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  1. Colleen Ray

    What I Learned From My Awful Experience with Avian Flu

    I wanted to share... It's an awful, terrible, painful day. One I don't wish on any of you. The state just killed all my babies. Even the brand new magpie ducks that just arrived in the mail yesterday and have never even set a webbed footie on the tainted ground that is now my 10-acre...
  2. Colleen Ray

    Gander Protecting Duck Eggs?

    So my ducks have started laying eggs and we had to separate the drakes from the rest of the flock at night because my sweet gander has decided that duck mating is naughty. He spends all his time keeping the drakes away from the females. At first, it was fine, the boys would sneak off in corners...
  3. Colleen Ray

    Greetings from Oregon

    Hello, I guess introductions are in order first. I didn't set out to become a flock mother. It was thrust upon me by my own live-in parent. But seeing as I do the bulk of the bird care, it seems I need to seek out the advice of other parents of feathered creatures who are much more experienced...
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