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  • Users: Lspears218
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  1. Lspears218

    Can you tell me the breed of my hen?

    Hello all- my white hen named “Sketch” is 6 months old and is one of the first of my “new” flock to lay eggs. Any idea on breed? By the way she is laying GREEN eggs !
  2. Lspears218

    Mystery bumps/bites on Roosters comb?

    Hi all- My black australourp has a ton of bumps/bites on his comb/wattles. I thought it could be mosquito bites being that I live on a bayou, but if that were the case why don’t any of my other hens & Roos in the flock have them? Is this something to be concerned with or is it just mosquitoes...
  3. Lspears218

    Are these eggs safe ?

    Hello all- Today I cracked open my Easter Egger “Lavie’s” first 2 eggs (laid today and Monday). I see 2 black/brown dots in them. Is this normal ? Are they safe to eat? I have a flock of different breeds (15 hens) and this is the first time I encountered this. Any info would be great , thank you !
  4. Lspears218

    First 2 EE eggs laid , what is in yolk?

    Hello all- Today I cracked open my Easter Egger “Lavie’s” first 2 eggs (laid today and Monday). I see 2 black/brown dots in them. Is this normal ? Are they safe to eat? I have a flock of different breeds (15 hens) and this is the first time I encountered this. Any info would be great , thank you !
  5. Lspears218

    Hen or Roo?

    The one in question is the black one. Would greatly appreciate if you can tell me ! Thanks.
  6. Lspears218


    Hello all- I was given this chicken as a baby and was told she would be a welsummer , clearly that is not the case. All of the other spring chicks have doubled & tripled in size and even the bantams are larger. She is so pretty and very friendly, but I would love to know if anyone knows what...
  7. Lspears218

    Unicorn Chicken!? My chick has a growth on it’s beak.

    Hello- Recently I have noticed one of my chicks has a growth on its beak. It is hard and feels the same as its beak. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Any info will help, thank you !
  8. Lspears218

    When will eggs come from specific rooster ?

    Hello- I have a flock of all different breeds, I would like to separate my silkie hens and roosters to hatch silkie eggs. Since the hen has the potential of laying mixed breed eggs at this moment, how long should I wait to know that she will certainly lay only silkie eggs? Hope it makes sense...
  9. Lspears218

    Is he a mixed bantam or not ?

    Mixed bantam?
  10. Lspears218

    Male / female? Breed of chicken ?

    Male or female? Breed? Thanks 🙏
  11. Lspears218

    Male or female; breed?

    Male or female? Type of chicken? Thanks 😊
  12. Lspears218

    Molting or Mites!? (Pics attached)

    Please help! This is my first time going through this so I am not sure what I am looking at. 1 hen is loosing a lot of feathers a lot in back/tail and neck area. Another one is fluffy above her tail. Is this mites or molting? Any advice would be great. Thank you.
  13. Lspears218

    My Hen is broody…her 3 month old chick won’t leave her side.

    Hello all, my silkie (surprise!) is broody again. This is her second time ever and it was only 3 months ago that she hatched her first single baby chick. The baby chick is not integrating well with the rest of the flock. Mom went broody 6 days ago and the chick has been sitting in the box with...
  14. Lspears218

    Baby chick with mass on neck/chest area

    Please help, my 2 week old silkie chick has a mass/tumor on back of neck / chest. I am not familiar with this and any advice will be helpful. Thank you.
  15. Lspears218

    Silkie Broody in Mid October?

    My silkie hen is about 7 months old now and for the first time ever she is broody. My concern is that we are in mid October. We live in central Louisiana , it does get cold in the winter (40s in the day, 30s at night during the January-February months) I know it isn’t the coldest environment by...
  16. Lspears218

    Help ! 5+ month EE Rooster aggressive towards my young children!

    Please help! My Easter egger rooster is 5+ months now. We had him since 3 days old and he has been handled by our family ever since we brought him home. He was always regularly handled by our family including our young children. Never did he show aggressive behavior, in fact he still comes...
  17. Lspears218

    Rooster suddenly coughing/choking/hurt

    My rooster is suddenly coughing/choking making a loud noise when it happens. I have a link to video, any advice please would be great thank you.
  18. Lspears218

    5 week old “unsexed” chicks

    Hi all, first time poster here I am new to BYC and a first time chicken owner. My 3 year old daughter has always loved chickens , so after a year of asking and me doing a lot of research I decided to go all in and start a backyard family flock! We have 6 chicks , 3 pullets (sapphire gems) and...
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