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  1. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day 6 - Are these all yolkers?

    Hey guys, this is my first hatch from my favorite Black Australorp hen, Sydney, and my great big, gorgeous rooster, Othello. I am kind of bummed here. I see one egg looks pretty porous, and the rest...? I just don't see anything that looks like clear development. I thought I would be seeing...
  2. Chipmunk Chicks

    We have a rooster!

    Guys. It's finally happened. I'm still a little bit in disbelief. Yesterday, we got our gorgeous Australorp rooster (hatched 2022) from Dan Castle at Castle Poultry in CT. I'll have better pictures once he starts to settle in, but he is a big boy! He's also in a moult so he's just got one...
  3. Chipmunk Chicks

    That's so weird!

    What's one weird thing that you have / don't have / do / don't do in your household that guests might think is weird, or even your own partner thinks is weird!? But that's just how you do, and you gone do you, boo <<insert diva z snaps>>
  4. Chipmunk Chicks

    Petit Project Pen

    Guys! I am kind of excited. Some of you may know that I currently have five pullets growing out in my basement that I've started for a family member. The chicks are 8 weeks old now, and I have officially moved the chicks I've decided to keep out into the coop. We will also be traveling out...
  5. Chipmunk Chicks

    Cream Legbar Chicks!!

    Are these female? Being sold at TSC as SR Cream Legbars, and they are a little bigger so I'm wondering if people who know left the last two males...
  6. Chipmunk Chicks

    Hen eating eggs

    I have three Welsh Harlequin ducks who will be a year old around the end of June. I have been getting three nice eggs from them mostly like clockwork every morning laid in the hut, and then I move them to the enclosure for the day, which they share with the chickens, and then I move them back...
  7. Chipmunk Chicks

    Two Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets?

    From Hoover's, specifically marked as pullets at Tractor Supply. Two and a half weeks old, differences in size, temperament, coloring, stance, comb color... Sylvia, L; Ivy, R. Sylvia clearly has more white around the shoulders, copper frosting on her head, and is overall slightly bigger than...
  8. Chipmunk Chicks

    Red Mystery Chick

    RIR? Production Red? Red Starlight Green Egger? Pullet or Cockerel? This chick was pulled for us by a Tractor Supply employee as the wrong type of bird. They come from Hoover's. The bin was labeled as a Rare Marans assortment, and also said sex link (so is that referring to the Magnetic...
  9. Chipmunk Chicks

    I have zero chill - cockerel?

    Marshmallow is only two and a half weeks old, so I already know I have to wait and see. ...But I just have to post anyway, because I have zero chill. I was assuming she's a SGE pullet from a mixed bin at Tractor Supply, but the employee pulling them for my husband was sure he was giving us...
  10. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    So turns out we are having a bit of an adventure getting our new chicks this season. For those who care to follow along... To make matters worse, one of the yellow chicks has really been struggling. She seems to be doing much better now! But she is smaller than the rest and I would never...
  11. Chipmunk Chicks

    Maybe not Marans? :(

    A kind member has broken the news to me that I probably do *not* have four new Fr. Wheaten Marans chicks. 😭 My husband picked them up from TSC in a bin that was marked Assorted Marans (including Mystic Onyx, Majestic, Fr. Wheaten and maybe one more), and Starlight Green Eggers. Whoever...
  12. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day old chick - Leg Weakness

    Last night, DH brought home four of the most adorable little French Wheaten Marans chicks, to add to the three Bielefelder and two SLW chicks he brought home the night before. (Whoops!) He didn't really have the opportunity to pick them, the kid just grabbed four yellow chicks and put them in...
  13. Chipmunk Chicks

    What happens when you breed a Sasso Rooster?

    We have been talking about trying our hand at various meat birds for some time, but we currently just have a laying flock of Australorps and Welsummers. A friend has offered us a rooster, which might be nice since we haven't been able to free range our birds as much as we would like, following...
  14. Chipmunk Chicks

    What do you feed your layers?

    Hi, y'all. Curious about people's honest experiences with feed, and/or experiences with changing feeds. I was using a much more expensive Grubbly Farms feed to raise our chicks and grow as they came into lay. However we also added ducks, which we put on the NatureWise All Flock, readily...
  15. Chipmunk Chicks

    Chick's First Hatch! (We hope!) And they're ducks!!! - Hatch-Along

    Hi all! It's been a minute since I was on BYC, but mostly life is good! Sadly though, just after New Year's, we lost our beautiful Welsh Harlequin drake to a predator. That was hard to see, but we were able to bury him with at least a little bit of dignity in the backyard. We had stopped...
  16. Chipmunk Chicks

    Welsh Harlequin - Metzer vs. Murray McMurray

    We just purchased our first ducklings!!! Thanks for the nudge @Evermore We have three Welsh Harlequin ducks and one drake coming from Metzer's w/o June 27th. However, the more I read on BYC, I have heard mixed reviews about their stock. These may be outdated reviews however, since so many...
  17. Chipmunk Chicks

    Are all my baby Welsummer chicks pullets?

    I know these girls are barely 3 weeks, but I wanted to ask if all these Welsummer chicks look like pullets based on their head triangles? (Since they are supposed to be more easily sexed at hatch.) I feel like three look very dark and clear, and three are a little fuzzier. Of course, I didn't...
  18. Chipmunk Chicks


    Hi, there. I don't see a lot of information on BYC about this breed, so I'm wondering if anyone might have some experience with the German Deathlayers? I had never heard of this breed until recently and I am wondering if they can be kept / handled much like any other chicken along with your...
  19. Chipmunk Chicks

    Would you add Death Layer chickens to your flock?

    Edited to update: I'm hoping to hear about others' experience with the German Death Layer breed of chicken, which lays steadily all the way through to old age. I have read that they would prefer to roost in trees, so I'm not sure if they would just live outside the coop at night, if you had...
  20. Chipmunk Chicks

    Mixing Chicks

    Hiya, BYC. I have seen information on both sides of the spectrum - "One must NEVER mix different ages of chicks" / "You can absolutely mix ages of chicks," ...provided they are not too far apart in age, watch for bullying, have enough space, multiple feeders and waterers etc etc etc. My chicks...
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