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  1. Backyard chaos

    Quail is super skinny but eating- Help

    Hello! I’m back! Sadly with bad news We have jumbo Coturnix quail (sorry is spelled wrong) that recently have been moved outside in their cages as we don’t have space inside. They have been doing great until today. Me and my brother went outside to feed everyone and I noticed one of the quail...
  2. Backyard chaos

    Quail attack

    Just got home and see one of the quail with fresh blood head wound! Not sure what happened. It’s a boy so maybe a battle? Or maybe some sort of animal? Help not sure what to do
  3. Backyard chaos

    Update on ducklings

    Hello! Back on here for a update. Yesterday we had a duckling pass away and we’ve made a few changes. I noticed that a lot of people were asking for pictures of the brooder; I can’t show you pictures due to the wishes of my mother. The ducklings are in a large bin that has a wire mesh top and...
  4. Backyard chaos


    Woke up this morning and my mom showed me one of our ducklings she was gasping for air and is constantly going on her back. She cannot stand she cannot hold her head up and she won’t eat or drink. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what she has, she was fine yesterday I don’t know what’s...
  5. Backyard chaos

    Chick leg trouble

    Hello! Me and mom raise chicks and are currently taking care of 10;however, one the chicks got attacked by our dog. She is alive but got wounds on her leg and back. Her right leg is strong and works fine but her left leg isn’t working, she can’t even move it. It’s not broken so could it be nerve...
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