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  1. Moonbeam Guineas

    Barn Cats on Tractors

    Lets start a thread of Barn Cats on Tractors!! I will start with my orange cat on my orange tractor.
  2. Moonbeam Guineas

    2 hens 1 nest. Guinea Fowl push to hatch !!

    2 hens 1 nest.. They are racing Autumn 🍁🍃🍂 to hatch some keets? I am in South East Ohio .. Would natural born keets even survive the seasons to come? How long are my Guinea Hens going to produce eggs? I hatched their eggs and my keets are almost all free ranging so they do have offspring !! I...
  3. Moonbeam Guineas

    Do you have an AFrame walk-in coop/run?

    Looking for pictures of A Frame walk-in coops. I have a coop/run that I made a year ago, but I want to build an A Frame walk-in for my guinea fowl. I need some ideas and pictures would be great. I do want it water proof. Thanks.
  4. Moonbeam Guineas

    Cannabis for chickens? What is your thoughts?
  5. Moonbeam Guineas

    Do Guineas lay eggs in the spring and fall only? And take a break from egg laying during the summer?

    Just wondering about how many eggs..and now I have no idea where the nests could be..
  6. Moonbeam Guineas

    Can anyone identify this plant?

    Smells like fresh broccoli.. Growing wild in my sunny side horse pasture..i thought they were XL buttercups so I started yanking them out..and then seen this parsnip type root. I left most of them so I can see what they are before removing them. I am going to search online to see what I can...
  7. Moonbeam Guineas

    I found a nest of guinea eggs!

    I found a nest of guinea eggs. None of my Guineas are sitting on the nest. I couldnt reach them, so I sent my German shepherd in to get some..she did great and brought me some but the nest is in a thicket of thorns.. Do I leave them there? Wont they rot? & attract predators? If I remove the eggs...
  8. Moonbeam Guineas

    Vines for my guinea coop.

    I want to grow fast growing non toxic vines over my coop, maybe something my birds can eat the fruit of. The vines must love full sun ..I want the vines to provide shade. What is a good vine? I only know morning glories/ moon flowers which are toxic nightshade, so any ideas would be great.
  9. Moonbeam Guineas

    Growing Up Guinea Fowl

    My 1st hatch.So I am so excited and proud of my birds I want to share their first 6 months.. Growing up Guinea fowl, a documented life in pictures.
  10. Moonbeam Guineas

    Meet Grounder; my one eye guinea

    Here is my Guinea hen, she is amazing and lives mostly in the house. I had to help her hatch out of her egg, she was feet 1st and struggling. She fit in fine as a keet but when I moved them to their coop, things changed. I always noticed she was smaller, slower and would not roost up high. And I...
  11. Moonbeam Guineas

    Getting electricity for barn!

    I need electricity in my barn /guinea coop. What are some suggestions for lighting and outlets. I was thinking of just putting an outlet on the ceiling so I could change out or add lights, move lights, like led plug in shop lights. Will that work? Should all my outlet have outdoor covered...
  12. Moonbeam Guineas

    "Buckwheat" "Buckwheat".. Oh, I'm new so I will sound alarm. Hi 🌾

    I have 13 guinea fowl. I wanted guineas for tick and bug control. I have 2 horses and a pack of dogs so we hate ticks. I hatched them out (first ever hatch) and my 1st ever birds in July 2021.. Some of my eggs from eBay and some local, I had better luck with my eBay eggs. At the moment I type...
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