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    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Hello everyone - We have 5 Orpingtons 2.5 years old. I'm in New Zealand so molting season is halfway done. We had so much sickness in the flock over summer I was glad everyone seemed to be doing okay ish. Our girl Serena had a day or two of sour crop (others had surgery and months worth)...
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    Is this bumble healing?

    Warning - I've kept the thumbnails small because the wounds are quite gross. One of our girls (2 yr old Orpington blue), had a bumble we thought we took out pretty well. But two weeks later the black plug came back larger, so we soaked for a few days and took it out again and it looked like...
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    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Hi ya'll, I've got one 2+ year old Orpington. She's lowest on the pecking order and very much smaller than her sisters. But, her sisters have had some sort of infection go through the flock from around November until two weeks ago - mainly showing up as sour crop - we also had a few shell less...
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    Canesten/clotrimazole cream for sour crop?

    I've done a bit of a search on the forums but want to double check before dosing - I have a girl who has had two rounds of nystatin and now showing sour crop for the third time in three months. We'll get her to a vet soon (no avian vets on certain days here) - but I want to start her on a...
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    Hens eating too much oyster shell/calcium?

    We're in the height of summer here in New Zealand. I've got 4 orpingtons and one game bantam. All are showing broody bare chests but haven't gone full brood. And all of them are madly chowing down on the freely offered oyster grit. I have one of those inverted wine bottle bird feeders that I...
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    3 hens with sour crop in less than 5 weeks?

    We're going into summer, it's getting hotter each day. And over the past 5 weeks I've had 3 girls sick with sour crop (3rd is in for the night to see if we can get it moving). They're 2 year old Orpingtons (blues and black). Other 2 hens have been fine (well, one had an unrelated reproductive...
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    Nilstat/Nystatin dosage for sour crop?

    Sigh, 3rd (or 4th if we count a bumble foot that got better on it's own) sick chicken in 4 weeks. We have a second girl that's showing signs of impacted/sour crop (more likely bacterial but we'll also treat for fungal) after laying 2 shell less eggs. Yesterday she was acting lethargic and not...
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    Hamburg Parsley / Root Parsley / Parsley Bartowich safe for chickens?

    I have a few huge Hamburg root parsley's (Petroselinum crispum), going to seed in my backyard. Does anyone know if it's safe for chickens? It's in the parsley family, but I don't want to risk something I'm not sure on. Thanks!
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    Crop Bra suggestions/improvements for a very large hen

    Hello all, Our girl Lydia is working toward getting over an impaction and bacterial infection. Her crop is quite pendulous, which may get better with a bra or not. At the moment, we're having to massage and help empty it every hour or so. And while I've made a few bra prototypes - I'm...
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    Impaction procedure 1.5 weeks ago, seemed better, now not eating and sleeping a lot

    Our 2 year old orpington had an incredibly sagging crop 2-3 weeks ago that would not empty. We took her to the vet and they removed a lot of material via tubes. Over 4-5 days we had her inside and managed to clear the rest. Last weekend she was reintroduced to the flock and immediately went on...
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    Reintegration length of time and techniques?

    Our largest, 2 year girl had to come inside for about 7 days. She had a tubing process at the vet to remove an impaction/blockage. She's doing great now, but the first hour she was reintroduced to the flock she beat up the head hen, then was immediately put back in her place and is at the...
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    Early water belly or something else? Early treatment?

    We've been noticing our older (maybe 3-6 years, indian game bantam) has looked...wider ... Starting at least two weeks ago. We attributed it to spring abundance, high egg laying, and some broodiness. But we checked today and the weight appears to be somewhat squishy keel to vent. She looks...
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    Only one hen with messy butt feathers?

    Warning of dirty butt and cloaca photos below. We have four large, fluffy orpingtons with huge feathery pantaloons. And one of them - is a complete mess. We've been giving her a water butt bath weekly since the weather's warmed up. I think it's mainly poop but it also looks worse each time...
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    Smoke bush/tree (Cotinus coggygria) safe or toxic?

    Does anyone know if the smoke bush / tree (Cotinus coggygria) is safe or toxic for chickens? Looking to put one in their area for shade during hot months but can't find any information on the forums or a browser search. Thanks!
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    Does this look like a tapeworm?

    Found this today from one of our girls. 1st pic in the coop, 2nd washed off to verify if was a worm. Looks like a tapeworm to me, especially with the center line/intestinal tube. We're planning on giving the girls a dose of flubenol (flubendazole) - though they just had one about a month ago :(...
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    Drainage - how deep, how much?

    Hello, We've just finished our new coop and 3x5meter run (or at least the structure) and are discussing the best way to do drainage for the run. It's in a low area of the yard and water pools, so I've got a gutter and french drain taking water off the roof and away, but I'm sure some rain will...
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    What type of stone/insoluble grit, when you can't buy it?

    Hi all, We're in New Zealand, and while we can easily buy oyster shell grit for calcium, insoluble granite grit is not for sale. Our girls free range, but that also means they've eat grass and weed heavy meals. And I don't know that the ground has enough of the types of stones they need. We...
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    Sore beak/mouth/esophagus when molting?

    Just curious if anyone else's chickens have sore mouths/beaks/throat while molting? We've got 4, 18 month old, free-range Orpington's going through their first hard molt this autumn (we're in New Zealand). We've noticed that all four, when in the worst of it won't take treats or food if the...
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    Feather pecking a molting bird - cause and prevention on bare skin?

    Hello all, We've got an 3-4 year old Indian game bantam and four 18-month-old black and blue Orpingtons. Sweetpea, our black Orpington, went into a molt about a week/two weeks ago. She has lost most of her face, around her tail, and most of her butt feathers. The feathers were coming back in...
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