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  1. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    I have a pullet that's 2 months old. She's the only one of the very small clutch of eggs my bantam cochin was sitting on that hatched. She's also the only chick I've had raised by a hen. And she tries to eat everything. She eats pieces of bedding and her own feathers. If you try to stop her...
  2. loyalcrowlist

    5 week old bantam mix gender

    This is Cupid, hatched Feb. 14th. They're the only chick that hatched out of the small clutch my bantam cochin hen sat. The hen is a silkie/bantam brahma mix and the rooster was some sort of bantam mix. Since their the only chick from my roo before I had to rehome him, I'm really curious to see...
  3. loyalcrowlist

    Rogue feather indicator of gender?

    This chick was hatched Feb. 14th so I think it's a little too earlier to really tell what it is but I know generally hens have a more uniform feather coloration so I was wondering if this feather is an indicator of anything? For reference, the dad also had a feather like this. (The parents are a...
  4. loyalcrowlist

    Polish hen's wattles are different sizes.

    My Polish hen, Tax Evasion, came to me when someone dumped her and her friend in my backyard, I assume because we were the closest people with chickens. They weren't in good shape and had scaly leg and I still put vaseline on because they both seem to have dry skin issues. Anyway, I have no idea...
  5. loyalcrowlist

    cockerel raising/fluffing up neck feathers but doesn't seem aggressive?

    Hi! So I have a bantam cockerel, he was hatched at the end of Sept. I've had cockerels before but I've never seen this exact type of behavior and I wanted to make sure I'm not missing a sign that he's uncomfortable or aggressive/upset. I included a picture of the neck fluff and then his...
  6. loyalcrowlist

    Product to use for mites?

    I got three new chickens and they have mites! Luckily they're separate from my flock currently. Their run/coop is clean but they're clearly itchy and I wanted to know if there's something I can buy to treat it? I live in Canada and don't have access to a lot of the products that come up on...
  7. loyalcrowlist

    BYM gender?

    This BYM I picked up today was hatched towards the end of September. This is another in my never-ending quest to get my oldest daughter her own chicken so I'd like to see what everyone thinks the gender here might be. I hope the pictures are alright, we just brought them home today.
  8. loyalcrowlist

    10 week old chick closing left eye

    I have a 10 week old BYM chick. They're active, alert, eating and poop properly. There seems to be nothing in their eye - no discharge, no swelling - but they pretty consistently close their left eye. Nothing else is raising a red flag to me as everything else is normal and they're one of my...
  9. loyalcrowlist

    Any pullets in this bunch?

    First, these pictures are bad and I'm so sorry. These are from a seller and I don't have anything better. We've had really bad luck with my oldest's chickens: they've all been roosters. She wants her own chicken and so far no one around us is selling hens so we're doing our best to find a...
  10. loyalcrowlist

    Weird tail feathers on 12 week olds: cockerel or pullet?

    I have two BYM chicks that are 12 weeks old and based on their combs and wattles, I've been thinking they're pullets. But the tail feathers are really tripping me up and making me question that. I'm probably going to have to rehome them and I'd just like to know one way or the other before I do...
  11. loyalcrowlist

    please help me sex this 11 week old showgirl

    This is Bell. They're 11 weeks old today and I'd really to know what they are as we're trying to downsize our backyard flock but I have no experience with this breed and I'm honestly completely stumped. I tried to get as many pictures as I could.
  12. loyalcrowlist

    Showgirl gender?

    So this showgirl chick is 8 weeks and five days old which might be too early to tell what gender they are but some of the silkies they were hatched with have pretty solid comb growth so I thought maybe I could get some guesses? Also, are there any signs to keep an eye out for with showgirls...
  13. loyalcrowlist

    This is Creature. What is Creature?

    This chick has alluded me since they hatched on March 25th. I know they're a Polish mix. I assume crossed with either Maran or Cochin because that was the only feathered leg breeds in the mix. I know it's probably not possible to tell what they are yet but man, I really want to know. I love this...
  14. loyalcrowlist

    Just laid a poopy egg in my lap, what's going on?

    So my opal legbar hen is sick, I believe. I have a vet appointment for her but it's not for another two hours and it's not my usual vet, it's someone who doesn't normally treat chickens.. Her symptoms are: lethargic and poopy butt. I gave her some water and pedilyte and I have her inside, as...
  15. loyalcrowlist

    mille fleur d'uccle gender

    So, I've heard that you can tell the gender of millies fairly early though I don't know exactly how early that is. These guys are about 3.5 weeks old. Chick 1 I'm pretty sure is a cockerel (he also has a bit of sneezing and watery eye going on but he's under vet care and on meds). Chick 2 I...
  16. loyalcrowlist

    This IS a cockerel, right?

    I'm planning on selling these six week old chicks because I'm certain they're cockerels and I can't have that many roos where I am but I wanted some other opinions and to double check because I genuinely love both of them. The red one is probably an olive egger and the black and white one is...
  17. loyalcrowlist

    Six week old cochin (?) mix

    So, I think I've finally sexed all the BYM chicks I've hatched except for this one. I genuinely can't tell what they might be, the tail especially throws me off and I'm not very good at identifying hackle/saddle feathers, if I'm honest. What do y'all think this one might be? I'm pretty sure...
  18. loyalcrowlist

    Hen pecking and holding onto finger

    So one of my legbars, Misdemeanor, has always been a bit aloof. She's warming up a lot recently but she has an odd habit: she pecks my hand/fingers, not hard and it doesn't hurt, but she does tend to hold on for a bit? As in, she'll give the back of my hand a quick peck and then bite my finger...
  19. loyalcrowlist

    Quick gender guess on chick!

    I'm selling this chick in about twenty minutes and just wanted to do a quick guess on what they are! They were hatched March 25th. What do we think?
  20. loyalcrowlist

    Cochin mix help?

    So, this baby was hatched on March 25th from a barnyard mix but given the feathered legs, I'm pretty sure they're a cochin mix of some kind. Could be wrong though! I was wondering, though, based on tail shape and the feathers on the shoulders, would you say this is a cockerel? They don't have...
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