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  • Users: KRack
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  1. K

    Cat bitten by raccoon - vaccinate or no?

    Hi all! I took in a sweet kitty not long ago, and she got in to a scuffle with a raccoon. The raccoon didn’t appear rabid, and it ran when it saw me. I didn’t actually see the raccoon bite her, but I heard the scuffle and they were the only two there. I’m also not sure if the injury on her paw...
  2. K

    Adopted a kitten, outside cat advice

    She seems to have been dumped. Super loving so far, so happy to just be here and get loved on. Will go to the vet tomorrow for all the things. I mostly want to prepare for winter. We live in PA and it gets 10 below or more, pretty often. If I get a cat house to shield her from the elements and...
  3. K

    Elector PSP for 5-6 week old chicks

    Chicks came out of incubator, so they weren’t hatched by a broody hen. Recently (within the last couple of weeks) had to treat my main flock for feather mites, and their coop. All seems managed now, in that coop with those hens. Now the chicks are outside in a different coop (so the grown...
  4. K

    Tailless chick?

    Recently learned tailless chickens are a thing. He’s (assuming he) a CCL, which I read come from Araucanas. The other chicks he’s with have tails I can feel, he doesn’t. There’s just nothing there above his vent lol. Is this a tailless chicken or does that come later? He’s a week old.
  5. K

    Egg hatching, leaking yolk? Wing stuck on outside of egg? Update - lump on wing, broken?

    I’ve read mixed reviews to assist or not assist. Today is day 21 and this poor chick is fighting to get out. It’s wing is now outside of the egg I think, and it’s leaking yolk? What do I do??
  6. K

    Is this splay leg?

    Chick hatched over night. It can’t get around very well, like it can’t get its legs underneath itself. Is this splay legs?
  7. K

    Are these blood rings?

    I think I cooked all the eggs I had incubating. No idea what happened. Had the incubator set up for days at a steady temp, ran errands on day 2 and came home to the temp being 103 (possibly for hours). Today is day 5 so I candled them, and I think they all have blood rings. No baby movement...
  8. K

    Still air incubator, possibly for hours - chances of survival?

    So I borrowed a still air incubator from a friend. Left the house for a few hours, and came back to see the thermometer at 103. I have 3 thermometers and the temperature seems spotty within the incubator (which makes sense), ranging from 101-103. Some eggs were in the 103 temperature though. 😩...
  9. K

    Best way to put eggs in incubator - on side or upright?

    I’m about to put some eggs in an incubator and have read mixed reviews so I thought I’d ask quick. Have you had more success laying eggs on their side, or putting them in an egg carton or something so they can incubate upright? I was inclined to lay them on their side. I’ll be the egg turner as...
  10. K

    Air cell - how to position eggs to hatch in incubator?

    So I’ve searched here and learned a lot about temps, humidity, rotating eggs, candling, etc. However, I didn’t really see how to know the best position to put the egg in to hatch at lockdown? Do I need to know where the air cell is? How do I do that? Any and all advice welcome! ❤️
  11. K

    Putting live chicks under broody hen

    I don’t even have a broody hen currently. But I was wondering if anyone tried to stick live chicks under a broody hen, when she hadn’t been broody for long? Let’s say she had been sitting for 5 days, and you put live chicks under her, and took any eggs she was laying on. Would she react as if...
  12. K

    Rabbit not eating/pooping.

    Hi all! I have a Lion Head that’s about 3 years old. It’s been about 24 hours or a little more, and he’s stopped eating and pooping. Nothing has changed. Same food, same bedding, same living conditions for 3 years. However I did have to clean his butt 2 days ago day because it was messy with...
  13. K

    Late molt - how cold is too cold?

    I have a RIR hen that started molting in late December. She lost a ton of feathers. She’s still pretty bare and it’s taking a while for her feathers to grow back, probably because it’s been so cold. I’ve thought about pulling her inside, but I like to leave them with the flock when I can. It’s...
  14. K

    Rooster behavior - what’s normal?

    I’m ready to remove our rooster today (he may still be a cockerel, idk when that changes), but wanted opinions here first if possible. About 3 months ago my rooster attacked one of my hens. I think it’s because she was molting and her neck was exposed, so we went after it. It took her a while...
  15. K

    What can I grow? DIY chicken feed.

    I’m going to try to plant some things to grow and dry for our chickens, in the event that chicken feed becomes hard to acquire at some point. People used to grow their own feed, right? All the percentages of protein and minerals and yada yada yada, weren’t overanalyzed to death (this sentence...
  16. K

    Rooster attacked hen

    So our rooster is about 6 months old, and has shown no signs of aggression toward me. A week ago he attacked our one hen (our hens are 1.5 yo), who I assumed had just continued to refuse to submit to him. He plucked her feathers and bloodied her neck and I have no doubt would have killed her if...
  17. K

    Chicken pecked badly, need advice!

    Hello! I took in a chicken from a friend of mine, who is really badly injured. She looks scalped, and looks to have lost one or both eyes. I started feeding her sugar water because she was clearly in shock, then fed her egg (not cooked) in a syringe, and regular water. She made it through the...
  18. K

    Bloody toenail

    This is probably a stupid question, but would you bring a hen in for a broken, bloody toenail? It snapped in half, the half that was broken fell off. She was bleeding last night in the coop, I cleaned it and stuck her back in thinking it would scab a little. It stopped bleeding throughout the...
  19. K

    Rooster sleeping in tree

    Our little rooster is about 10 weeks now, and just started crowing and trying to mount the ladies. He's becoming a man!😂 At the same time this change occurred, he started roosting in our tree beside the coop, instead of in the coop with the hens. I've climbed up and gotten him down 4 or 5 times...
  20. K

    Tail feathers ok? Or mites?

    This is probably me being paranoid, but I figured I’d ask. My girls are about 1.5/2years old. Their tail feathers look a little rough to me, but maybe they just don’t look as shiny and new as they get older…which I can relate to 😂 They free range on 2 acres and always have access to fresh food...
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