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  • Users: chickndays
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  1. chickndays

    Integrating flocks

    Currently have two small flocks that I'm hoping to integrate soon. There are two 2 yr Dominiques which seem docile and sweet and probably also miss their former flockmates. And 5 8 wk pullets consisting of Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds and an Australorp, none of which seem aggressive or...
  2. chickndays

    Temporary coop ideas?

    So I have a small group of 6 week chicks and a couple 2 yr hens. Will the younger ones move to layer feed 20 weeks (breeds are Australorp, Rhode Island Red and Wyandottes). As far as temporary housing, is there something simple to put two Dominiques in that will contain them for up to a week...
  3. chickndays

    Yogurt for chicks?

    At what point can chicks start having yogurt and sourdough discard? Do they need grit with these? Chicks are almost 4 weeks.
  4. chickndays

    Safe egg?

    Is this egg on the bottom safe to eat? I've noticed eggs like this occurring more lately (must be from one hen) where it's almost vein-y and a little bulkier but still a normal egg shape. Is this a prelude to lash egg? All hens seem normal and all other eggs are normal.
  5. chickndays

    Small order hatcheries

    Are there any reputable hatcheries that will ship 6 chicks and allow you to pick more than a single breed (often seems to be a 5 chicks per breed limit)? Also with reasonable small order fees? Can't have more due to city limit. :hmm I don't want to risk being reported by neighbors or having...
  6. chickndays

    Do Dominiques go broody easily?

    I've noticed a Dominique frequently in the laying box when I collect eggs once a day. Today she was adjusting things around her like the bedding and pulling shed feathers around her. When I collected two eggs under her, she immediately left. (I haven't had to break a broody hen yet) Is this...
  7. chickndays

    Rhode Island Reds and Australorps

    Looking at these two breeds (females only) for backyard chickens within city. Are they both generally quiet, good layers and do well in an enclosed space? Would generally love to know any advice about both breeds. Looking for cold-hardy, few health problems, quiet, and efficient layers since we...
  8. chickndays

    Fair price for selling mature birds?

    What would be considered a fair price for selling hens that are about two years old? They've had no health problems so far. Seven total. Barred Rocks and Dominiques.
  9. chickndays

    Favorite chicken breeds?

    Looking ahead to a new batch of chicks and the options are overwhelming. Need good layers since we can only have a small flock. We have done Barred Rocks. Prefer child-friendly breeds. Suggestions please! :D
  10. chickndays

    Easiest method to processing culled birds?

    What's the easiest (and quietest) way to process a chicken without buying the special deplucking device? Do you still eat them or just toss them? Most of ours are dual-purpose. We very much need to get rid of some birds that are freeloading.
  11. chickndays

    Improving egg quality

    Is there any good way to improve egg quality while hens are in an inclosed coop and run (per city ordinance)? Would love to get some rich orange yolks and even happier chickens. Chicken tunnels all over the yard also isn't possible. Maybe this isn't possible right now but thought I'd ask all the...
  12. chickndays

    How soon to cull?

    Chickens are about a year and a half and wondering when is a good time to think about taking birds out and adding new ones. They were laying fabulously their first summer and now we're doing about 4 eggs per day from 7 hens. We did just move them to a larger coop last week so stress could play a...
  13. chickndays

    Diarrhea in dog

    Suggestions please. Aussie has had diarrhea for at least five days now. He's going to be double digits this year and I think the cause was giving him a butcher bone which he happily chewed (under supervision) because there's been no other stress or dietary change. He's been on a chicken and rice...
  14. chickndays

    Deer help

    I'm hoping to start a garden soon but deer are a huge problem (the neighbors regularly feed them). There's also no fence yet. Anything I can plant or do to detour them?
  15. chickndays

    When does laying pick up?

    Flock of seven chickens will be a year next month and I'm curious when laying picks up after winter (in midwest). It's slowly getting better with a couple eggs per day, but with egg prices, they could certainly earn their living a bit better. 🥴
  16. chickndays

    Molting in Winter

    Is it normal for chickens to molt during winter when it has already started snowing? I noticed one Barred Rock losing feathers about a month ago and another one today. We're averaging 1-2 eggs per day now. They are about 9 months, but as far as I can tell they're all eating, drinking and...
  17. chickndays

    Comb tipped white on female

    I noticed that one chicken has this odd white coloring on its comb that certainly wasn't there before. Not sure if it's been growing but I've noticed no other of its peers have it. Chicken is alert, happy, eating and presumably still laying. Temps are still midsummer 70's, 80s and plenty of...
  18. chickndays

    Best chicken reference book?

    Any recommendations on a good chicken general reference book to have on hand? Something that contains all the common do's, don't, ailments, chick to hen development, etc. (Prefer one available on Thriftbooks)
  19. chickndays

    First egg! Safe to consume?

    Not expecting eggs till next month at the earliest, I was pleasantly surprised to find this one in the laying box this evening and perfectly clean. Chickens have been transitioning to layer feed less than a week and oyster shells almost two, but it seems a solid egg and well-formed. Is this...
  20. chickndays

    Serving dishes that can't knock over?

    What do you give your chickens the grit and oyster shells in? It seems like whatever I put out, they inevitably knock over after a couple hours. I'd rather not go out and buy something fancy or give them glassware but I don't see many other options.
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