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  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Tips on growing Jelly Melon African Horned Kiwano?

    I am going to be growing jelly melon for the first time this year. Has anyone here grown these fruits? Any tips or advice? I am in Ohio (Zone 6a), I will be planting the seeds as soon as the seeds come in the mail (in about a week). Do I need a trellis to grow these? I was planning on letting...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Can a 2 year old Coturnix Quail take aspirin 81 mg?

    I have a sweet 2 year old Coturnix quail hen, that horrible long story short, needed her leg amputated. The bleeding seems to have stopped (I held her for about 20 mins holding the would with cornstarch). She is panting a bit here and there, can I safely give her any pain meds? Thank you for...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Coturnix Quail foot BROKEN OFF - ADVICE NEEDED

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  4. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    Huge Mite problem, need help eliminating them

    Huge mite problem, need advice ASAP I just found out today that my chickens have mites. They have all been acting fine, so I don't believe it has been long. But mites are all over my rooster and got on me as well. I found them in the coop too. How do I treat them? I have a pretty large pet...
  6. NinjaGamer2022

    1.5 year old Coturnix Quail with Vent Prolapse - Help needed

    About an hour or so ago I noticed my sweet 1.5 year old coturnix quail hen had a vent prolapse. It's protruding at least an inch. It looks a lot like a tube. I have been soaking her in warm water for about 20 mins now. I'm not sure what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated. She is showing...
  7. NinjaGamer2022

    My Chinese White Goose can't walk, help needed urgently!

    I noticed this week that one of my two chinese white geese was sitting down alot. But it would always come back home and would normally follow it's mate. Tonight I put away my free ranging birds and it was in the coop. It is sitting down and when it tries to get up falls over. I put it in a cage...
  8. NinjaGamer2022

    Can I use Corid powder that got wet?

    I have a bit of corid powder left and it accidentally got wet. I removed the large clumps but the powder doesn't feel right. If I cannot, I mostly used this bag and have another, just don't want to waste any unless necessary. Thanks. P.S. My birds are almost better for Coccodiosis, thankfully!
  9. NinjaGamer2022

    Hen has had Vent Gleet or at least a month. Help needed and greatly appreciated.

    A month of two ago some of my hens got brutaly attacked by some mean hens (which I DO NOT have anymore). They got their vents attacks severely. I've been watching them and I thought they were recovering well. They had some weird discharge which I didn't take to concern because I thought it was...
  10. NinjaGamer2022

    Experience with Hoover's Hatchery's Specked Sussex?

    Just got 6 speckled sussex chicks from Hoover's Hatchery. How was your experience with Hoover's Hatchery's Speckled Sussex? I have had a great experience with my speckled sussex I got from a local breeder except I have found out of my 3 original girls only 1 is healthy. Is Hoover's Hatchery's...
  11. NinjaGamer2022

    Rooster with super swollen feet/ankles and Sticktight Flea infestation

    Yesterday I noticed one of my favorite roosters was having trouble walking, so I separated him from the flock and put him in a enclosure where he could see other chickens, but be separate from them. I also found out he has slicktight flea infestation, I checked his fellow roosters and I couldn't...
  12. NinjaGamer2022

    Sticktight flea problem, what should I do?

    I noticed one of my roosters has a few sticktight fleas around his eye. How should I treat him and his enclosure? Thank you.
  13. NinjaGamer2022

    How old is too old to breed female Coturnix quails for a backyard flock?

    I have 6 female Coturnix quail which I love and have raised since hatch. They are now about a year old and I was hoping to breed them with a young non related male quail I have. They have never been under artificial light for egg laying. Is it too late for me to start incubating eggs now so I...
  14. NinjaGamer2022

    How much approx. should a chicken eat a day? I'm worried I may be overfeeding.

    My chickens are getting given a little under a cup of feed per bird each a day. Are they over eating? I have no giant breeds like cornish cross. I looked it up and it sound like between 1/2 c. - 3/4 c. each is enough. Thank you for your time.
  15. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY: Hen aspirated liquid vitamin supplement. Hen also has SEVERE vent prolapse, advice greatly appreciated.

    My beloved hen developed vent prolapse 3-4 days ago. At first it wasn't too bad, for the first two days I gave her warm bathes for 10 mins, then I would try and lead her inners back inside her fro 10 mins, then I would put pertroliem jelly all over her vent and inners. For litter I've been using...
  16. NinjaGamer2022

    Hen with vent prolapse, what should I do to help??

    Not in a rude way, but I would prefer to be given advice from someone who has had success in curing this or knows someone who did. I've read many sites telling me what to do then saying their chicken died. Sadly I am unable to take my chicken to a vet at this time, if I was able I would. This...
  17. NinjaGamer2022

    Injured Guinea Fowl, advice needed: Broke toenails, swollen 5 times to large foot, bumblefoot?

    Somehow my Guinea Fowl broke it's toenail a day or so ago. It's foot was only a tiny bit inflamed, so I hoped I would recover seamlessly. Today while I was spending time with my flock, I noticed the Guinea Fowl's foot was 5x too large. Is there anything I can do? Does it need put down? I am...
  18. NinjaGamer2022

    Rabbit mites, how to diagnose and treat??? Balding and danduff on ear

    My friends pet rabbit suddenly started loosing fur on her ear and has clumps of dandruff. We suspect it could be Walking Dandruff or fur mites. Will oil work to cure it? Other natural cures? Here's a link I found, will...
  19. NinjaGamer2022

    Are fantail pigeons happy in a large outdoor aviary? Inhumaine?

    Are there breeds of fantail pigeons that would be have in a LARGE outdoor aviary (like 100+ sq ft)? In the further future I could see owning some ONLY IF they would be happy birds. I have been told some breeds of fantail can't fly well. Thank you.
  20. NinjaGamer2022

    How to deworm chickens and/or Geese and Guinea Fowl?

    We think there is a possibility of our chickens having worms. How do I deworm them? What dewormer do you recommend? And how do I dose the chickens? Is the dewormer safe for Geese and Guinea Fowl? Thank you.
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