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  • Users: Chicona
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  1. C

    2 roosters with hens?

    i have had chickens 10 years now, and i have a old rescue rooster who was rescued from wild being tormented, had him 5 years, he is a scardey cat, runs from us all the time, but if ya get hold of him he burys his head in ya, he knows ur ok aslong as ya slow, but cant wait to get away , he gets...
  2. C

    Bird died again

    Got another out of the blue dead same as my other posts Thistime we got her to the vet and she died with the vet he said she has fluid in the lung and can’t swallow antibiotics he said it’s a lung or heart bacterial infection spread by wild birds and to make sure there vaccinated at birth...
  3. C

    Chicken feathers porquipine?

    So she is on a nest box broody at 10pm and I try to put her in the flock She threw herself at me and a ball of feathers flew wrecklessly down the yard in the dark and stopped dead in a puddle I picked her up and she did it again went Beserk and left a feather pile again I grabbed her to get...
  4. C

    Force feeding chickens ?

    I’ve posted about sickness but I am sure most have viewed it and pass over it now ,I haven’t any reply’s and I am in panic so I am posting again here slightly different title as I can’t edit old one Video...
  5. C

    Poorly chicken help fast

    Had a chicken last week die who went broody and weak 2 weak chickens died on allotment last week Now my ginge for no reason is sulking like her sister was before she died Keeps laying down won’t jump down n stuff she eats if I feed her like but I’m worried she will end up like her sister and...
  6. C

    Weight loss ?? Normal ??

    So my flock is a sussex mix with a Indian game Cornish cock And my other flock is a mutt cock with now 3 old rir We had a Lincolnshire buff and 3 welsummers but the welsummers got Poorly sulking and died fast We had new birds in we rescued brought lice n worms , lice freaked me out the eggs...
  7. C

    Bathing chickens help

    Guide says “ Dip your bird in the warm rinse water. Hold your bird a few seconds, while the water drains. Immediately wrap your bird in a towel; do not leave it uncovered, even on a hot day. Dry Your Bird Carefully and Thoroughly. You must thoroughly dry your bird. Never leave a wet bird in...
  8. C

    Help bleeding bum and lice nests

    I’ve bathed the chickens in Epsom neem for it kills most the lice but I’ve found one chickens bleeding at the bum and a line of egg nests all the way up to her vent Another who alarmed us looked egg bound so we bathed her to find lice ,I have never had lice in 7uears of chickens I am crapping...
  9. C

    Rir x light Sussex x Indian game ?

    I was trying to find some light Sussex for my cock Indian game to breed with as per the breeding project on here I have found some 2 light Sussex But also has his first bred baby’s too there Rir cock x light Sussex mum I want to cross into my cock so was looking just for ls girls But he...
  10. C

    Chicken food

    I’m told I can’t mix food at home efficiently so I have to store buy and I have been but when I look at the ingredients on this bag it’s half of what I was adding so why can’t I just mix it ? It’s cheaper for one Composition Organic Wheat, got...
  11. C

    How does she look , safe to eat ?

    Well I crapped myself when eggs came out holy sheet I thaught I found a cluster or tumors lol The amount of fat on my birds is insane umm normal?? Well I guess all my chickens are this fat then even my layers, is this a healthy fat ? Or too much I’ve no idea they all get the same food The...
  12. C

    I have a problem do I need dispatch

    I got my flock outside and I’ve been raising chicks inside and sending them out So I have main flock And my indoor flock Indoor at week 10 we kept them in as it’s below freezing atm barred rock x2 and a leg bar At birth the barred x1 had twisted foot and we fixed it in a cup and sling She has...
  13. C

    Barred rock 6week sex ?

    Before I get attached what sex are these There 6 week had the female dot on head but light legs like boys Now they are thin white bars big black like girls But no tail feather yet ? What are they lol
  14. C

    Chick with big butt

    This isn’t pasty butt she bum is clean pic included lol Chick is a happy 3week old barred rock she had a hip problem and a foot curl we did the cup method and corrected it She now has a small crooked foot you can’t notice except when she pirches it crosses But compared to my other bared...
  15. C

    Roosters for xmas

    I have 3 roosters at 12weeks atm . They are getting there beards and making noise now there learning to do the crow I hoped they would be ready for Xmas there girlie sisters look good but the boys always looks slimmer See people say when they crow they go but.. I’m worried if I butcher them...
  16. C

    How to add protein

    My protein is from ground chicken beef carcass meat etc and rabbit How do I measure it ? Or dry it to a meal without loosing nutrition? I make my own food but the 10% protine I don’t know how to gauge with raw meat
  17. C

    Old treated shed doors

    I’m using 4 treated shed doors that are like 5 years old to make a coop and the faded brown wood treatment is almost off but can smell it when I cut the wood Is this safe for my chickens I thaight about shou Sufi ban burning the whole thing to waterproof it protect it from bugs and get rid of...
  18. C

    Easter eggers ? In ma breed eh?

    From my cock I was told he could be an ee His baby’s with my Rir are mad Any short wing chipmunks seem to be male and long wing planes female Now he pops all sorts of colors out Black chick black skin Orange chipmunks Barred headed wynadotte White chicks Yellow chicks Spotty chicks lol...
  19. C

    Rabbit meat in chicken food ok?

    I saw a guide replacing fish meal with chicken meat meal successfully due to fish toxins I go rabbiting there meat has more protien and less fat but more cholesterol and a lot more minerals in higher amounts like zink mg etc than chicken I know protein will be thanked but cholestoel higher...
  20. C

    Diy boiler food? Justin Rhodes recipi??

    I have layers and broilers and I’m making soy free organic food myself so far I’ve been making Justin’s Rhodes recipie but I’m wondering if it’s enough ? somany guides and all so different I am struggling to find the “right” one I’ve got his guide food is 30%corn 30%wheat 20% peas 10% oat...
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