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  1. N

    12 chicks- coccidiosis and wet poop

    The chicks were in the biggest tote we had which was super tiny for them. They are 2.5 weeks old now. I started noticing the poop on the puppy pad was surrounded by big wet spots. Then there were 2 little poops with blood in them. Same morning we gave them Corid water (2tsp in a gallon) and...
  2. N

    What do you guys think about this brooder?

    We have 12 sicilian buttercups in a Walmart tote and need to expand :barnie
  3. N

    How do you know baby chick is through fighting?

    My baby chick can't stand up regardless of all we've done, so he is in a chick chair. He is still too weak to get the food and water in the chick chair. He acts like it's hard to breathe sometimes and all he's getting is what I feed him in a syringe. I can see the hock bone and the Achilles...
  4. N

    Infected hock! 5 days old.

    Has anyone had success treating an infected hock in a tiny chick? She also has spraddle leg and slipped tendon/twisted tibia, but unless the infection can be eliminated I don't know if she will even survive.
  5. N

    Should I use antibiotics? Hen's head looks infected

    Our sick chicken, Lightning, got stuck in the coop with the other chickens. After they attacked her, her head was bald and red. Her skin seems mostly intact, but today she seems to have turned a pale color and her head doesn't smell very good. We've never had something like this happen...
  6. N

    one chick has splay leg

    13 baby chicks! Three of them made big holes in the shell and stopped. Pretty soon they got shrink wrapped and gluey and stuck. I admit to helping each one out. But one had curly toes and splayed legs so this is what I did for her. One of her leg joints seems bigger than the other but she...
  7. N

    Oh no I tried to help and now it's bleeding!

    There was an egg that zipped quite a bit this morning and then made no progress all day. I got it out, slipped in a wet paper towel and started pulling of shell with tweezers. I got all the way around the shell and put it back in. I didn't see any blood on the membrane but it looks red and wet...
  8. N

    Egg bound and has a big yellow growth sticking out of her vent

    We took our sebright in to enter her for the fair today. She was pretty good earlier today but she started acting like she was laying an egg. Then we noticed her entire underside was wet and smelly. Instead of standing up and straining to push out the egg, she sat down and closed her eyes...
  9. N

    Common hatching issues for shipped eggs?

    Today was day 15 of incubating bantam buttercup eggs from three states away. Air cells look very normal. 4 were very damaged and got thrown out. One was a quitter at 7 days, but the other 20 eggs have live embryos in them! Since there are only 6 days until day 21 and I've never done this...
  10. N

    Do I have to keep turning these eggs by hand? Shipped eggs

    Day 7 and no quitters! My shipped eggs had air cells that had shifted but were not detached. I let them sit air cell up for more than 12 hours, and then 4 days in the incubator without turning. Now I am hand turning them 3x per day to keep them vertical. Can I just lay them on their side now...
  11. N

    Candling question

    What does it mean if there are veins but I can't see an embryo? Three or four eggs are like this. The veins seem to lead up into the air cell. I'm on day 4 with shipped bantam eggs and have kept the air cells up in the incubator.
  12. N

    I cracked an egg with an embryo! Day 4

    I was candling it for my husband when it rolled and cracked! Any advice? Do I need to let it go?
  13. N

    Good candling news!

    Most of our eggs looked like this! Some eggs had veins but they seemed to emanate from the air cell with no visible embryo. Is it just harder to see those embryos?
  14. N

    Is turning the eggs important? Shipped eggs.

    I just set some shipped eggs in the (Nurture Right) incubator. I candled and marked the air cells because the eggs were shipped. It looked like a lot of the air cells were disturbed but none seemed detached, or moving/floating. I unplugged the egg turner and put them in with the air cell...
  15. N

    Poopy eggs!

    I just received a package from 3 states away with 25 bantam sicilian buttercup eggs! 4 were cracked or broken, but almost all of them have some poop and a few have raw egg on them. What is the safest way to clean them off? It seemed like most of the air cells were stable when I candled them...
  16. N

    Easter egger weak with hard crop

    Hi there, I have a little chicken less than 2 years old not doing well today. She barely moves, she's skinny, sometimes her comb looks purple. Her crop is a bit hard. She hasn't been laying eggs for a while now and is on the bottom of the pecking order. Plus we live in Yuma and it was 106 F...
  17. N

    Should I trust this vet?

    I'm nervous about my vet appointment this afternoon. This vet clinic doesn't let pet owners come in. I took them a stool sample with little white maggot things in it. They had said it would be $30. When I brought it in they asked for $40. Then they said someone would call me about the...
  18. N

    Quality makes a difference?

    Has anyone noticed if it makes a difference to buy chicks at the feedstock (big hatchery) versus some smaller hatcheries that claim higher quality?
  19. N

    Extreme heat and Easter eggers?

    We live in Yuma AZ and lost 3 chickens due to the heat this summer. 2 were easter eggers and I am heartbroken. It makes me think we really can't have this kind of chicken though the kids and I love them. They are a small bird, which is good, but they have these little pea combs that don't...
  20. N

    What breed?

    This is just a feral chicken, but she looks fancy to me. Does she resemble any breed you guys know of?
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