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  1. fin-dachickmasta

    Are marbled eyes good in bunnies?

    Hello, I just bought 2 broken Lionheads, one I thought was blue eyed and the other brown. It turns out they are both marbled. I have only been breeding for a year so I am not sure if they are good to breed. Is the marbled eye really a disorder? Should I breed them or is the eye coloring bad...
  2. fin-dachickmasta

    80-90 chickens and 2 waterfowl with respiratory infections

    I was too busy this spring and missed my usual time to clean the coops. Two flocks each containing between 40-50 chickens and one with a duck and goose. They started coughing and has water coming out of their eyes and mucus out of their mouth. They have slowed down on laying and I am getting...
  3. fin-dachickmasta

    Silkie rooster anyone?

    I have a white, light brown, and black rooster that I want to rehome. Does anyone have a need for a silkie rooster? He has never attacked anyone. I will try and get a photo. Located in Purcellville, VA
  4. fin-dachickmasta

    Rooster with bloody head and closed eyes

    Hello! Yesterday my two silkie roosters got into a fight. One of them (my favorite) came out with an injured head. He has a few small cuts on his feet but I am not worried about that. The top of his head has some bloody spots and his face is covered in dried blood. His eyes are barely open. Is...
  5. fin-dachickmasta

    Is wood burned wood safe for rabbits to chew on?

    Hello! I want to know if I can wood burn a chew toy I made for a rabbit and give it to her? Is it safe? I think it would be cool to have a toy with her name on it, but do not want to cause harm. Thanks! Fin
  6. fin-dachickmasta

    Chicks for sale on 15th or 16th

    I am in Purcellville va and have approx 5 pure silkie chicks $5 each and they all go together. I will give updates as they hatch! Send me a private message if interested! Thanks! fin-dachickmasta
  7. fin-dachickmasta

    Best Rabbit sale platform?

    Hey all, Wondering what is the best rabbit sale website? I want to get into breeding and selling lionhead rabbits!
  8. fin-dachickmasta

    Are you a roo?

    My hen acts like a roo! She makes me laugh when she dances around the hens like she is a roo. Anyone else have this happening?
  9. fin-dachickmasta

    Broken Lionheads in Northern Virginia?

    Anyone have broken lionheads in northern Va for sale?
  10. fin-dachickmasta

    Broken leg

    Hello I have a guinea with a broken leg. Is there anything that should be done or should I cull it and eat it? You can tell it is broken. The leg is bent up and swollen. Btw it is able to fly… I let them all out every morning. thanks in advance!
  11. fin-dachickmasta

    Silkie chicks in Late March to April

    I live in northern Virginia and have a flock of silkies. I will hatch what anyone wants. Please tell me if you want any and how many.
  12. fin-dachickmasta

    Hatching available in Purcellville Virginia

    I live in Purcellville Virginia near A street and I can hatch Chicken and duck eggs. Chicken eggs $1 each egg before hatch Ducks $2 each before hatch. (Not as experienced with duck hatching as I am with chickens they also take more time.) I WILL NOT HATCH ANY GAME BIRDS!!! Not any good luck with...
  13. fin-dachickmasta


    My chicken is blocked up with poop. She is not able to poop as of now and I am worried she will die! She is not a friendly chicken it will take me an hour or two to catch her and or take a video. When she pushes her vent turns red and you can see the poop. (than she runs away) What should I do?
  14. fin-dachickmasta

    Chicken making weird sounds? Sick? Egg bound?

    My hen has been making these straining sounds and is pushing. I had put her in an Epsom salt bath but that worked for about a week. It started up again today. Any comments, feedback, or cures are Welcome!:thumbsup Thanks!
  15. fin-dachickmasta

    Roosters In Virginia

    I am in need of a "larger" breed Rooster! I am in Virginia. I would love a Speckled Sussex, Orpington, Barred Rock or Maran ROOSTER! If you have other breeds I might still be interested. I will not pay.
  16. fin-dachickmasta

    Best BYC Breeds

    Voting can go for 365 days 6 answers if wanted. Add others in chat to!
  17. fin-dachickmasta

    Great Backyard Chickens

    3 great friendly chicken breeds (according to me) are Speckled Sussex: I have had/have 3 of them. they make great pets (by experiance😜) and are also great layers and could be used for meat.:th Silkie: OMGOSH The best fluff ever! Small and kind. Roos are still the luck of the draw. (like all...
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