends over for a chat about anything and everything that is good~except it's winter, so we'll just have to pretend...
  5. Beekissed

    Developing the grass in your yard for increasing free ranging nutrition

    It was suggested that I start a thread about this topic and see if anyone were interested. Anyone out there deliberately growing different types of grasses to amp up the nutritional value of their grasses for their free ranged flocks? Cornish Cross meat birds grazing white dutch clover...
  6. Beekissed

    The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

    We are moving a story line from the What is this chicken thinking? thread to this one so that this evolving story line can be followed and the other thread won't be hijacked. Feel free to add to the story, but try to keep it appropriately funny. If you see your pics on this thread, they have...
  7. Beekissed

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    I am going to try an experiment. Something I've never done or attempted before but feel like it would be educational and beneficial to those who have let their flocks stray off the path of good health and want to find the way back. Here's the back story: I had a wonderful flock that had...
  8. Beekissed

    WV Backyard Processing Workshop~June 2nd~ 9 openings left, so reserve your place!

    Backyard Homestead Chicken Processing Workshop When? June 2nd , 8a - 10a Where? 30 min. from Parkersburg, past WVU-Parkersburg Campus on Rt. 47. (Directions will be provided.) Who? For those who would like to learn how to kill, pluck and process a chicken in a humane and...
  9. Beekissed

    What features do you wish your small (2-6 bird)coop had?

    What features do you most wish your small coop had and does not currently have? I've listed a few things I would place in a coop for that many birds, can you think of anything else that would be desirable? Easy mobility in order to provide fresh grass in the run Attached and sheltered run...
  10. Beekissed

    Raising meaties on the cheep...anyone out there trying this?

    I've raised them cheaply before but I am stepping it up a notch this time and am trying a few things to bring the total cost of raising meat down to where the common afford to do it at home. Anyone else tossing around ideas on how to do this cheaper? I'm also finding...
  11. Beekissed

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Upon request I am starting a thread about using fermentation to improve feed nutritive value and health benefits. Anyone doing it? How long have you been doing it? Your methods? Grains/feeds used in this manner? Your overall review of this method of feeding?
  12. Beekissed

    Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

    The use of ACV~apple cider vinegar, is an oft repeated subject on this forum and the discussion is usually the same each one knows how it works but some really vouch for its good effects on their flocks. I'll be the first to state that I wouldn't raise chickens without it's use...
  13. Beekissed

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    After seeing Nifty's poll on years of flock management, it seems there are enough old timers here to compile some good, old-fashioned and time-honored tricks of the trade....anyone care to share their philosophy on chickens and all things pertaining? Now then, I'd like to ask folks to be...
  14. Beekissed

    I cannot empty my inbox....S.O.S. !!!

    Hello, Mods and Nifty...hate to bother you with this little bitty thing, but I couldn't PM any of you due to this. I cannot seem to delete anything from my inbox and I can't send any PMs until I do. Could someone clear my inbox? All of it? There isn't anything in particular that I need to...
  15. Beekissed

    How much would you pay for PET/CHICKEN SITTING ?

    Just throwing this out there and was many of you would pay a good fee for professional pet/chicken sitting while you are on vacation? How much would you pay? Is this a big issue out there and a need? If so, how important is it?
  16. Beekissed

    A CALL OUT for responsible pet ownership! Unwanted roos, ducks, etc.

    Not to ruffle any feathers .... but isn't it a little unresponsible to breed these animals in the first place if you have no contingency plan in place for which to apply your surfeit of unwanted offspring? I only mention this because this is a question/dilemma that is often asked/faced...
  17. Beekissed

    POLL: Did your roo turn aggressive towards you?

    I've noticed a trend in posts about the subject over the years and was curious about the actual numbers. Did you hand raise a roo from a chick, hold and pet him a lot and did he then turn aggressive to you or a family member?
  18. Beekissed

    Saddest song you know?

    In your opinion, what is the saddest song(s) you've ever heard? What genre are they? I can name a few right off hand: Smoky Mountain Memories~Bluegrass Have You Seen Her? R&B He Stopped Loving Her Today~ Country Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain~Country
  19. Beekissed

    Can you hear the "Hallelujah Chorus"???? Eggs!

    The floodgates are open, choirs sing, light pours from the sky as EGGS, glorious EGGS! come rolling from the chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All winter long, 2-3 eggs.....not just this winter. This has been happening since August and was an abnormal occurence in my chickeny history. Now? I've...
  20. Beekissed

    Anyone inspire you today?

    Today I was completely humbled and once again my preconceived notions of this world and of people were rocked. Today I saw love and it started a love in me as well. Anyone else meet someone or experience something that inspired them today? Inspired them to see things differently or showed...
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