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  1. Firsttimehens1234

    My hen got this weird sore on her bum, what do I do to make it heal better?

    My hen is about 1 year, she is fairly new in the flock and has only been in it for a couple months, she has always been the rooster’s favorite to breed on. The rooster doesn’t do it as often anymore but she has got this ugly sore on her bum, it doesn’t seem to hurt her and I can touch it no...
  2. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I know when it’s time to put down my little boy?

    I have a scissor beak chick who is 14 weeks old, until now the only thing I noticed was different about him was that he was a lot smaller than his siblings and ofc his beak. I am beginning to notice him struggling more as the beak becomes more and more crooked. He doesn’t like wet food so he...
  3. Firsttimehens1234

    My hen gets seizures I think

    I have a weird hen, i this she is very old. I got her a year ago when she supposedly was 14 weeks old but she was laying eggs every day for 5 months and was laying when we got her. That doesn’t add up, the seller lied to us and now we have a really old brain damaged hen. I have noticed...
  4. Firsttimehens1234

    What gender is this 12 week old chick?

    Yesterday I made a post about my chicks but I posted some very bad pictures of them so I got some new photos a of the two chicks I don’t know what gender they are The first chick is the black chick and in the second photo it is the grey chick who is giving me a side eye
  5. Firsttimehens1234

    What gender is this 12 week old chick?

    Sorry for the bad picture, I had to use flash as it gets dark where I live at around 4 pm right when I get home so I don’t really have time to get a picture of the chick in dayligth. It has also been raining for the past couple of weeks non stop so they are a little wet in the picture. The...
  6. Firsttimehens1234

    Hen is lethargic and won’t eat,what do I do?

    I have a 8 month old hen who hasn’t been feeling the best since yesterday, she wouldn’t eat and has been standing with her eyes closed. Yesterday I fed her some food but I can feel that her crop isn’t empty in the morning,there is just a little food left. Her poop has some green in it which...
  7. Firsttimehens1234

    Can you make spicy eggs, by feeding your hens chili?

    Hello everyone, this might be a very weird question but I promised my dad I would ask you all. By feeding your hens chili can your chickens lay eggs with some spice in it? And how much can chickens get, I love my hens with my whole heart so I wouldn’t wanna do anything to cause them harm so I’m...
  8. Firsttimehens1234

    How do I keep wild birds out of my coop?

    I have a little flock hens and a rooster who keeps getting visits from wild birds all year around, the chickens don’t mind but i do because they keep bringing unwanted diseases in. First they bought in lice, then red mites and after I treated them and made my coop free of mites and lice the...
  9. Firsttimehens1234

    Need some advice on what is wrong with my rooster

    Hello everyone, my whole flock has been very unlucky lately and they have just gone rid of blood sucking mites but yesterday my rooster started acting weird, not really any energy and he did not crow as much as he normally does. Today I found him in the nesting boxes just laying and his poops...
  10. Firsttimehens1234

    Bloody chick poop,what to do now?

    I have 6 chicks who are 5 weeks old and this mornign 3 of the chicks pooped a bloody poop Our vet is a bum so my guess is that she won’t help but is there anything you can get at the vet that can treat cosidiosis? They are on non medicated feed so that mama hen can eat the same food as them...
  11. Firsttimehens1234

    Raising a chick with scissor beak

    I have this cute little chick who has developed a scissor beak It’s eating wet food fine but it is not as big as its siblings. What should I look out for when it’s growing up and should I let it grow up as the beak is looking pretty bad now and it’s only 5 weeks
  12. Firsttimehens1234

    Crossed beak chick,what to do?

    Today I noticed that one of my chicks had a crossed beak. I have never noticed it before and the chick is from july 18. The chick is acting normal, and eating and drinking. I guess that’s why I didn’t really notice because I have always thought this chick had a big love for food and I have never...
  13. Firsttimehens1234

    Rooster has lost all his tail feathers,why/how?

    I just came home from vacation and I have noticed my rooster doesn’t have a tail anymore,why is that? He is about 1 year and 6 months old(from April 2022) It’s is right now august but it has been a VERY cold and wet July and so far august,I don’t know if he is molting but if he is isn’t that a...
  14. Firsttimehens1234

    Eye injury on baby chick

    I have a 10 day old baby chick that seems to have an eye injury, I have been on vacation for 7 days and got home yesterday so I don’t know when it started. It eats and drinks the only reason I’m more worried is that the eye is closed, and the chick seems to peep louder than it’s siblings
  15. Firsttimehens1234

    I need advise on how to pull this off

    I have 5 chicks and a mama hen she is great mom but I had 6 eggs and one of them hatched late 5 days after 4 or the chicks and two days after a chick. Mama hen abandon the egg and didn’t care for sitting on it so I hatched it inside my house with a heating pad. The chick is doing great but how...
  16. Firsttimehens1234

    HELP is my broody breaking on day 20

    Today is day 20 for my chicks, two days ago I moved her to a new location and everything seemed fine but today I come in and she isn’t sitting on the eggs and is sitting up high and not sitting on the eggs. Is this okay, the eggs were warm but I don’t know how long she left them for
  17. Firsttimehens1234

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    I have a broody hen who is currently on day 16 and who has been laying in a nesting box with the flock right now, she is laying in a nesting box that is too high up from the ground and if a chick is to fall out of it, it will die so I don’t really want to rush that😊 Right now she is a great...
  18. Firsttimehens1234

    Chicken keeps laying empty shells

    I have a chicken that is a little over a year old, she is a mix between and isa brown and araucana so she has been laying eggs everyday since august 2022 so I knew a break would come. I also know that those breeds that are made to just lay eggs always are more prone to a reproductive disorder...
  19. Firsttimehens1234

    Best tips for a broody hen

    I have a bc marans who has layed on her nest for 48 hours non stop. She is MEAN and has been mean for about a week now. I believe she is broody How do I take the best care of a broody hen? I’m not gonna remove her from her nest rn and I have read that some hens lay on their nest non stop for the...
  20. Firsttimehens1234

    Why is did my hen suddenly become mean

    I have a 1 year old hen who in the last week mabye has been acting mean, first she started buffing up her whole body when she saw the chickens that we keep in another pen, she has never noticed them before. I thought that was okay normal since she might just wanted to let them know that she is...
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