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  1. FreckledFourCoop

    Rooster Seizing & Scratching Head.

    I have a 10 month old serama rooster who has been completely healthy up until the last couple of weeks. Now he is constantly scratching his head and I do mean constantly. He's also starting to have seizures when he's under stress or gets too excited around his ladies. The seizures last less than...
  2. FreckledFourCoop

    Slow Maturing Roo?

    Serama chick will be 8 weeks old Oct 2nd, I’m torn on if it’s just a slow maturing Cockeral because of the spots of red or if it’s a pullet. Usually I can tell 100% by this age. I’ve attached a photo of its full sibling, who is without a doubt a roo. First 2 photos are chick in question, last...
  3. FreckledFourCoop

    Help? Injured Chick

    4 week old serama chick. Any advice on how to treat this? I have no idea what happened to his/her face. They were fine last night. Any ointments safe for face injuries?
  4. FreckledFourCoop

    What cross do you think she is?

    Rescue take in, person said she was a Silkie, clearly that’s not the case. I was leaning towards Cochin cross? She’s got feathered feet, super dark skin color, she’s not very large.
  5. FreckledFourCoop

    Breed and Age Help?

    Not the best photos because she’s a fast little thing, but would you say she’s a full turken or cross? And about how old do you think she is? She’s a rescue, took her in on 6/28 covered in sticktight fleas.
  6. FreckledFourCoop

    What color is she?

    3 month old serama pullet, first time hatching a dark colored chick. Still learning every day with these little guys. What color would you call her?
  7. FreckledFourCoop

    Cochin? Pure or mix?

    I got this pretty girl today from a local breeder. The breeder said she came from an ordered hatching egg set and not her personal stock. Does she look like a pure Cochin bantam? I was sure since her feet have some black. Also what color would she be considered?
  8. FreckledFourCoop

    Cochin Breeding

    Hello, I’m new to breeding and would love to know more of what possibilities I would get. I have 2 Roos, who I’m not sure on which to keep. Roosters: 1 Barred 1 White Frizzle Hens: 1 Barred 1 Red Frizzle 1 White Frizzle 3 Splash I do know not to put frizzle and frizzle together so if I got...
  9. FreckledFourCoop

    Cochin bantam sexing?

    I paid for 2 “show quality” pullets but I’m starting to believe I got a cockerel who’s got a slow feathering gene. Does this look like one cockeral and one pullet to you? They are around 9-11 weeks old(not sure exact age but I’ve had them 7 weeks now) Ignore their filth they just ate watermelon...
  10. FreckledFourCoop

    3 week old Cochin Bantam

    Pinkish waddles already, cockerel? 3 weeks old so I know it’s a bit early, I was really hoping for a pullet. 2 if it’s siblings are already showing red combs but no waddles like this one.
  11. FreckledFourCoop

    Is this a roo?

    I hatched 6 seramas on 2/24 and I’m stumped on this one. The other Roos in the group developed crazy fast but the other pullets have no combs so is this just a late bloomer roo like I’m thinking? It hasn’t crowed once but it’s two brothers crow none stop. The first 2 pics are the chick in...
  12. FreckledFourCoop


    I ordered some barred Cochin bantam eggs and this little one was an odd ball and my only non black baby. Safe to say it’s a frizzle already? They hatched on the 16th, so a week old today. No idea what color it will end up but hey, it’s cute.
  13. FreckledFourCoop

    First time hatching help.

    I’m a first time hatcher and I ordered some eggs on eBay. Almost all came with terrible saddle air cells. Only 3 have made it this far and kept the bad air cells. Tomorrow is lockdown day but when I candled tonight to pull bad eggs I saw this one and wasn’t sure if it looked like it was trying...
  14. FreckledFourCoop

    Mature or not yet?

    I have 3 speckled Sussex all around 25 weeks old but not laying yet, looking at her comb it’s not as bright as I’ve seen in photos so I was wondering if they are not mature yet and that’s why we’re not getting eggs yet. I am very new to chickens.
  15. FreckledFourCoop

    Silkie 11 weeks old, gender and color question

    I asked when this one was around 6 weeks old and was told possible rooster. Asking for an update now that “he” is almost 3 months old. I’m aware it’s really hard to sex at young ages, I just really want to keep this one. Also, can anyone verify that he is indeed a splash coloration? I purchased...
  16. FreckledFourCoop

    Silkie Genders?

    I am new to chickens and I’ve read it’s incredible hard to sex them when they are younger. I was just curious if it’s possible to guess these guys yet? They are roughly 4-5 weeks old now. Black Chick #1 Gray Chick Buff Chick White Chick Black Chick #2
  17. FreckledFourCoop


    Hello everyone, new chicken owner here. Can’t wait to explore this site and learn more! Just picked up my five newly hatched Silkies today. They are settling in great so far and I’m super excited for this new adventure!
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