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  1. TammyRoesch

    Help! Bugs....

    I just saw all these bugs in my coop! Never had this before....what are they? HELP!!!
  2. TammyRoesch

    Broody Hen...8 Months Old

    Good morning! I have a Hen that is 8 months old and has been sitting on eggs for 4 days...if she successfully hatches the chicks, do I need to remove them all to a separate area or will she protect them from the other hens and rooster? This is all a first time thing for me and her :).
  3. TammyRoesch

    Is This Normal?

    I'm a Greenie :). My 44 - 4.5 month old hens are just beginning to lay eggs. Some of them have speckles and other markings. Is this normal? I just want to make sure that it doesn't mean they are lacking anything in their diet. Thanks for your help in advance!
  4. TammyRoesch

    How to Encourage a Hen to Brood

    My girls are 4.5 months old and several of them just started laying a week ago. I would like to encourage them to brood and raise some baby chickens for us. What is the best way to do that? Do I need to build anything special in the coop? Right now, they just have the roost and a place to...
  5. TammyRoesch

    How High to Place Feeder on Wall?

    How high off the floor should I place my wall feeder for the chickens? Thanks in advance!
  6. TammyRoesch

    Worried About Drafts....

    I'm a NEWBIE....and this is my first winter with chickens...mine are now about 7 weeks old. We live in NE OHIO, in the snowball and it can get really wintery here. I have an automatic door on the coop....should I hang a curtain or something in front of that to prevent the snow and drafts from...
  7. TammyRoesch

    I Was Supposed to Be Buying All Girls, But I Think I Bought 1 Boy, Too ~ What Do You Think?

    The Chicks are 4 weeks old, will be 5 on Monday....and this one looks altogether different than the rest of the flock...his comb is bigger, redder and he seems to have longer legs...What do you think? Do I have a Rooster? He is very skittish and doesn't like us to catch him. The rest of the...
  8. TammyRoesch

    We just noticed this today....

    This little girl is 4.5 weeks old and we just noticed today that her beak does not line up. She seems able to eat...but I feel so bad for there anything we can do to help her?
  9. TammyRoesch

    Chicks are 16 Days Old...

    The only thing I've been feeding them is the Chick Starter and Chick Grit and once a day I give them scrambled eggs. At what point can I start to introduce kitchen scraps and other food?
  10. TammyRoesch

    Having Fun With My Chickies!

    Well, it's been a while since I have been here....originally we were going to get the OMLETTE Coop, but we decided against that, and ended up having our Amish friends make us a's pretty much finished, a couple little things I still have to do... Our Baby Chicks came 2 weeks ago....we...
  11. TammyRoesch

    Advice Please....Decided Against the Omlet and Want to Build a Coop for 50 Chickens

    Hi! I am cancelling my order for two OMLET's and have decided to build a COOP for 50 chickens instead. My reason for having chickens is to collect alot of manure for my garden. I'm a vegan and don't eat eggs or chickens :). So, I'm trying to decide what would be a good Coop plan and would...
  12. TammyRoesch

    Hi There!

    I'm glad I found your forum. I'm very new to chicken raising. I'm a vegan, and love gardening so I'm into chickens for their poop :). I just ordered 2 of the Omelet Portable Chicken Coops and have 14 chickens that are coming the end of the month. I'm really excited about this! I'm sure I'll...
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