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  • Users: TLWR
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  1. TLWR

    Finally adding new girls

    Last ducklings were 10 years ago. I still have one welsh harlequin left hanging with the chickens. So my three new girls arrived this morning. F/W runner, Welsh Harlequin and a Duclair from Metzer Farms. Arrived in great condition, just as my previous small orders.
  2. TLWR

    Help me decide between 2 breeds

    I'm going to order some ducklings from Metzer again. I only want 3. I've not ordered yet as I keep going back and forth on breed 3. I will be getting a f/w runner and a welsh harlequin Options for #3... black runner, chocolate runner, duclair I've loved having my runners, but at the same...
  3. TLWR

    Lots of questions

    I have a bunch of questions and figured I'd just ask them all in one place rather than starting multiple threads. I started with 3 runner ducks in 2010. Added 2 more and a welsh harlequin in 2012. That Welsh Harlequin is hanging with my chickens now and I'd like to get more ducklings again. I...
  4. TLWR

    I still don't know what she is

    She came from Hoover as part of my English Orpingtons She had fuzzy legs as a baby and still has some feathering on her legs. I still have NO clue whatsoever what she is.
  5. TLWR

    Duckling breeds

    Who's good at identifying breeds in the bins? MY TSC has a decent variety and I'm pretty sure there is pekin, blue swedish, mallard (they seemed small), maybe buff and I couldn't tell if the black one was a runner or cayuga or black swedish or what. This shipment came from Hoover and I was...
  6. TLWR

    Feather leg - what is she?

    She came from Hoover as part of my mixed English Orpingtons. She has feathered legs. Not super crazy feathers, but a good bit. She is a month old now. Hoover has French Black Copper Marans, so I'm leaning toward that, but really have no clue. Here she is when she arrived
  7. TLWR

    Chicken wire vs deer fence for top of run

    We have finished the new run for the girls and now we need to cover it from the hawks. Husband doesn't want to use bird netting as he figures that will break down pretty quick in our weather. That leaves us with chicken wire or maybe deer fencing. Our goal with the top is keeping flying...
  8. TLWR

    English Orpington mix from Hoover - what colors?

    This is what they say they can be: We are excited to offer the following varieties of English Orpingtons: Silver, Blue, Chocolate, Jubilee, and Mottled. It appears I have 3 different types (of 5 chicks), but on their identify my chicks, I don't see any English Orpingtons Can anybody help me...
  9. TLWR

    small male flock?

    I'm down to one duck. Attu will be 10 this year. She hangs with the chickens. She seems to be doing ok with just hanging with them, so I've not searched for a new companion for her yet. I'm contemplating setting up another pen and keeping a small male flock (3 birds maybe). It's been a while...
  10. TLWR

    Hoover's Hatchery and colder weather

    I know hatcheries have experience and higher min orders when it is colder, but I want to ask anyway... I'm looking at ordering from Hoover's in Iowa for an early feb ship date. Forecast is 20s for their area and 50s/60s here. Right now, I'm looking at just 15 chicks, which is their minimum. What...
  11. TLWR

    Down to one duck

    I found BYC over 12 years ago, before we moved from Alaska to Alabama and I ordered a trio of runners from Metzer Farms. The last of the original trio passed away around 2 years ago, which left me with 2 ducks. Well, as of this morning, I'm down to one duck, Attu. She'll be 10 this year. She has...
  12. TLWR

    Hatcheries without huge minimums in winter - shipping to Alabama

    Our local feed stores get the same types of chicks every year and our TSC gets a variety through out the season, but I'd like to just get them all at once. Just standard chickens, nothing crazy. Suggestions of hatcheries to look at that might be closer to Alabama so they don't have to travel as...
  13. TLWR

    Chicken pen around your garden

    Has anybody made their chicken pen surround their garden? I'm looking at possibly redoing the pen so I can cover it and one of the options is next to the garden (which is 23x23). My thoughts are to construct a pen around three sides of it. If you've done such a thing, did you get an benefit with...
  14. TLWR

    Has anybody tried moving a sizable bird house?

    The girls have a 75x75 or so run, but there is no way for me to cover it and the hawks are back. I get hawks are a part of keeping chickens/ducks, but if I can keep them happy and safe, I can shrink them down a bit. Their hut is 8x6 and on 4x6" skids. I'm afraid dragging it could break windows...
  15. TLWR

    Hawk attack - duck

    A hawk (I think - we lost an easter egger chicken yesterday and I scared the hawk off) attacked my blue runner duck today. She's almost 10. I see just one wound so far, under her wing where it attaches to the body. I've managed to slow the bleeding, but I can't really tell how bad it is as I'm...
  16. TLWR

    side by side comparison - how to cook?

    We just picked up our first fresh chicken - processed Friday. We also picked up a perdue chicken from the store. Going to cook them side by side for a comparison. Any suggestions on how to cook? We don't often have/use full birds unless we buy rotisserie from BJs or Sam's, so those are already...
  17. TLWR

    New Brooder

    I typically use the small dog kennel while I have them in the house a few days and then move them to the patio in the dane sized kennel. A couple of years ago, I found this daycare style crib while volunteering for a dog adoption group yard sale. I thought, hey, this would make a great chick...
  18. TLWR

    Girls in the holiday spirit

    Ran power to the mansion this summer. So lights happened today. Will change out the flowers in the hanging basket this weekend
  19. TLWR

    Runner duck raising some chicks

    Kodiak, who is now 6 years old, went broody for the first time ever. After about 3 weeks of sitting, I decided to give her some babies. She now has 4 new chicks and so far, doing ok. I have to steal the last egg from her nest tonight - she's a smart one with me stealing her eggs, the last one...
  20. TLWR

    Raising chicks via a duck

    My blue runner went broodie and has been sitting for almost 3 weeks. I've always wanted to let a broodie raise a few birds, but when Hazel would be broodie, there were no day old pullets available. Just so happened that our local TSC got in a decent variety of pullets today, so I ran down and...
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