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  • Users: mydaisy
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  1. mydaisy

    Golden Cuckoo Marans rooster over a Silver Cuckoo Marans Hen

    Can anyone tell me what color Marans this will produce? Will it be same color for the males and for females?
  2. mydaisy

    Broody accidentally cracked an egg

    I have a hen who cracked an egg, I believe it fell from under her wing and hit the wood of the nesting box. It’s 4 days old and does have growth. Do I have to throw this out? I searched other posts and someone on an old thread said that her chick hatched fine without repairing it or doing...
  3. mydaisy

    Barn lime question

    Is this lime considered ag lime and is it safe to use in the run?
  4. mydaisy

    Did I ruin my jars of eggs by waterglassing incorrectly?

    My girls are laying quite well this time of year and so I am waterglassing eggs for the winter, etc. However, I think I messed up by adding 1 oz pickling lime to 1 gallon of water instead of 1 oz pickling lime to 1 quart of water. It was about 2 months ago. Did I ruin the eggs? It was around 8...
  5. mydaisy

    When should I let my 7 week old pullets sleep with the flock?

    I know this question gets asked a lot and I am not new to integrating new chickens, but I also have never had a rooster involved in the equation. I have (7) six month old chickens (1 is a rooster). I have (7) seven week old pullets and I have raised them from 1 day old. They have been with the 6...
  6. mydaisy

    5 day old chick w/protruding vent

    I received 8 chicks from Ideal 5 days ago. One of them I’ve noticed has been crusty/pasty. After giving a gentle soak I noticed her vent is red and protruding. Her abdomen is also dark. She eats, drinks, is active and poops. I’ve added granulated sugar to her vent and tried gently pushing it...
  7. mydaisy

    Barnevelder hatchery quality or Partridge Rock?

    I have 2 Barnevelders, or at least they were both in the Barnevelder bin at Atwoods. There were no Partridge Rock bins. They use Ideal, I believe. Anyway, I have been wondering heavily if one of them is even Barnevelder. They were both identical as chicks, they feathered up the same way, they...
  8. mydaisy

    Help, rooster sounds like upper respiratory

    This is my sister-in-law’s Brahma cockerel/rooster. What are your thoughts on what could be wrong and what kind of treatment?
  9. mydaisy

    Genetics help - BR male, Barnevelder female cross?

    I have a BR rooster and later down the road would like to hatch eggs from my Gold Double Laced Barnevelder females and Black Australorp females. What would the offspring look like? I tried to follow charts that I have seen, but I am still confused.
  10. mydaisy

    18 week old Black Australorps - pullets, right???

    I'm embarrassed to even ask this question, I've had chickens for about 4 years now, but these Aussies have me second guessing now. I bought these three from a local person as 14 week pullets. Everything about them screamed female, I had no concerns. They were of course scared when they...
  11. mydaisy

    Why is my Barnevelder pullet doing this at 12+ weeks old?

    So, I have a 12+ week old Barnevelder pullet who is constantly going inside the nesting box and just sitting. I know it's way too early, especially Barnevelders I am told are very late bloomers. She does this even running the risk of the 2 older hens running her off. She is 100% not being picked...
  12. mydaisy

    Greenish, wet poop. Not eating. Crop not emptied.

    So, I have a 3 year old RIR hen. Very hardy girl, have never had any issues with her except for mites or worms (which I treated for a couple weeks ago when I noticed her poopy butt feathers). I also have another post about my Andalusian having poopy butt feathers, but she is acting completely...
  13. mydaisy

    Wet chicken poop - normal?

    I have (3) three year old hens that, besides having wet, brown poop, act normal otherwise. I have one hen in particular, my Andalusian, whose bum is getting dirty and caked with poop. I have wormed them and I have cleaned out their coops, sprayed with Elector PSP (coop and hens) and of course...
  14. mydaisy

    Which rooster should stay?

    I recently acquired some cockerels that were a surprise. I would like to keep one, but I am trying to weigh my options as to which one. I have a Barred Rock and Easter Egger cockerel, about 8 weeks old. I am fond of them both, but I am having trouble picking which breed might be better suited...
  15. mydaisy

    5 week Barnevelder pullets?

    A little back story here, I have had chickens for 3 years. I raised them from chicks and still have my original flock + a few added hens along the way. Fast forward to now, I got the itch for new babies. I thought I was pretty savvy on identifying chicks and said I would only buy pullets. I...
  16. mydaisy

    EE pullet or cockerel

    This is my obligatory pullet or cockerel post. Now don't make fun of me too badly, I pretty much know the gold, black and dark brown EE is a little dude with his large, red comb, but thought I would post anyway. The 2nd EE I truly think is a pullet because of its feather pattern and small comb...
  17. mydaisy

    Hi y'all

    I'm not super new to chickens, I have owned them for 3 years, but consider myself a newbie because I am still learning every day. I am new because I finally made a profile, but I have visited this site and read thread after thread for my many chicken related questions. So many knowledgeable...
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