Search results for query: *

  1. T

    Oyster shell container

    We have oyster shell currently in a Chinese leftover container attached to the side of our run. It gets wet with rain and gets very hard in clumps-I’m thinking this is why we’ve been having some soft and broken eggs. Looking for suggestions on what people store their oyster shell in...
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    Sick hen

    Found barred rock hen 2 years old to be mostly sitting and looking tired today. Comb more pale than normal. Liquid poop with no signs of worms or blood and didn’t see any mites or lice on her. She for the most part let me inspect her without running which is abnormal for her. I’m not sure if...
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    Moving chicks outside and incorporating with other chickens

    We have 4 chicks almost 6 weeks old. They’re all feathered out, 2 OE and SLW and GLW(roo). Our temps are currently in the 70’s at a high and 50’s at a low. I built a wall to seperate the coop so they can begin to see and get used to our existing chickens, and learn the coop as their home...
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    Ant infestation

    Help! I noticed a couple ants at one of the nesting boxes a couple days ago. Today I lifted the straw to find a HUGE pile of ants all over the floor and bedding of nesting box. The last time we changed bedding I added the horse pellets for the first time, could the sawdust be attracting them...
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    Sexing week old

    Hi! We got 4 chicks one week ago on April 4th, probably born on the 2-3rdish. We got 2 OE and 2 wyandottes. I’ve noticed one of the OE, the smaller of the 2 has developed some tail feather and has longer wing feathers than all the others. None of the others have tail feathers yet and wings are...
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    Feathered legs?

    We just bought 4 chicks today. 2 olive eggers, 1 SL Wyandotte and 1 GL Wyandotte. One of the olive eggers has some feathers coming from its dark colored legs. I did a lot of research prior to getting them and saw some comments on feathered legs causing frost bite and increased mites. We...
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    Starting to free range?

    We have 5 chickens all less than 1 year old. They’ve been kept inside a coop and 10x10 run for the entirety. We have 1.25 acres of land not fenced in. I’m just curious how occasional free ranging for only a couple hours here and there will go if even possible. I’m worried they will wander...
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    Winter water suggestions

    Hey everyone, this will be our first winter with chickens and trying to get some ideas before the freezing temps come in. We live in Maryland and it gets decently cold during winter. We currently use this waterer with the automatic filling cups. I would love to just keep using the same waterer...
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    Well, some of our girls finally laid! My wife noticed yesterday they were spending some time in the nesting boxes for the first time, then came to check later on to find two eggs in the same box! She checked periodically throughout the rest of the day and had two more at different times! Going...
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    Confused on what to feed.

    Hey everyone, we have 15/16 week chickens some of which look close to laying. I’ve seen some squats and definitely pinker/redder combs and waddles. We’re finishing up a bag of start and grow which they’ve been on from the beginning. I was originally thinking of just going to layer crumble but...
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    hey everyone, I currently have a thread “RIR Pullets” which has backstory on everything. Basically have two RIR ~7.5 week old, one I’m worried potential coccidosis and the other some sort of respiratory illness. I just started them on CORID this morning. I have hydro-hen probiotics, electrolytes...
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    RIR Pullets

    We have two RIR pullets(I think they’re both pullets) about 7.5 weeks old. One is smaller and one is larger. Yesterday we noticed the smaller one was not as active as she had been, today she is keeping one of her eyes closed unless I force it open and appears normal. She just seems a little more...
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    Gravity feeder

    Hey everyone, going to attempt to make a gravity feeder for my 5 pullets. I have a 5 gallon bucket with sealable lid as well as 3, 3inch 90* elbows. I’ve seen some mixed reviews on 90* vs 45* and hoping to get some suggestions before I actually build. I would like to know if anyone has built...
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    TSC Producers Pride Defender 2020 Version

    Hey Everyone! My family and I are brand new to owning chickens, we bought 5 chicks from a local farm store(3 barred rocks, 2 RIR). The chicks are 5-6 weeks old and will be moving from brooder shortly. We bought the producers pride defender coop and run from TSC after A LOT of research and...
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